Institut für Politikwissenschaft

Already studying and still some questions?

Even during your course of study, questions about the organisation of the programme and beyond arise every now and again. On this page we try to answer some of these questions and publish further information and announcements. In case the following information does not help you further regarding your studies, please contact Dr. Hendrik Quest. 

In other matters, the pages of the following institutions can also be of help:

The Student Representatives of the Institute (Fachschaft Politik):
The Support Association for Political Science POLIS e.V.:
The university's Student Administration (Studierendensekretariat):
The university's International Office:


News for MAFIP and MAPIR students

Kicking off this session of the MAPIR Career Talks on 23rd November 2023, our speakers Franziska Schechinger, Julia Kittel and Kirsten Hartman offered key insights into navigating professional working environments and shared their experiences of working for NATO, the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI Europe) and the Bundeskanzler-Helmut-Schmidt-Stiftung respectively. 

Speaking from their own experiences, our speakers shared both personal and professional perspectives on how to best deal with the challenges and anxieties of transitioning from student life to building a professional career. The speakers offered much needed advice on developing one’s skills and interests through and post the master’s program, dealing with precarity and failures, and understanding one’s working styles. The Q&A session further focused on topics ranging from managing applications and internships during the course of one’s studies, entry-level employment opportunities, skills and portfolio development as well as guidance for international students.
*The event was hosted by Maike Berg and Meha Kaul

The next MAPIR round table will take place on Moday, 12 December 2022, 12-14 CET. Participation is possible both in presence and online, all students have already received a corresponding e-mail. If you have not received the e-mail or have any questions or comments about the meeting, please contact Dr. Gabi Schlag.
We are looking forward to the meeting and we wish you a successful semester until then!

The last official Round Table took place on 19 July 2022, 18:00-20:00 CET. It was followed by an informal get-together. We thank all the students who participated and look forward to the next meeting.

On 28 May, the Special Round Table for the official study evaluation of the degree programme took place at the Institute and online. We thank all students who participated for their constructive feedback. If you were unable to attend or if you had further ideas and thoughts after the event, please feel free to send an email to Gabi Schlag. We look forward to staying in touch with you and hearing your opinions and suggestions.


Further News

The Institute publishes guest lectures, other events, important information for students etc. on different platforms:

The Institut's website -
The Institut's facebook page -
The Institut's twitter account -


The Master's thesis and Application for Admission

All regulations regarding the Master's thesis can be found in the study and examination regulations (“Studien- und Prüfungsordnung”).

The application for admission to the Master's thesis must be submitted to the Examinations Office (“Prüfungsamt”). The student chooses the topic and examiners, who must both be members of the University of Tübingen. The Master's thesis can be officially registered if at least 70 ECTS are achieved. For this, you need a Transcript of Records.*

When you finished your Master thesis, the Examination office will receive two copies of your thesis (adhesive binding). The Examination Office forwards these copies to your supervisors. Moreover, you must send your thesis as PDF (incl. the signed Eigenständigkeitserklärung) via e-mail to the person in charge at the Examination Office so they can save it for their records. You can also have the Examination Office confirm the receipt of your thesis with a stamp and bring it personally to your supervisors. You will receive a notification from your supervisors when they have submitted the reviews.

In this checklist for a successful completion of MAFIP/MAPIR you can see and tick all steps necessary to complete your final module.


Regulations starting with examination regulations 2020 (MAPIR)
You have 18 weeks for finalizing the thesis. The language of the thesis is English. The thesis may not extend 25,000 words, exclusive of the cover, list of content, bibliography and, if applicable, appendix.

Regulations until examination regulations 2018 (MAFIP)
You have 18 weeks to finalize the thesis. The language of the thesis is either German or English. The work must be at least 115,000 characters (approx. 50 pages) and may not exceed 184,000 characters (approx. 80 pages).


For further questions, please see also the FAQs.


* For students studying with course registrations prior to the introduction of ALMA, Gabi Schlag issues these Transcripts during her office hours. Please complete the Transcript of Records template (Version 2013 or Version 2018 of the study program) and send it by email in advance to Gabi Schlag. Please bring the corresponding certificates (“Scheine”) with you to the office hours, you can then take the Transcript of Records with you directly after all your certificates are reviewed.


Here you can find the Frequently Asked Questions regarding the study programmes MAPIR and the former German version MAFIP. We update these on a regular basis as regulations change or new issues arise. In case these FAQs do not answer your question, please contact Dr. Hendrik Quest or make use of his office hours.

MAPIR and MAFIP: Frequently Asked Questions

Dr. Hendrik Quest: Contact and Office Hours

Important Documents

Documents for the Study Programme MAPIR version 2024/25 

Degree Manual 2024/25


Documents for the Study Programme MAPIR version 2020/21

Studien- und Prüfungsordnung 2020/21 (Study and Examination Regulations - GERMAN)
Study and Examination Regulations 2020/21 (ENGLISH - Please note that only the German version is legally binding.)
Degree Manual 2020/21

Transcript of Records Template 2020/21 (Please note that you should use our exam management platform ALMA to register for courses and exams. Here, you can also download your current Transcript of Records. You will only need this Template when Gabi Schlag indicates you to use it.)


Documents for the Study Programme MAFIP version 2018/19 (German only)

Studien- und Prüfungsordnung 2018/19
Modulhandbuch 2018/19

Transcript of Records Vorlage 2018/19 (Deutsch)
Transcript of Records Template 2018/19 (English)


Documents for the Study Programme MAFIP version 2013/14 (German only)

Studien- und Prüfungsordnung 2013/14
Modulhandbuch 2013/14

Transcript of Records Vorlage 2013/14 (Deutsch)
Transcript of Records Template 2013/14 (English)


Documents for older versions of the Study Programme MAFIP (German only)

2010 Studien- und Prüfungsordnung - III.Satzungsänderung
2010 Studien- und Prüfungsordnung - II.Satzungsänderung
2005 Studien- und Prüfungsordnung - I.Satzungsänderung
2003 Studien- und Prüfungsordnung