Palaeoclimate and Climate Dynamics - Teaching

The Palaeoclimate and Climate Dynamics research group is involved in teaching regular courses (modules) at the University of Tübingen. Furthermore, updates on irregular events, invited lectures and external teaching are provided below and on twitter.


Geological ​​​​​​​Mapping in Spain

This module for BSc and MSc students offers a hands-on introduction to geologic and geomorphic mapping techniques in Spain. The course includes theoretical components from various disciplines, incl. sedimentology, palaeontology and structural geology. It is primarily for 5th semester BSc students and offered every year in September.

Physics of the Earth Surface

This module offers an introduction to quantitative geomorphology/surface processes and climate in lectures, accompanied by programming and GIS practicals. It is offered every winter semester for 5th semester BSc students and MSc students.

Irregular and External


INTEGRATE (Integrated Teaching of Atmospheric Science, Technical Skills and Empirical Methods) is an open-access, open-source teaching package covers the topics of physical climatology, empirical methods and a hands-on approach of collecting and analysing atmospheric data. Its development was supported by the EGU Higher Education Teaching Grant 2020 awarded to S. Mutz.

View compiled online material (

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Climate Dynamics, Probability and Statistics

This module for MSc students offers an introduction to atmospheric processes and climate change of the past, present and future. Furthermore, it covers probability theory, statistics, classic machine learning and their application to modern climatological problems. It is offered every other summer semester.
View online material (external link)

MICMoR Summer School 2019

Working with Environmental Data - From Explorative Data Analysis to Deep Learning
KIT/IMK-IFU, Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Germany), September 4-13, 2019
View event description (external link, PDF)