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Mansor, M., Drabesch, S., Bayer, T., van Le, A., Chauhan, A., Schmidtmann, J., Pfeiffer, S., Kappler, A. (2021) Application of Single particle ICP-MS to determine mass distribution and number concentrations of environmental nanoparticles and colloids in environmental samples. Environmental Science and Technology Letters. doi: 10.1021/acs.estlett.1c00314.
Huang, J., Jones, A., Waite, T.D., Chen, Y., Huang, X., Rosso, K., Kappler, A., Mansor, M., Tratynek, P.G., Zhang, H. (2021) Fe(II) Redox Chemistry in the Environment. Chemical Reviews. doi: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.0c01286
Pienkowska, A., Glodowska, M., Mansor, M., Buchner, D., Straub, D., Kleindienst, S., & Kappler, A. (2021) Isotopic Labeling Reveals Microbial Methane Oxidation Coupled to Fe(III) Mineral Reduction in Sediments from an As-Contaminated Aquifer. Environmental Science & Technology Letters.
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Yan, Y., Wan, B., Mansor, M., Wang, X., Zhang, Q., Kappler, A., & Feng, X. (2021) Co-sorption of metal ions and inorganic anions/organic ligands on environmental materials: A review. Science of The Total Environment, 149918.
Dopffel, N., Jamieson, J., Bryce, C., Joshi, P., Mansor, M., Siade, A., Prommer, H., Kappler, A. (2021) Temperature dependence of nitrate-reducing Fe(II) oxidation by Acidovorax strain BoFeN1 - evaluating the role of enzymatic vs. abiotic Fe(II) oxidation by nitrite. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 97, fiab155.