Cognition and Perception

Cognition and Perception

Fabiola Reiber - Publications


Journal Publications

in press

  • Reiber, F., Bryce, D., & Ulrich, R. (in press). Self-protecting responses in randomized response designs: A survey on intimate partner violence during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sociological Methods and Research.


  • von Sobbe, L., Maienborn, C., Reiber, F., Scheifele, E., & Ulrich, R. (2021) Speed or duration? Effects of implicit stimulus attributes on perceived duration, Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 33(8), 877-898.


  • Reiber, F., Pope, H., & Ulrich, R. (2020). Cheater detection using the unrelated question model. Sociological Methods and Research. Advance online publication.

  • Reiber, F., Schnuerch, M., & Ulrich, R. (2020). Improving the efficiency of surveys with randomized response models: A sequential approach based on curtailed sampling. Psychological Methods. Advance online publication.


Invited Talks

  • Reiber, F. (2019). Steigerung der Effizienz von Umfragen mit Randomized Response Techniken: Ein sequenzieller Ansatz mit Curtailed Sampling. University of Düsseldorf, Psychological Assessment and Differential Psychology (invited by Prof. Jochen Musch).

  • Reiber, F. (2019). Improving the efficiency of surveys with Randomized Response Models: A sequential approach. University of Mannheim, Cognitive Psychology and Individual Differences (invited by Prof. Edgar Erdfelder). 


Conference Contributions

  • Reiber, F., Schnuerch, M., Ulrich, R. (2021, September). Curtailed sampling: A simple and efficient sampling plan for binomial tests. Talk given at the 15th Conference of the Section Methods & Evaluation of the DGPS, online.

  • Reiber, F., Schnuerch, M., Ulrich, R. (2021, March). Efficient sampling using randomized response techniques part I: Curtailed sampling. Talk given at the 63rd Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP), online.

  • Reiber, F. & Ulrich, R. (2019, August). Improving the efficiency of surveys with Randomized Response Models: A sequential approach. Poster presented at the 50th Meeting of the European Mathematical Psychology Group, 05 - 07 August 2019, Heidelberg, Germany.

  • Reiber, F. (2019, July). Modeling Non-compliance in the Randomized Response Technique using unrelated questions. Poster presented at the IMPS 2019, 15-19 July 2019, Santiago de Chile, Chile.