Hydrogeology Teaching

The hydrogeology workgroup teaches in the B.Sc. programs Geowissenschaften, Geoökologie, and Umweltnaturwissenschaften as well as in the M.Sc. programs Applied & Environmental Geoscience, Geowissenschaften, and Geoökologie. All classes on the B.Sc. level are in German, all classes on the M.Sc. level in English.

BSc Courses (in German)

Einführung in Umweltsysteme - Geländepraktikum

Im Rahmen des Curriculums für das erste Studienjahr in Umweltnaturwissenschaften organisieren Olaf Cirpka und Uwe Hekel mehrere inhaltliche abgestimmte Exkursionen und zugehörige Seminare zur regionalen Geologie und anderen Umweltaspekten im räumlichen Umfeld von Tübingen.

Hydrogelogie und Wasserchemie

Dieses Modul wird gemeinsam von den Arbeitsgruppen "Hydrogeologie" und "Umweltmineralogie" gehalten. In der physikalischen Grundwasserhydrologie gibt Olaf Cirpka eine Einführung in die Grundlagen poröser Medien, des Wasserhaushaltes, der Strömung und Transports im Grundwasser sowie wasserbezogener Geogefahren.

Umweltnaturwissenschaftliches Feldpraktikum

Die Arbeitsgruppe Hydrogeologie beteiligt sich an der Betreuung des Feldpraktikums im vierten Semester des BSc-Studiums Umweltnaturwissenschaften.

Aufgabenfelder der Angewandten Geologie

In diesem Modul behandeln Olaf Cirpka, Carsten Leven, Michael Finkel, Uwe Hekel, Johannes Giere und Bernd Susset praktische Aspekte der Angewandten Geologie (regionale Geologie, Geothermie, Altlasten, Bauen im Grundwasser, Geotechnik, Konflikte zwischen Gesteinsgewinnung, Grundwasser- und Naturschutz).

Methoden der Angewandten Geologie

In diesem Modul geben Carsten Leven und Uwe Hekel eine Einführung in Feld- und Labormethoden der angewandten Geologie (Hydrogeologie und Geotechnik).

Exkursion "Wasserversorgung, Rohstoffgewinnung und Geogefahren in Baden-Württemberg"

Carsten Leven und Olaf Cirpka führen jedes Jahr eine Pfingstexkursion in den Süd-Osten Baden-Württembergs, die sich mit Fragen der Wasserversorgung, der Rohstoffgewinnung (Kies, Gips, Zement, Salz) und des Naturschutzes befasst.

MSc Courses (in English)

Groundwater Modeling 1

This is the key course in quantitative hydrogeology covering groundwater flow and solute transport. In the course, key concepts of groundwater hydraulics are introdicuded and the governing equations with analytical solutions for simple configurations are derived.

The course is given by Olaf Cirpka.

Groundwater Modeling 2

This course, taught by Tao Yuan, covers the numerical simulation of groundwater flow and solute transport. Derivations, hands-on exercises, and an extended calibration exercise on a mock real-world problem are combined so that students learn the steps in setting up a computer model for groundwater problems.

Modeling of Reactions, Microbial Dynamics, and Bioreactive Transport

This course, taught by Olaf Cirpka, covers the simulation of (microbial) reactions and reactivetransport. First, reactive processes (inter-phase mass transfer, chemical transformations, microbial growth, isotope fractionation) are considered in mixed system, followed by the analysis of coupled reactive-transport systems. Hands-on exercises and in-depth analysis are combined to gain a deep system understanding of coupled reactions and transport of solutes in the subsurface.

Hydrogeological Field Investigation Techniques

This module includes a lecture and a field course on hydrogeological field investigation techniques taught by Carsten Leven. The curriculum includes pumping tests, slug tests and tracer tests, among others, involving the theoretical background (taught in the lecture), the practical field application, and the analysis of data after the field course.

Remediation of Contaminated Sites

Sources for groundwater contaminations can be complex both in terms of the contaminants involved as well as with respect to their areal extent of the pollution (e.g. local point sources such as landfills or large scale industrial areas). In this module students learn to address real case scenarios of contaminated sites and to interpret the inherent contamination characteristics due to subsurface conditions and the compounds under consideration. The comprehensive overview on practical aspects of contaminant hydrogeology involves building of conceptual models of a contaminated site, assessing potential risks and developing solution strategies for subsurface contaminations, a key competence of environmental geoscientists.

The course is taught by Michael Finkel and Peter Grathwohl.

Case Studies in Environmental Geosciences

This course in the 3rd semester of the M.Sc. programs gives the students the opportunity to create their own (simple) reactive-transport model. Larger assignments are handed out to be worked upon independently in groups over the largest part of the semester.

Geotechnical Engineering

This module includes a lecture and a lab course on engineering geology. The lecture by Johannes Giere gives an introduction to the fundamentals of geotechnical engineering (soil and rock classification, geotechnical investigation methods, parameter estimation in soil mechanics). In the lab course, taught by Carsten Leven, experiments are conducted to determine standard hydrogeological and geotechnical parameters of various soil and rock materials.

Data Analysis and Modeling Methods in Geoscience and Environmental Science

The Hydrogeology workgroup contributes to the methodological container modules in Data Analysis and Modeling Methods with the following contents:

  1. Principles of Model Calibration, taught by Michael Finkel, covering optimization methods (Gauß-Newton-type methods, Nelder-Mead simplex method, Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo method) to calibrate models, techniques of model validation, data-assimilation approaches, and discusses the various error types and pitfalls of model calibration,
  2. Finite Element Method, taught by Olaf Cirpka, introducing the discretization of partial differential equations like the groundwater-flow and solute-transport equations with Finite Elements,
  3. Fourier- and Laplace-Transformation Techniques, taught by Olaf Cirpka as alternative to the FEM course, introducing methods to solve partial differential equations analytically by using transformation techniques..

Excursion "Postindustrial Landscapes"

Carsten Leven und Holger Weiß lead every fall an excursion to Eastern Germany in regions affected by lignite mining and abonded chemical industry, discussing issues of long-lasting pollution and remediation of mega sites.