Interreligious learning in the Kita - new models of sponsorship

On 21/22 September 2022, a conference on interreligious learning in daycare centres will be held at the University of Tübingen under the direction of Prof. Dr Reinhold Boschki, Prof. Dr Friedrich Schweitzer and Prof. Dr Fahimah Ulfat. For more information, please see the conference flyer (see right). The programme and the registration form will follow shortly.

Content and occasion of the conference:

This event will focus on the question of religious sponsorship of day care facilities for children. In particular, facilities with interreligious sponsorship and facilities with non-Christian sponsorship will be presented. Some of these facilities can already look back on a long period of successful work, others are still in the phase of establishment or concept development. In this respect, the event offers opportunities to exchange experiences and perspectives.

However, there are also many Christian, Protestant or Catholic institutions that have been working intensively on interreligious learning for a long time. In this respect, too, it is worthwhile to exchange experiences and perspectives in order to understand the connection between interreligious learning and sponsorship more precisely. How does inter-religious learning in an inter-religiously funded day-care centre differ from inter-religious learning in a Catholic or Protestant institution?

Other questions that are closely related to interreligious tasks in religious education concern, on the one hand, cooperation with parents and, on the other hand, the training of professionals. Both questions have not yet received the attention in religious education that they should. Studies on religious education with a focus on cooperation with parents are not yet available. Also, the discussion on the religious education training of educational professionals from the perspective of inter-religious learning is still in its infancy.


Sabine Jost (KiTa Irenicus Pforzheim), Linda Minkus (Leiterin der KiTA Abrahams Kinder Gifhorn), Emine Oguz (Landesgeschäftsführerin der DiTiB Niedersachsen), Kerstin Heidbrock (päd. Geschäftsführung der ev.-luth. KiTas in Wolfsburg), Faruk Sahin (Geschäftsführung der KiTa Lalezar Mannheim), Dr. Silke Radosh-Hinder (Pfafferin und stellvertretende Superintendentin Berlin), Alexandra Caspari (Pfarrerin Augsburg), Dr. Ludger Mehring (Schulleiter der Fachschule St. Franziskus in Lingen), Prof. Dr. Helena Stockinger (Professorin für Katechetik und Religionspädagogik an der Katholischen Privat-Universität Linz), Heike Helmchen-Menke (Diplomtheologin und Pastoralreferentin), Albrecht Fischer-Braun (Geschäftsführung EvLvKita), Iman Andrea Reimann (Vorstandsvorsitzende des Deutschen Muslimischen Zentrums Berlin; Vorsitzende & Kita-Leitung Regenbogen-Kidz), Anke Schmitzer (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am KIBOR), Prof. Dr. Christoph Knoblauch.