QuPIRU - Quality and professionalism of teachers of Islamic religious education (incl. religious education in Hamburg and Bremen)

Porject management
Prof. Dr. Fahimah Ulfat 

Project staff:
Dr. Daniela Kuhn; Canan Balaban (M.A.); Erkan Binici (M.A.) 

Project description:

Interpretation competence (Deutungskompetenz) is a quality feature of religious education. Prospective teachers can acquire this competence during their studies. Whether and in what form this happens depends to a large extent on the quality of the degree programme. We want to conduct the ‘QuPIRU’ study in order to improve the quality of training and to design good further and continuing education programmes. We would be very pleased if you would take part in the study. The research project ‘QuPIRU - Quality and Professionalism of Teachers of Islamic Religious Education’ aims to contribute to the further development of educational standards for training at universities as well as for the quality assurance of Islamic religious education.

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