Research Unit

The School Psychology department is engaged in research and teaching on psychological topics within the school context. Our research focuses on the cognitive, behavioral, and emotional development of individuals from early childhood in kindergarten or school age to adulthood. We concentrate on all those involved in school life, including students, teachers, and parents, and address learning, performance, and behavioral difficulties in students through prevention and intervention concepts.

Since the winter semester of 2012/13, the MSc School Psychology program has been offered by the Department of Psychology. This program builds on a BSc degree in Psychology or polyvalent Psychology and is unique nationwide.

Current News in School Psychology

Open Seminar: Join us! Tuesday, November 5, 2024, at the Alte Aula, Münzgasse 30, Tübingen, from 4-6 PM

"Gender-Sensitive Environments: How Kindergarten and School-Aged Children Find Their Way in the World of Genders." This seminar, developed by young researchers, aims to support practitioners working with children and adolescents. The focus will be on questions such as: How do children and young people perceive their own gender and the gender of others? How do gender stereotypes influence children's behavior and abilities? How can we apply this knowledge to our daily work with young children and adolescents?

Additional insights and practical suggestions for reducing gender stereotypes will be provided by Prof. Dr. Claudia Friedrich (Developmental Psychology), Prof. Dr. Caterina Gawrilow (School Psychology), and Prof. Dr. Pia Schober (Sociology), who will lead the interdisciplinary seminar. We look forward to a stimulating discussion afterward.

For registration:

Image from left to right: Thomas Poreski MdL, Daniel Lede Abal MdL, Prof. Dr. Caterina Gawrilow, Tomasz Moschko M.Sc. Psychology


More Psychology in Schools!

From the Department of School Psychology at the University of Tübingen, Prof. Dr. Caterina Gawrilow (Head of School Psychology) and Tomasz Moschko (M.Sc. Psychology, Research Associate) met with Green Party members of parliament Thomas Poreski (Deputy Chair of the Green Party; Spokesperson for Education; Spokesperson for Inclusion; Chair of the Cultural, Youth, and Sports Committee) and Daniel Lede Abal (Parliamentary Manager; Deputy Chair of the Green Party; Spokesperson for Migration). The discussion focused on the school environment: psychological expertise, competence, and education must be more strongly promoted.

Statement by Prof. Dr. Caterina Gawrilow as Chair of the Commission of the German Society for Psychology.


Bild: from left Prof. Dr. Hartmut Leuthold, Prof. Dr. Caterina Gawrilow, Anne Eppinger Ruiz de Zarate, Prof. Dr. Claudia Friedrich and Prof. Dr. Gorden Sudeck

We congratulate Anne Eppinger Ruiz de Zarate on passing his doctoral examination!


Towards a Better Understanding of Children’s and Adolescents’ Everyday Life: Physical Activity and its Association to Executive Function and Well-Being  Abstract Disputation

For further questions, please contact: anne.eppingerspam

Picture: left Tomasz Moschko, right Prof. Dr. Caterina Gawrilow

We congratulate Tomasz Moschko on passing his doctoral examination!


Up and down, and up and down: Fluctuations in self-regulation and well-being of individuals and close relationship partners in daily life. Abstract Disputation

For further questions, please contact: tomasz.moschkospam




Association of Trait ADHD Symptoms and Trait and State Working Memory Performance in High-School Students: Implications for Everyday School Life

Cognitive performance fluctuates in the daily (school)life of individuals and ADHD- symptomatology seems associated with deficits in working-memory performance. This study investiga- ted the effect of the experience of ADHD-symptoms in students on their trait and state visuospatial working-memory performance. Publication



Modality Matters: Fasted Individuals Inhibit Food Stimuli Better Than Neutral Stimuli for Words, but Not for Pictures.

The current study aimed to evaluate the effect different modalities (pictures and words) of food stimuli have on inhibitory control under different homeostatic states. To this end, the homeostatic state was altered by asking participants to fast for 16 h (n = 67) or eat lunch as usual (n = 76) before completing an online stop-signal task with modal (pictures) and amodal (words) food and valenced-matched non-food stimuli. Publication




Learning to Read Connections—Sensitivity to Collocation Frequency Links Vocabulary Size and Reading Comprehension in Middle Childhood

The collocation frequency of words in the language environment contributes to early vocabulary development. Vocabulary size, in turn, predicts children's reading comprehension skills later in development.  Publication


12.12. 2023

Practice Makes Perfect: Heightened Control of Restrained Eaters for Food Images

Restrained eaters (RE) exhibit unregulated eating behaviors, often explained by a deficit in inhibitory control. Despite evidence suggesting...Publication

Vortragende  (von links nach rechts):  Prof. Dr. Tobias Renner,  Dr. Andreas Rapp,  Prof. Dr. Thomas Rieke-Baulecke,  Dr. Anke Leuthold-Zürcher,  Dipl.-Psych. Anne Henchen,  Dr. Fabian Lang,  Prof. Dr. Caterina Gawrilow,  Prof. Dr. Monika Daseking,  Prof. Dr. Johanna Löchner,  Prof. Dr. Thilo Stehle
Vortragende (von links nach rechts): Prof. Dr. Tobias Renner, Dr. Andreas Rapp, Prof. Dr. Thomas Rieke-Baulecke, Dr. Anke Leuthold-Zürcher, Dipl.-Psych. Anne Henchen, Dr. Fabian Lang, Prof. Dr. Caterina Gawrilow, Prof. Dr. Monika Daseking, Prof. Dr. Johanna Löchner, Prof. Dr. Thilo Stehle

Review of the Anniversary Symposium: 10 Years of School Psychology 2023

"Opportunities and Challenges of Modern Schools"

On June 23, 2023, more than 100 guests, including representatives from education policy, the University of Tübingen, the University Hospital (UKT) Tübingen, and school psychologists from across Germany, attended the symposium organized by Prof. Dr. Caterina Gawrilow at the University of Tübingen. The event celebrated 10 successful years of the School Psychology program in Tübingen, which remains the only Master of Science in School Psychology program in Germany, having facilitated over 160 graduations during this period. The celebration took place in the Old Auditorium of the university. Read more