
Prof. Dr. Reinhold Boschki

Current hints


Work priorities

  • Basic questions of religious education, catechetic and religious didactics
  • Early childhood religious education
  • Christian-Jewish dialogue; theology after Auschwitz; religious education after Auschwitz
  • Interreligious and ecumenical learning
  • Teaching methodology training of students of theology
  • Career-based religious education


Short Vita

since 2015
Professor for religious education

at the Catholic theological faculty of the University of Tübingen

Teaching award of the University of Bonn

for innovative academic didactics

2004 to 2015
Professor at the seminar of religious education

at the Catholic theological faculty of the University of Bonn

Habilitation in religious education

on the topic “Relationship as a key term of religious education. Foundation of a dialogical-creative religious didactics”, Ostfildern 2003

2000 to 2004
Scientific assistant

at the University of Tübingen, department of religious education, part-time religion teacher

1998 to 2000
DFG research assistant at the University of Tübingen

Empirical research on religious education

1994 to 2000
Pastoral assistant

Legal clerkship at school, religion teacher, teaching assignments at the Pedagogy University of Ludwigsburg

Promotion in fundamental theology

at the Catholic theological faculty at the University of Münster by Prof. Dr. Johann Baptist Metz on the topic “theology and anthropology in the work of Elie Wiesel”, Mainz 1994, 2. edition 1995.



  • International Seminar on Religious Education and Values (ISREV)
  • Arbeitskreis Katholischer Religionspädagogik und Katechetik (AKRK)
  • Deutscher Katecheten-Verein (DKV)
  • Gesellschaft für Christlich-Jüdische Zusammenarbeit (CJZ) 
  • langjähriger Berater der Unterkommission der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz zu den religiösen Beziehungen zum Judentum


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