Geo-Biosphere Interactions

Moses Ngugi

PhD student

Welcome to my research endeavours, where a profound dedication to environmental protection, agricultural sustainability, and grassland ecology converges to address the pressing global challenges of food security, desertification, pollution, and climate change.

Main research interests:

  1. Response of plants to abiotic stresses: drought and heat stress.
  2. Ecological restoration and sustainable grassland management.
  3. Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions and climate change modelling.
  4. Alleviation of heavy metal pollution in agricultural lands for safe food production.


Research projects

TERRA pre-initiative: A joint project on the subject of Africa at the Universities of Hohenheim and Tübingen  'Belowground traits of Kenyan grasslands: Establishing and maintaining functional diversity


Since 2023
PhD student

at GBI group of the University of Tuebingen

Masters of Science in Agronomy

at Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya.

Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education and Extension

at Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya

Selected publications

1. Ngugi, M. M., Gitari, H. I., Muui, C. W., & Gweyi‐Onyango, J. P. (2022). Growth tolerance, concentration, and uptake of heavy metals as ameliorated by silicon application in vegetables. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 24(14), 1543–1556.

2. Ngugi, M. M., Gitari, H. I., Muii, C., & Gweyi‐Onyango, J. P. (2021). Cadmium mobility, uptake, and accumulation in spinach, kale, and amaranths vegetables as influenced by silicon fertilization. Bioremediation Journal, 26(2), 113–127.


Der Katholische Akademische Ausländer-Dienst( KAAD) Stipendium,2022