Dr. Callum Banfield
Lab Manager and Radiation Protection Officer
I am a staff scientist and lab manager with more than ten years experience on isotope applications on the field and lab scale - and especially interested in solving technical and analytical challenges to make research possible.
My responsibilities for the labs of the Geo-Biosphere group include
- radioisotope labs (14C, 33P, 3H and, in future, 55Fe), and CSIA labs (15N, 18O, 2H, 13C),
- including the radiation protection for three 57Co Mössbauer specs and 63Ni-electron capture detectors for different ZAG groups
- method development for stable and radioactive isotope applications (GC-C-IRMS, GC-MS, LC-MS, GC-ECD/FID, low-level scintillation counting, phosphor imaging).
- technical solutions for lab experiments (e.g., 3D printing) and field experiments (e.g., cm-accuracy GPS).
Furthermore, I take care of
- the biosafety for the Dippold, Mason-Jones and Kappler groups (German: "S1-Projektleitung"),
- our EU pest quarantine station (EU 2016/2031, German: "Quarantäne-Station für Unionsquarantäneschädlinge"),
- and I am an instructor for lab technicians (German: "Ausbilderschein"), currently training two apprentice lab techs.
I am head of the working group "Isotopes in Soil Science" of the German Soil Science Society (German).
GUZ, 5U36
+49 7071 29-74797
Callum.Banfield @uni-tuebingen.de
Research projects
- Microbial Storage Compounds: A neglected dimension of soil C cycling (DFG Ba 6982/1-1)
- RootWayS (funded by BMBF)
- Prof. Eusun Han, Denmark: Sapere Aude: DFF-Starting Grant (PerennialTraits: Showcasing de novo domestication of perennial grain crops for profitable, resilient and sustainable agriculture)
- Dr. Thomas Guillaume, Agroscope, Switzerland: MaCN (Managing soil organic matter stabilization pathways to increase carbon and nitrogen use efficiency in croplands
Since Oct 2021
Lab Manager for the GBI group
at the University of Tuebingen, Germany
Lab Manager of the Joint Soil Scientific Laboratories
at the University of Goettingen, Germany
PhD Student
at the University of Goettingen, Germany
Study of Geoecology
at the KIT Karlsruhe, Germany
Selected publications
- Intracellular carbon storage by microorganisms is an overlooked pathway of biomass growth
Kyle Mason-Jones, Andreas Breidenbach, Jens Dyckmans, Callum C. Banfield, Michaela A. Dippold, Nat Comms 14, Article number: 2240 (2023)
- Microbial processing of plant residues in the subsoil–The role of biopores
CC Banfield, J Pausch, Y Kuzyakov, MA Dippold. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 125, 309-318
- Labelling plants in the Chernobyl way: A new 137Cs and 14C foliar application approach to investigate rhizodeposition and biopore reuse
CC Banfield, M Zarebanadkouki, B Kopka, Y Kuzyakov. Plant and Soil 417 (1), 301-315
- Hotspots of microbial activity induced by earthworm burrows, old root channels, and their combination in subsoil
DTT Hoang, J Pausch, BS Razavi, I Kuzyakova, CC Banfield, Y Kuzyakov. Biology and Fertility of Soils 52 (8), 1105-1119
- Ulrich-Babel Medal 2019 of the German Soil Science Society for my dissertation