
The computer graphics lab in Tübingen is headed by Prof. Hendrik Lensch. Research focuses on the entire acquisition and imaging pipeline for acquiring analyzing, generating and rendering of realistic 3D models including their reflection properties. Spotlights are the thorough analysis of images and videos with the goal to enable the translation of natural language into images, animation or 3D models or to enable natural interaction with the environment. Working towards this goal we make use of a large collection of computer vision and computer graphics technology: global illumination, Monte Carlo simulation, hardware accelerated rendering and image analysis, computation photography, machine learning for image and video processig as well as general purpose computing on GPUs.

HeadProf. Dr.-Ing. Hendrik Lensch

email: H. Lensch
phone: +49 (0)7071/29-76356
Secretary Violaine Le Guily

email: V. Le Guily
phone: +49 (0)7071/29-70570
fax: +49 (0)7071/29-5719
AdressEberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
FB Informatik
Sand 14
72076 Tübingen