
Praktikum: Computergrafik, 2P (6LP) (Master) (INFO4167)


The Computergrafik Praktikum this year will be about finding clever solutions to given problems. Each group can choose from a set of problems posed by the supervisers. The task during the semester will be to think of creative solutions and to implement and test those ideas.
The problems will be presented in the first meeting. We allow groups up to 3 students, however our expectations grow with the number of people working on a solution.
There will be individual biweekly meetings where the progress is presented to the supervisors.

Course organization

Tuesday  at 16:15 - 18:00, starting 03.11.2020 

Due to the pandemic this course will be held via online Zoom meetings.

The Zoom links and credentials for the joined meetings will be published on our Ilias page.
Most of the meetings during the course will happen on a per group base. For those meetings the links will be sent individually via email.


  • 6 ECTS
  • Master Course
  • Prerequisite: Courses from the Computer Graphics department


To participate in the practical course you have to

  1. Enroll on on the Illias Page
  2. Be there at the first meeting Tuesday 03.11.2020 at 16:15 - 18:00 Uhr. The Zoom-Link for this meeting will be published on the Illias Page in time.


In order to get the ECTs the following criteria must be fullfilled:

  • Development of a functional application
  • Presentation for one indermetiate state (midterm) and a presentation for the final result.
  • Presence and participation in the meetings
  • Written documentation of the project

List of Problems

You can chose from this list of problems to work on. We will keep expanding this List until the beginning of the term. Do not be afraid to suggest your own idea - as long as it aligns with the interests of the Computer Graphics group, you can work on almost anything. As each problem can have many possible solutions we allow one problem to be addressed by multiple groups, as long as they work independently.

  1. Raw Converter for Android
    • Demosaicing
    • Denoising
    • Tonemapping
    • White Balance
    • ...
  2. HDR Demosaicing
  3. Camera stabilization
    • For hyperlapse
  4. Image Captioning
    • Add words that should be used
  5. Quest generator for P&P games
  6. Mathew Mercer Bot

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