Neural Information Processing


  Neural Information Processing Group
Prof. Felix Wichmann, DPhil

University of Tübingen
Faculty of Science
Department of Computer Science
Neural Information Processing Group

AI Research Building
Maria-von-Linden-Str. 6, 1st floor
72076 Tübingen

Phone +49 7071 - 29 70420
Fax +49 7071 - 29 35781

in terms of teaching: teaching-nip[at]
otherwise: silke.gramer[at]

Office Hours
Silke Gramer
Mon and Tue 8:30 - 17:00


Felix Wichmann's office hours:

Please note that I do not offer any student advisory service or course guidance via email. Please arrange an appointment during office hours:

Term time

Mondays from 14:00-16:00 hrs
after prior notification of Ms Gramer via email.

Non term time By appointment only, please contact Ms Gramer via email.

How to find us

Please follow this link to get a detailed description of how to find us at "Location Obere Viehweide / MVL6 (TTR2)"

When you have reached the building, please

  • go to the 1st floor
  • after leaving the elevator or staircase, please turn right 2x
  • room number secretariat Prof. Wichmann: 10-5/A21