Neural Information Processing

Colloquium Winter Term 2024/25

Day, time & location:

Both “virtual” and “analogue” colloquia take place weekly during term time, typically Tuesdays from 14:30 till 16:00 hrs (Central European Time, CET). Please note that some talks from international speakers may have to be held at a different time or day (if applicable this is indicated below). Even if the colloquium is virtual you are invited to join us—analogue-style—to watch it together with the members of NIP in the 1st floor meeting room 10-10/A12, Maria-von-Linden-Str. 6.

Virtual NIP colloquia are open to guests from anywhere in the world. If you are interested in attending one or several of the talks, one option is to subscribe to our mailing list by sending an empty email to nip-colloquium-subscribespam (Please send the empty email from an official university account, otherwise your registration is likely going to be delayed or even impossible.) You will then receive the zoom link, the abstract and the password the day before the talk via an email to the mailing list.
Alternatively you can join our virtual colloquia spontaneously and without registration on our mailing list via the Zoom link posted here—it will be posted 24 hours prior to the colloquium. Please click here:

Zoom link

…will be online in due time…

Important note for students in the Bachelor Cognitive Science: The NIP colloquium is officially listed in Alma, and thus you can have your participation in a colloquium be counted in the module "Forschungskolloquium Kognitionswissenschaft”. In the case of a virtual colloquium please write an email to Felix Wichmann (preferably while or immediately after the talk and from your official University account). In case of an analogue, in person colloquium please approach Felix Wichmann directly after the colloquium and ask him to sign your form.

15.10.2024no colloquium   
22.10.2024Master student Marvin Theiß

NIP internal progress talk:

A quantitative evaluation of representational similarity analysis in image classification networks

29.10.2024no colloquium
05.11.2024no colloquium
13:30 CET
Dr. Dominik Janzing, Amazon ResearchAll causal DAGs are wrong but some are useful
19.11.2024Yannick Sauer, University of Tübingen, ZEISS Vision Science LabPerception of optical distortions: From simulations to psychophysics and back again
26.11.2024Dr. Kristof Meding, University of Tübingen, Computational Law LabBridging boundaries between law and machine learning with computational law.
03.12.2024Prof. Dr. Kevin Reuter, University of Zurich, Institute of PhilosophyExperimental Philosophy
10.12.2024no colloquium
Dr. Martin Lages, University of Glasgow, School of Psychology & NeuroscienceA hierarchical signal detection model with unequal variance for binary responses
24.12.2024no colloquium (Weihnachtsferien / Christmas holiday)
31.12.2024no colloquium (Weihnachtsferien / Christmas holiday)
07.01.2025no colloquium
14.01.2025Prof. Dr. Augustin Kelava, University of Tübingen, Methods Center, and Tom Sühr, MPI-IS TübingenPsychology of LLMs: Challenging the Validity of Personality Tests for LLMs
21.01.2025Katharina Holzhey, University of Tübingen, Mathematical PsychologyOn the Choice of Measurement Scales in the Measurement of Latent Variables in Psychology
28.01.2025Dr. Lisa Schwetlick, EPFL Lausannetba
04.02.2025no colloquium