Neural Information Processing

Colloquium Summer Term 2021

Day, time & location:

Both “virtual” and “analogue” colloquia take place weekly during term time, typically Tuesdays from 13:00 till 14:30 hrs (Central European Summer Time, CEST) starting on April 27th, 2021. But some talks from international speakers may have to be held at a different time or day.

Virtual NIP colloquia are open to guests from anywhere in the world. If you are interested in attending one or several of the talks, please subscribe to our mailing list by sending an empty email to nip-colloquium-subscribespam  (Please send the empty email from an official university account, otherwise your registration is likely going to be delayed or even impossible.) You will receive the zoom link and password the day before the talk via an email to the mailing list.


Important note for students in the Bachelor Cognitive Science: If you want to have your participation in an online talk be counted in the module "Forschungskolloquium Kognitionswissenschaft” you have to write an email to Felix Wichmann (preferably while or immediately after the talk and from your official University account).

Detailed information on the single topics will be announced as soon as possible.

date speaker title

Iris Zerweck  (Experimental Cognitive Science, University of Tuebingen)

Moderator: Uli Wannek

Visual processing of masked prime stimuli: Insights from behavioral, EEG and fMRI data

27.04.2021 Martin Hebart (Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences)
Moderator: Robert Geirhos
The similarities and differences in representational dimensions underlying humans and deep neural networks                                          

Prof. Bradley Love, Ph.D.

(UCL, Cognitive and Decision Science)

Moderator: David-Elias Künstle

Integrating Embedding Spaces

Prof. Dr. Melissa Le-Hoa Vo (Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Institut für Psychologie)

Moderator: Felix Wichmann

Reading Scenes:

A Hierarchical View on Attentional Guidance in Real-World Environments


Timo Speith  (Universität des Saarlandes, Theoretische Philosophie)

Moderator: Kristof Meding

Ethical Issues of Artificial Intelligence
25.05.2021 no colloquium                                                                                                                                                                                                
01.06.2021 no colloquium                                           

Dr. Andy Rider (Institute of Ophthalmology, University College London)

Moderator: Felix Wichmann

Harmonic flicker induced colour shifts and nonlinear modelling

15.06.2021 no colloquium     

Dr. Peter Neri (Laboratoire des Systèmes Perceptifs (UMR8248), École Normale Supérieure)

Moderator: Felix Wichmann

Computational psychophysics at the intersection of theory <-> data <-> models

29.06.2021 no colloquium

Luca Schulze Buschoff (University of Tuebingen, Neural Information Processing group)

Moderator: Kristof Meding

Model inductive bias pales in comparison to the influence of dichotomous data difficulty
13.07.2021 no colloquium

David-Elias Künstle (University of Tuebingen, Neural Information Processing group)

Moderator: Felix Wichmann

Perceptual embedding using ordinal comparisons
27.07.2021 no colloquium

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