Neural Information Processing

Colloquium Winter Term 2021/22

Day, time & location:

Both “virtual” and “analogue” colloquia take place weekly during term time, typically Tuesdays from 13:00 till 14:30 hrs (Central European Time, CET) starting on October 26th, 2021. But some talks from international speakers may have to be held at a different time or day.

Virtual NIP colloquia are open to guests from anywhere in the world. If you are interested in attending one or several of the talks, please subscribe to our mailing list by sending an empty email to nip-colloquium-subscribespam  (Please send the empty email from an official university account, otherwise your registration is likely going to be delayed or even impossible.) You will receive the zoom link and password the day before the talk via an email to the mailing list.


Important note for students in the Bachelor Cognitive Science: If you want to have your participation in an online talk be counted in the module "Forschungskolloquium Kognitionswissenschaft” you have to write an email to Felix Wichmann (preferably while or immediately after the talk and from your official University account).

Detailed information on the single topics will be announced as soon as possible.

date speaker title
26.10.2021 Uli Wannek (University of Tuebingen, Neural Information Processing group) Gute wissenschaftliche Praxis: I. Allgemein
02.11.2021 no colloquium   
09.11.2021 Uli Wannek (University of Tuebingen, Neural Information Processing group) Gute wissenschaftliche Praxis: II. Datenmanagement
16.11.2021 Uli Wannek (University of Tuebingen, Neural Information Processing group) Gute wissenschaftliche Praxis III
16:00 CET

Prof. Dr. Bill Geisler, University of Texas at Austin
Moderator: Felix Wichmann

Visual Search in Natural and Other Complex Backgrounds

Prof. Constantin Rothkopf, Ph.D., TU Darmstadt
Moderator: Felix Wichmann

From ideal observers to bounded actors through inverse optimal control

07.12.2021 no colloquium

Prof. Dr. Bilge Sayim, University of Bern
Moderator: Felix Wichmann

Redundancy masking and information compression in the visual brain

21.12.2021 no colloquium
28.12.2021 no colloquium
04.01.2022 no colloquium
11.01.2022  Jun.-Prof. Dr. Benedikt Ehinger, University of Stuttgart
Moderator: David-Elias Künstle

Analyzing ERPs under naturalistic conditions: Overlap, non-linear effects, event durations and decoding

18.01.2022 no colloquium

Robert Geirhos (University of Tuebingen, Neural Information Processing group)

Six years of comparing human and machine vision: looking back & ahead

Tizian Thieringer, BSc student @NIP (University of Tuebingen, Neural Information Processing group)

Moderator: Robert Geirhos

Benchmarking the latest machine vision developments against human categorization performance
08.02.2022 no colloquium
16:00 CET

Simon Kornblith, Google Brain, Toronto

Moderator: Robert Geirhos

What can representational similarity tell us about neural networks?


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