Neural Information Processing

Timetable "Perception: Psychophysics and Modeling (BSc)" 2023/24


Date #VL Content
Mon 16.10.2023 1 Course admin | Overview


18.10.2023 no lecture: reading assignement and online lectures
Mon 23.10.2023 no lecture: reading assignement and online lectures
Wed 25.10.2023 no lecture: reading assignement and online lectures
Mon 30.10.2023 no lecture: reading assignement and online lectures
Wed 01.11.2023 no lecture (Allerheiligen / All Saints)
Mon 06.11.2023 no lecture: reading assignement and online lectures
Wed 08.11.2023 2 How to study vision?
Mon 13.11.2023 3 Linear systems and Fourier transform
Wed 15.11.2023 4 Optics of the human eye and retina
Mon 20.11.2023 5

Psychophysics and experimental design

Wed 22.11.2023 no lecture
Mon 27.11.2023 6 Spatial Vision I
Wed 29.11.2023 7 Spatial Vision II
Mon 04.12.2023 8 Spatial Vision III
Wed 06.12.2023 9 Object Recognition I
Mon 11.12.2023 10 Object Recognition II
Wed 13.12.2023 11 Object Recognition III
Mon 18.12.2023 12 Object Recognition IV
Wed 20.12.2023 no lecture
Mon 25.12.2023 no lecture (Weihnachtsferien / Christmas holiday)
Wed 27.12.2023 no lecture (Weihnachtsferien / Christmas holiday)
Mon 01.01.2024 no lecture (Weihnachtsferien / Christmas holiday)
Wed 03.01.2024 no lecture (Weihnachtsferien / Christmas holiday)
Mon 08.01.2024 13

Scene Perception

Wed 10.01.2024 14 Visual Attention
Mon 15.01.2024 15 Visual Saliency
Wed 17.01.2024 16 Colour Vision I
Mon 22.01.2024 17 Colour Vision II
Wed 24.01.2024 18  Auditory Perception I
Mon 29.01.2024 19  Auditory Perception II
Wed 31.01.2024

no lecture (exam preparation)

Mon 05.02.2024 20 Q & A session

