Publications / Manuscripts
Submitted Manuscripts and Preprints
Anselmi, P., Heller, J., Stefanutti, L., & Robusto, E. (2025). Educational and Clinical Assessment Within Competence-Based Knowledge Structure Theory. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Anselmi, P., Stefanutti, L., Heller, J., & Robusto, E. (2025). Real-Life Applications of Competence-Based Test Development to the Construction, Improvement, and Shortening of Tests. Manuscript under revision.
Noventa, S., Spoto, A., Heller, J., & Kelava, A. (2024). On the modeling of local independence. Manuscript under revision.
Noventa, S., Heller, J., Ye, S., & Kelava, A. (2023). Toward a unified perspective on assessment models, part II: dichotomous latent variables. Manuscript under revision.
Noventa, S., Heller, J., Schaffland, T., & Kelava, A. (2023). Toward a unified perspective on assessment models, part III: polytomous and continuous latent variables. Manuscript under revision.
Heller, J. (2022). The near-miss to cross-modal commutativity. PsyArXiv Preprint 10.31234/
Heller, J. (2019). Complete Q-matrices in general attribute structures. PsyArXiv Preprint 10.31234/
Heller, J. (2019). Internal references in cross-modal matching: a global psychophysical perspective. PsyArXiv Preprint 10.31234/
Publications in Refereed Journals
Heller, J. (2025). The near-miss to cross-modal commutativity. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics.
Stefanutti, L., Anselmi, P., de Chiusole, D., Spoto, A., & Heller, J. (2025). The BLIM, the DINA and their polytomous extensions. Rejoinder to the Commentary by Chiu, Köhn and Ma. Psychometrika.
Noventa, S., Heller, J., & Kelava, A. (2024). Toward a unified perspective on assessment models, part I: foundations of a framework. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 102872.
Anselmi, P., Heller, J., Stefanutti, L., & Robusto, E. (2024). Constructing tests for skill assessment with competence-based test development. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 77, 429-458.
Heller, J. (2023). Special issue on knowledge structures: Theoretical developments and applications. Editorial. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 114, 102773. (PDF)
Heller, J. (2023). Assessment-based correct rates in learning spaces. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 112, 102740.
Heller, J. (2022). Complete Q-matrices in conjunctive models on general attribute structures. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 75, 522-549.
Anselmi, P., Heller, J., Stefanutti, L., Robusto, E. (2022). Constructing, improving, and shortening tests for skill assessment. Journal of Mathematical Psychology.
Noventa, S., Heller, J., Stefanutti, L. (2021). Some considerations on the factorization of knowledge state probabilities in knowledge structures. Journal of Mathematical Psychology.
Heller, J. (2021). Internal references in cross-modal judgments: a global psychophysical perspective. Psychological Review, 128, 509-524. (Full-text on ResearchGate)
Heller, J. (2021). Generalizing quasi-ordinal knowledge spaces to polytomous items. Journal of Mathematical Psychology.
Jung, S., Moeller, K., Klein, E., & Heller, J. (2021). Mode effect: An issue of perspective? Writing mode differences in a spelling assessment in German children with and without developmental dyslexia. Dyslexia.
Daroczy, G., Meurers, D., Heller, J., Wolska, M., & Nürk, H.-C. (2020). The interaction of linguistic and arithmetic factors affects adult performance on arithmetic word problems. Cognitive Processing.
Jung, S., Roesch, S., Klein, E., Dackermann, T., Heller, J., & Moeller, K. (2020). The strategy matters: Bounded and unbounded number line estimation in secondary school children. Cognitive Development. doi: 10.1016/j.cogdev.2019.100839
Heller, J. (2019). Assessment structures in psychological testing. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 91, 1-13.
Noventa, S., Spoto, A., Heller, J., & Kelava, A. (2019). On a generalization of local independence in item response theory based on knowledge space theory. Psychometrika, 84, 395-421.
Heller, J., Anselmi, P., Stefanutti, L., & Robusto, E. (2017). A necessary and suffcient condition for unique skill assessment. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 79, 23-28.
Heller, J. (2017). Identifiability in probabilistic knowledge structures. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 77, 46-57.
Roesch, S., Jung, S., Huber, S., Artemenko, C., Bahnmueller, J., Heller, J., Grust, T., Nuerk, H.-C., & Moeller, K. (2016). Training arithmetic and orthography on a web-based and socially-interactive learning platform. International Journal of Education and Information Technologies, 10, 204-217.
Heller, J., Stefanutti, L., Anselmi, P., & Robusto, E. (2016). Erratum to: On the Link between Cognitive Diagnostic Models and Knowledge Space Theory. Psychometrika, 81, 250-251.
Heller, J., Stefanutti, L., Anselmi, P., & Robusto, E. (2015). On the Link between Cognitive Diagnostic Models and Knowledge Space Theory. Psychometrika, 80, 995-1019.
Jung, S., Huber, S., Heller, J., Grust, T., Moeller, K., & Nuerk, H.-C. (2015). Die TUebinger LernPlattform zum Erwerb numerischer und orthografischer Kompetenzen (TULPE): Individualisierte Förderung durch adaptive Lernspiele. Lernen und Lernstörungen, 4, 1-11.
Heller, J. (2014). On the perception of achromatic colors: Wallach's ratio principle revisited. TPM - Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology, 21, 371-388. DOI:
Heller, J., & Wickelmaier, F. (2013). Minimum discrepancy estimation in probabilistic knowledge structures. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 42, 49-56.
Sauter, K., Heller, J., & Landerl, K. (2012). Sprachrhythmus und Schriftspracherwerb. Lernen und Lernstörungen, 1, 225-239.
Stefanutti, L., Heller, J., Anselmi, P., & Robusto, E. (2012). Assessing the local identifiability of probabilistic knowledge structures. Behavior Research Methods, 44, 1197-1211.
Heller, J., & Repitsch, C. (2012). Exploiting prior information in stochastic knowledge assessment. Methodology, 8, 12-22.
Marte., B., Steiner, C.M., Heller, J., & Albert, D. (2008). Activity- and taxonomy-based knowledge representation framework. International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, 4, 189-202.
Heller, J., & Repitsch, C. (2008). Distributed skill functions and the meshing of knowledge structures. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 52, 147-157.
Heller, J. (2006). Illumination invariance of Plateau's midgray. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 50, 263-270.
Heller, J., Steiner, C., Hockemeyer, C., & Albert, D. (2006). Competence-Based Knowledge Structures for Personalised Learning. International Journal on E-Learning, 5, 75-88.
Heller, J. (2004). The locus of perceived equidistance in binocular vision. Perception & Psychophysics, 66, 1162-1170.
Heller, J. (2004). A formal framework for characterizing querying algorithms. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 48, 1-8.
Perrucci V., Heller, J., & Agnoli, F. (2004). Identifying solution strategies in a cube comparison task using a knowledge structure approach. TPM - Testing Psicometria Metodologia, 11, 1-27.
Heller, J. (2003). Generalized factorizable automorphisms in n-component conjoint structures. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 47, 527-537.
Heller, J. (2001). Mittenbildung bei achromatischen Farben: Das klassische Experiment von Plateau. Zeitschrift für Experimentelle Psychologie, 48, 259-271.
Heller, J. (2000). Representation and assessment of individual semantic knowledge. In Methods of Psychological Research (Vols. 5, Issues 2, pp. 1-37). IPN - Institute for Science Education at the University of Kiel, Germany.
Aczél, J., Boros, Z., Heller, J., & Ng, C. T. (1999). Functional equations in binocular space perception. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 43, 71-101.
Heller, J. (1997). Psychophysische Invarianzen des beidäugigen Raumsehens. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 205, 297-318.
Heller, J. (1997). On the psychophysics of binocular space perception. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 41, 29-43.
Heller, J., & Reyersbach, R. (1995). Zum Einfluß der Helligkeit auf die binokular gesehene Distanz. Zeitschrift für Experimentelle Psychologie, 42, 237-255.
Heller, J. (1988). Experimentelle Untersuchung der Bildung von Oberbegriffen. Zeitschrift für Experimentelle und Angewandte Psychologie, 35, 74-87.
Publications in Refereed Conference Proceedings
Ganter, B., Bedek, M., Heller, J., & Suck, R. (2017). An invitation to knowledge space theory. In K. Bertet, D. Borchmann, P. Cellier, & S. Ferré (eds.), Formal Concept Analysis: 14th International Conference, ICFCA 2017, Rennes, France, June 13-16, 2017, Proceedings (pp. 3-19). Berlin: Springer. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; vol. 10308)
Holz, H., Brandelik, K., Brandelik, J., Beuttler, B., Kirsch, A., Heller, J., & Meurers, D. (2017). Prosodiya – a mobile game for German dyslexic children. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. In J. Dias, P.A. Santos, & R.C. Veltkamp (eds.), Games and Learning Alliance: 6th International Conference, GALA 2017, Lisbon, Portugal, December 5–7, 2017, Proceedings. Berlin: Springer. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; vol. 10653)
Jung, S., Roesch, S., Huber, S., Heller, J., Grust, T., Nuerk, H.-C., & Moeller, K. (2015). An Interactive Web-Based Learning Platform for Arithmetic and Orthography. In N. E. Mastorakis, A. L. Brooks & I. J. Rudas (Eds.), Advances in Computers and Technology for Education – Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Educational Technologies (pp. 13-22). Dubai: WSEAS.
Conlan, O., O'Keeffe, I., Hampson, C., & Heller, J. (2006). Using Knowledge Space Theory to support Learner Modeling and Personalization. In T. Reeves & S. Yamashita (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2006 (pp. 1912-1919). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Görgün, I., Türker, A., Ozan, Y., & Heller, J. (2005). Learner Modeling to Facilitate Personalized E-Learning Experience. In Kinshuk, D. G. Sampson & P. T. Isaías (Eds.), CELDA'05: Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (pp. 231-237). IADIS.
Heller, J., Mayer, B., Hockemeyer, C., & Albert, D. (2005). Competence-based knowledge structures for personalised learning: Distributed Resources and Virtual Experiments. In G. Albano, P. Ritrovato & S. Salerno (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1st ELeGI Conference, 14-16 March 2005, Vico Equense.
Heller, J., Hockemeyer, C. & Albert, D. (2004). Applying Competence Structures for Peer Tutor Recommendations in CSCL Environments. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT'04), 30 August - 01 September 2004, Joensuu, Finland, pp. 1050-1051.
Heller, J. (2012). Experimentelle Psychologie. München: Oldenbourg Verlag.
Edited Books
Heller, J. & Stefanutti, L. (Eds.) (2024). Knowledge Structures: Recent Developments in Theory and Application (Advanced Series on Mathematical Psychology: Volume 7). Singapore: World Scientific.
Schoonenboom, J., Levene, M., Heller, J., Keenoy, K., & Turcsanyi-Szabo, M. (Eds.) (2007). Trails in Education: Technologies that Support Navigational Learning. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Chapters in Books
Heller, J. & Stefanutti, L. (2024). Basics of knowledge structure theory. In J. Heller & L. Stefanutti (Eds.), Knowledge Structures: Recent Developments in Theory and Application (Advanced Series on Mathematical Psychology: Volume 7) (pp. 3–26). Singapore: World Scientific.
Noventa, S. & Heller, J. (2024). Probabilistic knowledge structures. In J. Heller & L. Stefanutti (Eds.), Knowledge Structures: Recent Developments in Theory and Application (Advanced Series on Mathematical Psychology: Volume 7) (pp. 27–51). Singapore: World Scientific.
Anselmi, P., Noventa, S. & Heller, J. (2024). Knowledge structures and related theories. In J. Heller & L. Stefanutti (Eds.), Knowledge Structures: Recent Developments in Theory and Application (Advanced Series on Mathematical Psychology: Volume 7) (pp. 53–84). Singapore: World Scientific.
Heller, J., Stefanutti, L., Anselmi, P. & de Chiusole, D. (2024). Parameter estimation and model validation. In J. Heller & L. Stefanutti (Eds.), Knowledge Structures: Recent Developments in Theory and Application (Advanced Series on Mathematical Psychology: Volume 7) (pp. 105–132). Singapore: World Scientific.
Heller, J., Stefanutti, L. & Spoto, A. (2024). Identifiability in probabilistic knowledge structures. In J. Heller & L. Stefanutti (Eds.), Knowledge Structures: Recent Developments in Theory and Application (Advanced Series on Mathematical Psychology: Volume 7) (pp. 133–157). Singapore: World Scientific.
Anselmi, P., de Chiusole, D. & Heller, J. (2024). Adaptive assessment. In J. Heller & L. Stefanutti (Eds.), Knowledge Structures: Recent Developments in Theory and Application (Advanced Series on Mathematical Psychology: Volume 7) (pp. 159–180). Singapore: World Scientific.
Heller, J. (2024). Assessment structures. In J. Heller & L. Stefanutti (Eds.), Knowledge Structures: Recent Developments in Theory and Application (Advanced Series on Mathematical Psychology: Volume 7) (pp. 211–230). Singapore: World Scientific.
Heller, J. & Stefanutti, L. (2024). Polytomous knowledge structures. In J. Heller & L. Stefanutti (Eds.), Knowledge Structures: Recent Developments in Theory and Application (Advanced Series on Mathematical Psychology: Volume 7) (pp. 231–267). Singapore: World Scientific.
Doignon, J.-P., Heller, J., & Stefanutti, L. (2018). Identifiability of probabilistic models, with examples from knowledge structure theory. In W.H. Batchelder, H. Colonius, & E.N. Dzhafarov (eds.), New Handbook of Mathematical Psychology, Volume 2, Modeling and Measurement, pp. 128-184. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Heller, J., Ünlü, A., & Albert, D . (2013). Skills, competencies and knowledge structures. In J.-C. Falmagne, C. Doble, D. Albert, D. Eppstein, and X. Hu (Eds). Knowledge Spaces: Applications in Education. Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.
Heller, J., Augustin, T., Hockemeyer, C., Stefanutti, L., & Albert, D. (2013). Recent developments in competence-based knowledge space theory. In J.-C. Falmagne, C. Doble, D. Albert, D. Eppstein, and X. Hu (Eds). Knowledge Spaces: Applications in Education. Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.
Ünlü, A., Schrepp, M., Heller, J., Hockemeyer, C., & Albert, D. (2013). Recent developments in performance-based knowledge space theory. In J.-C. Falmagne, C. Doble, D. Albert, D. Eppstein, and X. Hu (Eds). Knowledge Spaces: Applications in Education. Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.
Steiner, Ch., Marte, B., Heller, J., & Albert, D. (2012). Activity- and taxonomy-based knowledge representation. In N.M. Seel (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning, Part 1, pp. 80-83. Springer: Berlin.
Steiner, Ch., Albert, D., & Heller, J. (2007). Concept mapping as a means to build e-learning. In N.A. Buzzetto-More (ed.), Advanced principles of effective e-learning. Santa Rosa, CA: Informing Science Press.
Heller, J., Levene, M., Keenoy, K., Albert, D., & Hockemeyer, C. (2007). Cognitive aspects of trails: A stochastic model linking navigation behaviour to the learner's cognitive state. In J. Schoonenboom, M. Levene, J. Heller, K. Keenoy & M. Turcsanyi-Szabo (eds.), Trails in Education: Technologies that Support Navigational Learning. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Heller, J., Albert, D., Kickmeier-Rust, M., & Kertz, M. (2006). Achievement Motivation, Performance Structure, and Adaptive Hypertext Learning. In M. Pivec, F. Thissen & K. Baumann (eds.), Affective and Emotional Aspects of Human-Computer Interaction: Emphasis on Game-Based and Innovative Learning Approaches. Amsterdam: IOS Press.
Heller, J. (2001). Binocular space perception models. In N.J. Smelser & P.B. Baltes (eds.), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (pp. 1184-1187). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Heller, J. (2001). Raumwahrnehmung. In G. Wenninger (Hrsg.), Lexikon der Psychologie (Bd. 3), S. 423. Heidelberg: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag.
Heller, J. (2001). Nichteuklidische Raumwahrnehmung. In G. Wenninger (Hrsg.), Lexikon der Psychologie (Bd. 3), S. 423-242. Heidelberg: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag.
Heller, J. (2001). Skalierung. In G. Wenninger (Hrsg.), Lexikon der Psychologie (Bd. 4), S. 181. Heidelberg: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag.
Heller, J. (1994). Semantic structures. In D. Albert (Ed.), Knowledge structures (pp. 117-149). Berlin: Springer.
Loenneker, H.D., Huber, J.F., Artemenko, C., Heller, J., & Nuerk, H.-C. (2022). Realitätscheck Open Science in der universitären Lehre. Psychologische Rundschau, 73(1), 47-49.