Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang

10/1981 – 05/1987Psychology M.A. (Diplom), University of Regensburg
01/1988 – 12/1991University Assistant, Dept. Psychology, University of Regensburg
11/1988 – 07/1992Mathematics, University of Regensburg
12/1991Ph.D. (Promotion, Dr. phil.), University of Regensburg
01/1992 – 03/1998Assistant Professor (C1), University of Regensburg
03/1995 – 05/1995Visiting Scholar, Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences, University of California, Irvine
01/1998Habilitation, University of Regensburg
04/1998 – 02/2002Associate Professor (C2), University of Regensburg
10/2000 – 02/2001Interim Professor, Work-, Organisational and Experimental Psychology, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
04/2001 – 01/2002Visiting Professor, Experimental and Cognitive Psychology, University of Graz
03/2002 – 03/2004Associate Professor (C2 Hochschuldozent), Methods of Psychological Research, University of Giessen
04/2004 – 10/2006Senior Scientist and Project Coordinator in EC funded Projects on Technology-enhanced Learning, University of Graz
since 11/2006Professor for Research Methods and Evaluation (W3), University of Tübingen


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