Interdisciplinary Centre for Global South Studies

Aesthetics and Marginality in the Global South

Thursday 30 July / 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm (Germany) / 9 :00 am– 11:00 am (Brazil)


Dr. Gustavo Coelho (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) / Department of Education)
Adjunct Profesor / Coordinator of the Research Group « Being in vibration : aesthetics, psychoanalysis, language and education »
Dr. Cesar Rebolledo (Universidad La Salle México, Facultad Mexicana de Arquitectura, Diseño y Comunicación)
Profesor-Investigador / Coordenador del Grupo de Investigación “Imaginarios, tecnologías e innovación social”

Dra. Paula Gil Larruscahim (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen / Institut für Kriminologie)
Post Doctoral Fellow at T@T Program / Doctor in Cultural in Global Criminology (University of Kent and Utrecht)
Dra. Janaína Damasceno (Universidade do estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)
Adjunct Professor / Coordinates the Research Group «Afrovisualities: esthetics and politics of the black images».


Aesthetics in its ontological status could be synthesized as the infinite ways in which the Being vibrates with the Other. Both Maffesoli and Fanon, authors with very different approaches, used this same verb - "to vibrate" - in the sense of the becoming of the subject. Well, in this round table, we bring together researchers who, each in its own way, dedicate themselves to investigate in Latin America, notably in Brazil and Mexico, lives that existentially trace themselves in aesthetic languages marked by the condition of marginality, that is, that even inside out, targets of discard, associated with the negative side of the official, create.


Estética em seu estatuto ontológico poderia ser sintetizada como os infinitos modos como o Ser vibra com o Outro. Tanto Maffesoli, quanto Fanon, autores com abordagens muito distintas, usaram esse mesmo verbo – “vibrar” – no sentido do vir a ser do sujeito. Pois bem, nessa mesa redonda, reunimos pesquisadoras e pesquisadores que, cada um a seu modo, se dedicam a investigar na América Latina, notadamente no Brasil e no México, vidas que se traçam existencialmente em linguagens estéticas marcadas pela condição da marginalidade, ou seja, que mesmo no avesso, alvos do descarte, da associação ao negativo do oficial, criam..