Interdisciplinary Centre for Global South Studies

Academic Events

Group Picture with Panel Participants

Summer School

Map of Latin America with chess pieces

Jornadas de Estudios Latinoamericanos

Poster Forum

International Forum

Upcoming Events

Literato Creativo

Invitación a la primera reunión de los "encuentros literarios"

31.05.2024, 17:00, Brechtbau Lobby & Zoom

Este espacio está pensado para ser un lugar de encuentro, nada académico, para convivir y pasar un rato hablando de las cosas que nos interesa (y, si queremos, compartir lo que creamos). Lo importante es tener un día para platicar y encontrarnos. Todxs están cordialmente invitados y pueden venir con quien quieran.


Laura Sánchez: laura-vanessa.sanchez-carrillospam

Edivaldo Gonzalez Ramirez: edivaldo.gonzalez-ramirezspam


Past Events

Redistribución anti-democrática en América Latina y el Caribe

Conversatorio encabezado por Dr. René Ramírez Gallegos

18.04.2024, 10 AM, Salón 06 del Brechtbau

El presente conversatorio abordará la coyuntura democrática de América Latina y el Caribe en el marco de los ciclos largos económicos, políticos y sociales que vive la región y el mundo. Reflexionará geopolíticamente sobre el cambio hegemónico que atraviesa la economía global desde la perspectiva latinoamericana. En este escenario se indagará sobre los momentos que ha vivido la democracia regional circunscrita a los ciclos económicos que ha vivido el capitalismo y su impacto en el bienestar de la población. Coyunturalmente, se defenderá la tesis según la cual América Latina y el Caribe vive un momento destituyente/constituyente en el cual se está disputando entrar en una segunda ola progresista (o, de movimientos nacional-populares) o en la tercera ola neoliberal con características diferentes a las vividas en el siglo XX. En este marco se reflexionará sobre el papel de las ideologías y de las resistencias creativas, en el marco de evaluar si los ciclos de acumulación determinan o no el desempeño social.

Presenta: Esteban Morera Aparicio (Brasilien- und Lateinamerika-Zentrum)
Comenta: Dr. Katerina Hatzikidi (Englisches Seminar)

ICGSS Spring Academy Conferences- Open to all

The following panels, conferences and discussions will also be open to participants who have not registered for the Spring Academy:

CONFERENCE: Ethics of Listening to Pluriversal knowledges- 8th April, 14:00-15:30; Brechtbau R. 027
     Patrick Eisenlohr (University of Göttingen)

PANEL: Women´s rights and feminists proposals from a Pluriversal Approach- 9th April, 11:00-12:30; Brechtbau R. 106; Zoom Link
     Mpho Tshivase (University of Pretoria), Fatoumata Keita (University of Bamako) and Silvana Tapia Tapia (University of Birmingham)

PANEL: Feminism in the Streets- 9th April, 14:00-15:30; Brechtbau R. 027
     Ponni Arasu (University of Tübingen), Thais Machado Borges (University of Stockholm), Gabriela Gonzales Ortuno (UNAM)

PANEL: Mediating Conflict, Negotiating Peace- 10th April, 9:30-11:30; Brechtbau R. 027
    Corianne Wielenga (University of Pretoria), Angela Iranzo (UNAM), Riccarda Flemmer (University of Tübingen), Ponni Arasu (University of Tübingen)

 PANEL: Pluriversal Thinking in Literature, 11th April, 9:30-12:30; Brechtbau R. 027; Zoom Link
     Fatoumata Keita (University of Bamako), Trudrua Dorrico (Universidade Federal de Rooraima), Adalbarto Müller (UFF), Ivonne Sanchez Becerril (UNAM)

PANEL: Future of the University, 11th April, 14:00-16:00; Brechtbau R. 027; 
     Mamadou Drame (UCAD Dakar), Rene Ramirez (UNAM), Dilip Menon (UFF), Ivonne Sanchez Becerril (UNAM)

 PANEL: Indigenous Knowledge: Register and Impact, 12th April, 9:30-12:30; Brechtbau R. 027; Zoom Link
     Roulahpuiah (IIT Roorkee), Trudrua Dorrico (Universidade Federal de Rooraima), Adalbarto Müller (UFF), Genner Llanes Ortiz (Bishop's University, Canada)



Preliminary Program

Monday- 8th April 

Tuesday-9th April  Wednesday- 10th April  Thursday- 11th April  Friday- 12th April 
Artistic Ethics Knowledge  Feminism in the Streets  Negotiating Peace, Mediating Conflict  Pluriversal Knowledge and Universities Indigenous Pluriverses

For more information click here




IV Jornadas de Estudios Latinoamericanos de la Universidad de Tübingen

Fecha: 1 y 2 de febrero de 2024

Lugar: Salones 215 y 027 Brechtbau, Wilhelmstraße 50, 72074 Tübingen

Código: 945927

Webseite Jornadas 


La cuarta edición de las Jornadas de Estudios Latinoamericanos, organizadas por el Centro para Brasil y Latinoamérica y el Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios del Sur Global (ICGSS), representa un esfuerzo continuo por establecer vínculos sólidos entre las universidades del sur de Alemania y académicos de instituciones latinoamericanas. Este evento interdisciplinario ha sido un espacio fundamental para la convergencia de diversas disciplinas como la filología, la historia, la antropología, las ciencias políticas, la sociología y las ciencias de la comunicación. Asimismo, las jornadas han adquirido reconocimiento como una plataforma esencial para la formación de doctorandos, proporcionándoles un entorno de diálogo transnacional e interdisciplinario con investigadores postdoctorales y profesores.
En colaboración con la Universidad Católica de Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (KU), la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) y la Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), la Universidad de Tübingen busca fomentar diálogos y encuentros entre investigaciones doctorales, mediante la creación de espacios dinámicos de presentación de los proyectos de investigación. De esta manera, los estudiantes encontrarán en las jornadas un espacio donde debatir sus propuestas, acompañados por especialistas de diferentes disciplinas y regiones del mundo, generando así un diálogo enriquecedor.
Continuando con el espíritu trazado por las ediciones anteriores, estas jornadas abordarán temas como el papel del discurso en los procesos (pos- y de-) coloniales, la problemática de los regímenes temporales en las culturas políticas latinoamericanas, los estudios de género, las prácticas musicales, los derechos de la naturaleza, la teoría de los afectos y las manifestaciones socio-culturales afrodescendientes e indígenas.

Universidades participantes:
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Universidade Federal Fluminense

Esteban Morera Aparicio (Brasilien- und Lateinamerika-Zentrum)
Edivaldo González Ramírez (ICGSS)
Sebastian Thies (ICGSS)

Organizadoras de la formación en retórica:
Johanna Held
Valeria López Álvaro


International Forum 2023

Un/thinking the "Crisis": Knowledge, Art, Politics

6-17 November 2023 (online)


Forum website

Summerschool "North-South Encounters“

Towards Pluriversal Thinking: Creating Inter-Knowledges – Negotiating Proximities

Tübingen, July 10-14, 2023


Download Flyer (Latest Version)

Download Application Form (Deadline 19th June) 

Ana Clara Alves





The multiple crises created by the current dynamics of globalization have called the concepts such as development, progress, and modernization into question. In the face of such a scenario, pluriversal thinking offers ways for imagining alternative social designs. Towards this aim, the 2023 Summer School "North-South Encounters" encourages to engage in the ongoing debates in academia, activism, and cultural production that focus on the Pluriverse as a methodological and theoretical framework that has emerged in the context of post-developmentalist thought and epistemologies of the South. Looking for “a world into which many worlds fit”, we follow Arturo Escobar’s invitation to develop a capacity to design alternative worlds that challenge globalization’s drive to homogenize what is diverse in principle. Thus, we take up the provoking impetus of new political ontologies, indigenous notions of the good living and calls for cognitive justice. In accordance with the way which Global South studies address issues of globalization in a comparative and transdisciplinary perspective, the ICGSS Summer School will combine theoretical and methodological debates with scholars from the CIVIS network (from Europe and Africa), alongside colleagues from AsiaPacific and Latin America, with a dialogue between academia, art, and political activism

Figurations of the Precarious New Directions in Global South Studies International Research Symposium

Tübingen, 3-4 May

Download Poster

Download Flyer

III Jornadas de Estudios Latinoamericanos

Discourse, Power and (De)coloniality

III Jornadas de Estudios Latinoamericanos: Discourse, Power and (De)coloniality
16 - 18 November 2022 


Brechtbau: SR 027, SR 327 (Hybrid Conference)
WilhelmStr. 50, Tübingen
Access link:

Download program


The third edition of the Jornada de Estudios Latinoamericanos of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Global South Studies focuses on the role of discourse in colonial processes: who are the subjects of discourse, who can and cannot speak, what can and cannot be said, how the invention and hierarchization of the other is discursively perpetuated. To discuss these and other questions, we have invited renowned researchers of Discourse Studies in Latin America, such as Viviane Resende, president of the Latin American Association of Discourse Studies, but also Europeans, such as Teun van Dijk, University Pompeu Fabra, to join us in Tübingen. In addition, and in presence of Prof. Margarete Jäger, we pay a well-deserved tribute to the Duisburg Institute for Social and Linguistic Research (DISS) that celebrates 35 years of independent and socially committed research in the field of Discourse Studies. Throughout these decades, DISS has constituted itself as a place of resistance, a place of confrontation against the construction of the other and racism, a South within the North.  

Organizing Committee:

Glauco Vaz Feijó, Sebastian Thies (ICGSS), Esteban Morera Aparicio (Brasilien und Lateinamerika Zentrum)

El periodismo como corresponsal extranjero en Brasil y el conflicto por la destrucción de la Amazonía

Diálogos en portuñol con Anne Herrberg
Corresponsal de ARD en Rio de Jaineiro

Diálogo virtual en español y portugués:
Jueves 10 de noviembre
Hora: 18:15 (Alemania)
14:15 (Rio de Janeiro)
12:15 (Bogotá)
11:15 (México)


Link de acceso:

International Forum 2022:

Decolonial Perspectives on Gender, Sexuality, and Patriarchy:
Art, Activism, and Academia

4-14 October 2022 (Online)

Download Program

For registration, contact: decolonialperspectivesspam


CIVIS School "North-South Encounters": Pluriverse: Challenges of Post-Developmentalist Thought for Global South Studies

Tübingen, 26-30 September 2022

Download Program

Link for all hybrid events:

Organizing Committee:
Prof. Dr. Susanne Goumegou
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Thies
Prof. Dr. Riccarda Flemmer
Esteban Morera Aparicio

Ana Clara Alves


China and/in the Global South: Cultures, Aesthetics and Politics Research Symposium

Friday 1st July 2022, 08:30-15:30 GMT

University of Nottingham, Dearing Building B40, Jubilee Campus

Registration on Eventbrite

Funded by the Tübingen-Nottingham Networking Fund, this symposium is co-organised by Dr Hongwei Bao and Prof. Dr. Dr. Russell West-Pavlov (University of Tübingen).

Two of the most prominent geopolitical developments in the twenty-first century are the rises of China and the Global South. Together, they shape the world geopolitical map significantly. What is less clear is the complex and often entangled relationship between China and the Global South: is China part of the Global South; if so, in what sense?

On the one hand, China and some Global South countries are actively enacting transnational and transcultural exchanges to contest the hegemony of the Global North, and this is sometimes seen as part of the continued efforts to create alternative imaginations of the world in the spirit of the historic Bandung conference. On the other, China has been exerting a powerful influence on the Global South through its increasing political and economic power, most notably represented by the ambitious Belt and Road Initiative, which resembles some of the imperial ambitions and neo-colonial structures from the Global North. What are the complex relationships between China and the Global South and how are they manifested in the cultural fields? How have these political and economic developments impacted on the production, circulation and consumption of literary and visual cultures? What kinds of dominant, emerging and residual aesthetics and politics can be found in these media and cultural texts? This one-day symposium answers these questions from global and interdisciplinary perspectives. It brings together scholars from different disciplines and academic fields to explore transnational connections, aesthetic innovations and cultural politics between China and the Global South in historical and contemporary contexts.

II Jornadas de Estudios Latinoamericanos:
“Temporalidades de lo político, (re)construyendo futuros”

26 de enero 2022, 16:00 (Alemania); 9:00 (CDMX); 10:00 (Colombia); 12:00 (Buenos Aires)

La pregunta del tiempo es uno de los principales retos en los estudios sobre las culturas políticas en América Latina. Ya el pensamiento decolonial nos lleva a entender cómo los fenómenos sociopolíticos, culturales y económicos del continente han sido históricamente marcados por la imposición de distintos regímenes temporales y las largas luchas para resistirla desde lo subalterno. Existen semánticas temporales que parecen regir invisiblemente la construcción de discursos políticos sobre modernidades, desarrollos, hegemonías, etc. Es sobre todo en las últimas dos décadas que hemos podido presenciar una desarticulación del discurso hegemónico sobre el tiempo, en la medida que otros saberes sobre lo temporal fueron integrándose en los discursos y las prácticas políticas, contribuyendo a que se convirtiera en una categoría de la lucha política. Hay un pluriverso de fuerzas sociales que han contribuido a este proceso: desde los movimientos sociales indígenas y afrodescendientes, los feminismos, las nuevas articulaciones de la izquierda.

Es por esto que el grupo de investigación “Entangled Temporalities in the Global South" del Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios del Sur Global (ICGSS) de la Universidad de Tübingen en conjunto con el Seminario de Estudios sobre el Tiempo de la Universidad Autónoma del México y el ZILAS (Zentralinstitut für Lateinamerikastudien) de la Universidad Católica de Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, decidieron conjugar esfuerzos para organizar este seminario “Temporalidades de lo político, (re)construyendo futuros” en el marco de las II Jornadas de Estudios Latinoamericanos. Poniendo en discusión tres visiones distintas para comprender lo temporal en el campo de lo político en América Latina, por un lado, Yuderkys Espinosa, enfocada en la apropiación del futuro por parte de un feminismo no eurocentrado, René Ramírez con el estudio del uso del tiempo para la construcción de nuevos horizontes políticos que den cabida al buen vivir y Esteban Morera con el estudio de las temporalidades dentro de la comunicación política de los sectores subalternos en Colombia.


Workshop "ZONA - Positions and Protest in an Age of Depredations"

John Kinsella
Russ West-Pavlov
Online Workshop | University of Tübingen | Wednesday 12 January 2022, 09:00-12:00

download Poster


Workshop "Rethinking Well-Being in the Global South: Politics, Imaginaries and Subjectivities"

Thursday, 29 July 2021, 4-8pm
download flyer

Toxic Temporalities in the Global South

Digital Conference June 21 – 25, 2021

International Closing Event of the Doctoral Studies Programme "Entangled Temporalities in the Global South"

Conference website

International Forum on Global South Studies 2021

Online - June 28 to July 9, 2021

Conference website

CFP in English / Appel en Français / Convocatoria en Español / Chamada em Português

CIVIS Virtual Summer School North-South Encounters


Entangled Temporalities of the Black (South) Atlantic

From the Legacy of Slavery to BLM in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean

12-16 July 2021

Download flyer

Conference website

Indigenous Awareness Month

Endangered Nawat Culture and Language

organized by the students of the "Cultures of the Global South" MA programme at the University of Tübingen

8-29 July

Download poster

Download programme

Conference website

Contact email



Virtual Transatlantic Dialogue:

The Contested Heritage of Slavery and the Historic Slave Trade Sites

with: Milton Guran (UFF – Brazil); Ibrahima Seck (UCAD – Senegal /Whitney Plantation Museum, USA); Simone Vassallo (UFF – Brazil); María Elisa Velásquez (INAH – Mexico); Roberto Zaugg (UZH – Switzerland)

09 November 2020 / detailed information (english/french/spanish) / event poster


International Forum 2020:

“Wellbeing and Subjectivity across the Global South” / Futures under Construction

Go to Conference Homepage


Per Se - Work in Progress 

John Kinsella (Curtin University) and Russell West-Pavlov (University of Tübingen)

Monday, 13 January 2020,  Flyer



International Workshop: 

Literatures and Cultures of Homes in the Making

12 - 14 December, University of Tübingen

Organized by The Center for Gender and Diversity Research (ZGD) and the Interdisciplinary Centre for Global South Studies (ICGSS) at the University of Tübingen and the Department of English Language and Literature at the Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University.   programme


The Edge of Democracy (Petra Costa, Brazil, 2019)

Debate with Dr. Roberto Robalinho (Universidade Federal Fluminense & Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen)

December, 11th, 2019, Brasilien-Zentrum, Flyer



Prof. Dr. Jessé de Souza: Wissenschaft als verdeckter Rassismus

Montag, 11.11.19, 18 Uhr c.t., Brechtbau Raum 215 / Flyer


« Subjectivités urbaines en Afrique subsaharienne » 

06-08 November 2019: Université Cheikh Anta Diop (UCAD), Dakar, Senegal.

Co-organised by the University of Tübingen and Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar.

Conference Announcement and Call for Papers (french) / Programme


International Conference

"Cinemas of the Global South: towards a southern aesthetics"

05-06 November 2019: Centre for Indian Studies in Africa, Witwatersrand University in Johannesburg. 

Funded by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation.

Conference coordination by Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, Dr. Amir Taha.


Autumn School

“Trauma, Conflito e Memória na Literatura e Cultura Brasileira e Hispano-americana”

14-16 October 2019: Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen

Coordinators: Prof. Dr. Cleusa Rios Pinheiro Passos (USP, Catedrática JGR), Prof. Dr. Sebastian Thies, Dr. Nadja Lobensteiner (UT)

In cooperation with project DAAD / CAPES Probral “Disconforting Territories: images, narratives, and objects of the Global South“ (Dir.: Fernando Resende UFF)



PROBRAL Conference: “Discomforting Territories: images, narratives and objects of the Global South”

02 - 03 October 2019: Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) Niterói - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Organized by project DAAD / CAPES Probral “Discomforting Territories: images, narratives, and objects of the Global South“ (Dir.: Fernando Resende UFF)




"Negotiations of Blackness in Brazilian Samba"

Prof. Dr. Felipe Trotta (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro)

Freitag, 18. Oktober, 11 Uhr c. t., Hörsaal 1.05, Musikwissenschaftliches Institut


Panel: "Homophobia in the Global South"

Jean Wyllys, Agustina Comedi, Danai Mupotsa, R. Raj Rao

Moderation: Ingrid Hotz-Davies

18.07.2019 / Brechbau 027 Tübingen



Autorentreffen: Véronique Tadjo

16 Juli 2019

Institut Culturel Franco-Allemand, Doblerstraße 25, 72074 Tübingen

Moderation: Prof. Dr. Susanne Goumegou


Summer School Tübingen

15-19 July 2019

"Futures under Construction: Contested Subjectivities in the Global South"



International Workshop

"Decolonizing Academia? Opportunities, Perspectives and Academic Responsibility"

13 July 2019

download Decolonizing Academia? Flyer 

 download Decolonizing Academia? Speakers and Abstracts


Coloquio Internacional

"Cine urbano: Estrategias para comprender la megaurbe"

11 y 12 de julio, 2019



International Workshop

"Mediascapes of Ruined Geographies in the Global South"

21-22 February 2019

Organizers: Diego Amaral, Anthony Obute, Andrée Gerland (EKUT)



Guest Lecture

«Mémoire, tradition, archive, héritage, patri/matrimoine»

with Éric Méchoulan (Université de Montreal)

Organizers: Louis Nana and Carina Stickel

Monday, 17 December 2018, 10:30-12 pm, Neuphilologicum, room 215

Interactive Workshop

Nature, Activism, and the Academy

with Markus Mauthe (Greenpeace photographer) and John Kinsella (poet activist)

Tuesday, 11 December 2018, 12-4 pm, Neue Aula, room 225

Theatrical Performance

Mike van Graan - Theatre for Peacebuilding

"When Swallows Cry"

12 November 2018, 8 p.m., Brechtbau Theatre


"After the posts, before the cataclysm: Global South literary humanities in an era of
global multi-crises"

30-31 October 2018, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa (CFP)

Summer School 2018

"Global Timescapes - Entangled Temporalities in the Global South"

31st July - 3rd August 2018, University of Tübingen (Programme /CFP)


Congresso / Workshop

"Tendências de mudança linguística no português atual"

14-15 June 2018, University of Tübingen (programme)

One-day Symposium: "tɛmp(ə)rərɪnəs"

9 March 2018, 10-16, room 215

Convened by John Kinsella (Churchill College Cambridge/Curtin University) and Russ West-Pavlov (University of Tübingen)

Keynote speakers: Stephen Muecke (University of Adelaide, Australia), Nicholas Birns (New York University, USA)


"Planetary Futures and the Global South"

16-18 January 2018, Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur, India (Brochure)

Guest Lecture

Catherine Mazauric: "Identités liminales et identités processives en migration"

10 January 2018, room 010 Neuphilologicum



Ken Bugul: "Le baobab fou"

6 December 2017

Film / Diskussion

"Schreiben und Leben zwischen Frankreich und Afrika"

5 December 2017, Institut Français


Robert Muponde: Shifting the 'We' in African Children's Literature

17 November 2017, Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen Stuttgart, WeltRaum (Flyer)


"Les Picaros d'Afrique francophone"

Prof. Dr. Susanne Goumegou (Universität Tübingen) and Carina Stickel (Universität Tübingen)

6 October 2017, Tübingen (poster)


"Modes of Being South: Territorialities, Affects, Powers"

3-5 October 2017, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Niterói, Rio de Janiero, Brazil (CFP)

Inaugural conference / congreso inaugural

"Explorando os entremeios: cultura e comunicação na literatura de João Guimarães Rosa (1908-1967)"

6-7 July 2017 (flyer)

Summer school / escola de verão

"Estudos culturais e comunição: filme e música no Brazil contemporáneo"

3-5 July 2017 (flyer)


"Hälfte des Lebens"

Prof. John Kinsella (Curtin University) and Andrée Gerland (Universität Tübingen)

13 June 2017, 8pm, Hölderlin-Gesellschaft, Bursagasse 6, 72070 Tübingen (link)

Panel Discussion

"What Do Human Rights Do?"

14 June 2017, d.a.i. (Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut), Tübingen (flyer)


Off the Wall

29 May, 15:30-17:30, Weltethos Institut, Tübingen (flyer)


Achille Mbembe: "Time on the Move"

8 April 2017, ICI Berlin

Spring School

"Participatory Cultures and New Ethical Paradigms in the Global South"

5-8 April 2017, Tübingen (Program)

PhD Students' Workshop

"Southern Gaze(s) in Audiovisual Narratives"

3./4. April 2017


"Diálogos sobre la megaurbe: Cultura, comunicación y participación ciudadana en la ciudad de México"

12-13 January 2017 (Program) / (Conference Videos)


Workshop: "Doing Literary Studies in a Time of Crisis"

with Simon During (University of Queensland)

30 November 2016

International Conference

“Rethinking Gender from the Global South(s)”

26-29 September 2016, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico-City


"Translating South Africa: Home and Away"

16 September 2016

Summer School 2016

"Truth Commissions and the Culture of Dissenting Memory in the Global South"

25-29 July 2016 (programme)


"Literary Humanities in the Global South: The Question of University Pedagogies"

27-28 June 2016

PhD Students’ Workshop

"Fights and Flights: Repression, Resistance and Human Displacement in the Global South"

4-6 April 2016



"Cities of the South, Cities of the North"

14 December 2015, ICI Berlin

Annual conference

"Other Spaces – Towards the Global South"

6-8 October 2015


“Interpacifics and Indian Oceans: Comparative Global South Literary Worlds“

20 July 2015

Summer School 2015:

“What is the Global South?”

29 June 2015

Literary Cultures of the Global South / Erich Auerbach Visiting Chair of Global Literary Studies Conference:

“Heading South? Routes beyond the Impasse of Postcolonial Studies”

26 June 2015

Achille Mbembe: "Time on the Move"

8 April 2017, ICI Berlin

International Conferences



« Subjectivités urbaines en Afrique subsaharienne » 

06-08 November 2019: UCAD, Dakar, Senegal. (Program (french))


"Cine urbano: Estrategias para comprender la megaurbe"

11-12 July 2019, EKUT, Tübingen, (Poster) (Programa)



"Planetary Futures and the Global South"

16-18 January 2018, Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur, India (Brochure)



"Modes of Being South: Territorialities, Affects, Powers"

3-5 October 2017, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (CFP)

"Diálogos sobre la megaurbe: Cultura, comunicación y participación ciudadana en la ciudad de México"

12-13 January 2017, Tübingen, Germany  (Program) (video)



“Rethinking Gender from the Global South(s)”

26-29 September 2016, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico-City, Mexico



"Other Spaces – Towards the Global South"

6-8 October 2015, Tübingen, Germany

International Summer Schools



"Contested Subjectivities in the Global South"

14-19 July 2019, EKUT, Tübingen, (Poster) (Program)



"Global Timescapes - Entangled Temporalities in the Global South"

31st July - 3rd August 2018, University of Tübingen (Programme /CFP)



"Participatory Cultures and New Ethical Paradigms in the Global South"

5-8 April 2017, Tübingen (Program)



"Truth Commissions and the Culture of Dissenting Memory in the Global South"

25-29 July 2016 (programme)



“What is the Global South?”

29 June 2015