Interdisciplinary Centre for Global South Studies

ISAP exchange program between UFF (Brazil) & Tübingen University

Since 2019, the ICGSS has an exchange program with the Fluminense Federal University (UFF), funded within the framework of the DAAD International Study and Training Partnerships (ISAP). The program supports the exchange of 3 students from Brazil to Tübingen and 3 students from Tübingen to Brazil per year. In addition to the student exchange, the program also allows for the exchange of teachers and professors.


Ana Vallarta

 Brechtbau, Room 331

Contact: isapspam

Office hour: by email appointment



Next possible departure for students of the University of Tübingen: August 2025

Start of the application procedure: approx. November 2024

More information coming soon...

Get to know the UFF

The Fluminense Federal University (UFF) is one of Brazil's leading universities in the field of humanities and cultural studies. In addition to a broad and intercultural range of courses, there are also offers to carry out a study-related internship. In 2022, the postgraduate programs of the Faculty of Philology and the Institute of Media Studies received the highest rating from CAPES.
The project of student and faculty mobility between the University of Tübingen and the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) is embedded in a university cooperation in the humanities that dates back to 1986.


Current calls for applications for scholarships of the ISAP program with UFF can be found here.
- in November for the exchange from the University of Tübingen to UFF (period August-January)
- in September for the exchange from UFF to the University of Tübingen (period March-September)

Target Group
Students from the following degree programs: B.A. Portuguese, B.A. Latin American Studies, B.A. International Literatures, M.A. Cultures of the Global South, M.A. International Literatures, and M.A. Romance Literary Studies, Media Studies and Philology.

Students in the B.A. must have completed at least two semesters of study, students in the M.A. at least one semester of study.
An application form, including a curriculum vitae and a letter of motivation, must be submitted with the application. In addition, good to very good performance in previous studies (upper quartile performance) must be demonstrated by Transcript of Records.


Ausschreibung: DAAD-Semesterstipendien für das Auslandsstudium an der
Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), WS 2025-26. Download

Bewerbungsformular ISAP-Stipendium, Universidade Federal Fluminense, WS 2025-26. Download

Bewerbungsfrist: 25.11.2024

Information for ISAP-scholarship holders of the University of Tübingen

  • Call for applications for the scholarship, information event & application
February/ March
  • Feedback on the application
  • Scholarship contract
  • Nomination of the scholarship holders at SRI (UFF's International Office) and application to the UFF
  • Applying for a visa for your study visit to Brazil
  • Taking out health insurance for the study visit in Brazil
  • Finalising the Learning Agreement
Beginning of August
  • Arrival
  • Start of studies

Information for incoming students from UFF

The organization of the study visit of the ISAP scholarship holders of UFF at ICGSS, Tübingen University, is divided into several individual steps. The scholarship holders will receive information about this from the program coordinator and, depending on their responsibilities, from the International Office of the University of Tübingen.
The following schematic overview of the most important steps and deadlines should serve as support.

  • Application to the call for scholarships at UNAM
  • After being invited by the International Office, the application is submitted on Mobility Online.
  • Application for a room at the Studierendenwerk, online at
  • Recommendation: Book a starter package (“Starterpaket”) with your room (includes bed sheets, etc.).
  • Apply for your visa
  • Choose health insurance
  • Conclude scholarship contract (Responsible: Ana Vallarta & Prof. Dr. Sebastian Thies, Department of Romance Studies)
  • Register in Alma (platform of the University of Tübingen)
  • After the visa has been granted: Book a flight
April to July
  • Participation in courses at the University of Tübingen
  • Writing the term papers and exams
  • Deregistration at the Bürgeramt of the city of Tübingen (approx. 2 weeks before departure)
  • Exmatriculation at the University of Tübingen
  • Deregistration at the International Office of the University of Tübingen

Experiences of our alumni

Julia Zorattini, UFF

“Quando a oportunidade de estudar na Alemanha surgiu, eu já sabia que seria uma experiência única e marcante, mas jamais poderia ter previsto o quanto a estadia em Tübingen iria transformar a minha vida. É natural que a gente sinta um certo medo ao embarcar em uma aventura desse tipo. Será que vou me adaptar à cultura de um país tão diferente do meu? Será que vou conseguir fazer amigos? Os meus receios desapareceram quase que imediatamente. O núcleo de Estudos do Sul Global da universidade é caloroso e diverso, um espaço que convida ao diálogo e à troca de experiências. Nos cursos e palestras de que participei junto ao programa, tive acesso a perspectivas completamente desconhecidas por mim até então e que enriqueceram a minha visão de mundo de forma incalculável. Tübingen é muito acolhedora; a sensação que prevalece é de que, como estudantes, estamos todos no mesmo barco e devemos ajudar uns aos outros. Deixei a cidade entusiasmada pelo o que o futuro me reserva e com amizades que espero levar para o resto da vida."

Luisa Sausmikat, Uni Tübingen

"Studying where others go on holiday - not too bad a draw. In fact, even after months at the UFF in Niterói, the view of Rio across the Bay of Guanabara still overwhelmed me. Thanks to the ISAP scholarship, I was able to have a small glimpse of life in Brazil here for a semester, experience the elections and the World Cup, as well as enrich my studies with new perspectives. I perceived the UFF as a very active university, with the best and cheapest canteen food in all of Brazil and a very committed student body. Thanks to the tandem programme, I also quickly made connections with UFF students and other international students. In all respects, I learned a lot and I hope that many other fellow students will benefit from the opportunity of the ISAP programme."

Kristell Pech Oxte, Uni Tübingen

In the summer of 2019 I had the great opportunity to be able to do an exchange semester at the Federal Fluminense University in Brazil as part of my master studies at the University of Tübingen through ISAP. I can say that this exchange changed my life. I was fortunate to be able to work with great professors, discuss with brilliant students and learn from all of them. This allowed me to strengthen my academic interests and define the direction of my research, and I was able to broaden my knowledge of indigenous peoples and Latin American cultural diversity. The day-to-day life in Brazil allowed me to get to know other landscapes, other musical rhythms, to experience other social situations and to apply my knowledge of Portuguese. This stay not only provided me with an academic support network in Niterói, it also left me with great friends and confirmed my interest and love for this country. It is an experience that I highly recommend.

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