Matteo Santon made me aware of the "world of Anki" as a perfect tool to train students to recognise fish species in the field. Together, we made the first desk for the Red Sea in 2018. It all started from there.
Most pictures are taken by Nico Michiels. He is in charge of confirming species identifications, naming and optimising images, updating the database and producing the Anki decks. Based on these materials, the development of improved field identification guides of specific fish groups is the subject of Bachelor and Master theses, e.g. Parrotfishes (Laura Uhl), Amblyeleotris shrimp gobies (Pia Merkel) and Surgeonfishes (Julia Kastner).
Thanks to the following reef fish enthusiasts for contributing their pictures:
For the current decks, additional pictures were mainly contributed by Robin Kraft (Indonesia), Matteo Santon (Red Sea and Indonesia), Nils Anthes (Red Sea), Sandra Dangelmayer (Indonesia) and Franka Michiels (Red Sea).
Additional contributors for the Red Sea deck: Benja Blaschke, Valentin Fritsch, Stefan Greif, Béatrice Härtel, Chris Harvey, Julia Kastner, Robin Kraft, Julika Merckle, Yvonne Meyer, Chiara Obst, Giovanna Reichert, Carolin Rieber, Gregor Schulte, Jennifer Theobald and Bram Van der Schoot.
Additional contributors for the Indonesia (N-Sulawesi) deck: Alexander Ludwig, Alina Frerichs, Anne Foellner, Beatrice Haertel, Benja Blaschke, Carolin Franzl, Chiara Obst, Elena Schiller, Eva Michiels, Florian Ott, Franka Michiels, Heiko Federschmid, Jennifer Theobald, Jessica Metka, Julia Kastner, Julia Vescan, Julika Merckle, Manuel Michiels, Maria Bertelsmann, Maximilian Haas, Michaela Omari, Niklas Neisse, Nils Anthes, Patrick Weygoldt, Paula Schreiner, Sara Klingenfuss, Sarah Altenkrueger, Selina Schwarz, Simon Buerst, Stefan Greif, Susanne Hermann, Thomas Eberl, Valentin Fritsch, Verona Chadwick, Viktoriya Hryvnyak and Yvonne Meyer.
Mario Schädel developed the Python and Latex scripts to produce the pdf booklets. Details.
Copyright statement: CC BY-NC
All images are property of the Animal Evolutionary Ecology professorship at the University of Tübingen (represented by Nico K. Michiels) under copyright license CC BY-NC. Use for non-commercial, educational purposes is free, assuming you mention the source and photographer. Use for commercial purposes is prohibited without explicit consent.
The use of the Anki Reef Fish Trainer deck for personal training purposes is free.
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