HRM and Organization


Weitere Informationen zu den Veranstaltungen finden Sie im elektronischen Vorlesungsverzeichnis.

Winter Term 2024/25

  • B340 Organisation
    Frau Prof. Dr. Pull hat für das WS 25/26 ein Forschungssemester beantragt. Planen Sie Ihren Besuch der Veranstaltung daher entweder für das WS 24/25 oder das WS 26/27 ein.

  • B342 Bachelor Seminar
    Weitere Informationen
  • B440 Personnel Economics
    Prof. Dr. Pull has applied for a research sabbatical for the winter term 25/26. You should therefore plan to attend the course either in the winter term 24/25 or in the winter term 26/27.
  • Master Thesis module MA5
    B545 Research Colloquium on Personnel and Education Economics for Master students with supervision confirmation for writing a Master Thesis at the Chair of HRM, and for Research Associates.
    - Academic Research: October 22nd, 2024;  10.00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m.; Room 217, Nauklerstr. 47
    - Presentations by Master students: January 30th, 2025; prospective duration: all day


Summer Term 2024

  • B240 Arbeit, Personal und Organisation
    Vorlesung (2 SWS) und Tutorien (2 SWS)

  • SQ905 Tutorenkolloquium "Arbeit, Personal und Organisation"
    für Tutoren der Veranstaltung "Arbeit, Personal und Organisation"

  • B519 Selected Issues in Managerial Economics

  • CM5 Advanced Topics
    B540 Master Seminar on Personnel Economics

  • Master Thesis module MA5
    B545 Research Colloquium on Personnel and Education Economics for Master students with supervision confirmation for writing a Master Thesis at the Chair of HRM, and for Research Associates.
    - Academic Research: April 17th, 2024;  9.45 – 11.45 a.m.; U006, Nauklerstr. 47
    - Presentations by Master students: July 11th, 2024; prospective duration: all day
    - Presentations by Research Associates: July 19th, 2024; prospective duration: all day
      Program for the Research Colloquium