- Efing, Matthias; Stefanie Ehmann; Patrick Kampkötter; Raphael Moritz (2024): All Hat and No Cattle? ESG Incentives in Executive Compensation. HEC Paris Research Paper No. FIN-2024-1506, Available at SSRN.
| download | - Nüßle, Julian; Kerstin Pull (2023): Can you handle high expectations when encountering an early setback? The moderating role of trait resilience. Available at SSRN.
| download | - Moritz, Raphael; Christian Manger; Kerstin Pull (2022): #Inviteme: Can Social Media Information Reduce Discrimination? Evidence from a Field Experiment. Available at SSRN.
| download | - Gülal, Filiz; Adam Ayaita (2018): The Impact of Minimum Wages on Well-Being: Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment in Germany. Berlin: German Institute for Economic Research (DIW), SOEPpaper No. 969/2018.
| download | Meuer, Johannes; Michèle Angstmann; Christian Troester; Uschi Backes-Gellner; Kerstin Pull (2017): Embeddedness and the Repatriation Intention of Assigned and Self-Initiated Expatriates. University of Zurich, Institute of Business Administration, UZH Business Working Paper No. 373.
| download |Meuer, Johannes; Marlies Kluike; Uschi Backes-Gellner; Kerstin Pull (2017): Using Expatriates for Adapting Subsidiaries’ Employment Modes to Different Market Economies. University of Zurich, Institute of Business Administration, UZH Business Working Paper No. 372.
| download |- Ayaita, Omar Adam; Kerstin Pull; Uschi Backes-Gellner (2017): You get what you 'pay' for: Academic attention, career incentives and changes in publication portfolios of business and economics researchers. Zurich/Bern: Swiss Leading House on Economics of Education, Firm Behaviour and Training Policies, Working Paper No. 133.
| download | - Ayaita, Omar Adam; Filiz Gülal; Philip Yang (2017): Where Does the Good Shepherd Go? Civic Virtue and Sorting into Public Sector Employment. Zurich/Bern: Swiss Leading House on Economics of Education, Firm Behaviour and Training Policies, Working Paper No. 134.
| download | - Klempt, Charlotte; Kerstin Pull; Manfred Stadler: Asymmetric Information in Simple Bargaining Games: An Experimental Study. University of Tübingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. No. 97.
| download | - Pull, Kerstin; Birgit Pferdmenges; Uschi Backes-Gellner: Do research training groups operate at optimal size? University of Zurich, Institute of Business Administration, UZH Business Working Series Paper No. 367.
| download | - Iseke, Anja; Kerstin Pull (2016): Female Top Executives and Employer Attractiveness: On the potentially adverse signal of having a female CHRO rather than a female CFO. GEABA Discussion Paper No. 16-34.
| download | - Backes-Gellner, Uschi; Marlies Kluike; Kerstin Pull; Martin Schneider, Silvia Teuber (2015): Human resource management and radical innovation. A fuzzy-set QCA of US multinationals in Germany, Switzerland, and the UK. Zurich: UZH Business Working Paper Series No. 361.
| download | - Bäker, Agnes; Alexandra K. Zaby (2015): Will You Work or Will You Shirk? Heterogeneous Attitudes and Effort Choices in Teams - GEABA: Discussion Paper No. 15-36.
| download | - Scharfenkamp, Katrin; Daniel Weimar (2015): The Effects of Gender and Multinational Diversity of Teams on Individual Peer Evaluations - GEABA: Discussion Paper No. 15-33.
| download | - Pull, Kerstin; Manfred Stadler (2015): Contests vs. Piece Rates in Product Market Competition - GEABA: Discussion Paper No. 15-28.
| download | - Bakkenbüll, Linn-Brit; Stephanie Kiefer; Katrin Scharfenkamp (2015): Gender-Specific Impact of Age Diversity on the Performance of Small Teams - GEABA: Discussion Paper No. 15-25.
| download | - Thomas Gloekler (2015): Variable Prizes in Forced-Distribution-Systems: A Sabotage-reducing Approach? - GEABA: Discussion Paper No. 15-10.
| download | - Bäker, Agnes; Alexandra Zaby (2015): Light my Fire! Effects of Observed Free Riding on Effort Choice in Teams - GEABA: Discussion Paper No. 15-01.
| download | - Pull, Kerstin; Manfred Stadler (2015): Contests vs. Piece Rates in Product Market Competition. University of Tübingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. No. 85.
| download | - Güth, Werner; Charlotte Klempt; Kerstin Pull (2015): Mental Representation of Sharing Experiments: Analyzing Choice and Belief Data. Tübingen: IAW Diskussionspapiere Nr. 118, März 2015.
| download | - Bäker, Agnes; Werner Güth; Kerstin Pull; Manfred Stadler (2015): Three-Person Envy Games. Experimental Evidence and a Stylized Model. University of Tübingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. No. 79.
| download | - Bäker, Agnes; Susanne Breuninger, Julia Muschallik; Kerstin Pull; Uschi Backes-Gellner (2014): Time to Go? (Inter)National Mobility and Appointment Success of Young Academics - GEABA: Discussion Paper No. 14-01.
| download | - Bäker, Agnes; Mario Mechtel (2014): Peer Effects in Cheating on Task Performance - GEABA: Discussion Paper No. 14-20.
| download | - Güth, Werner; Kerstin Pull; Manfred Stadler (2014): Delegation, worker compensation, and strategic competition. University of Tübingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. No. 67.
| download | - Güth, Werner; Kerstin Pull; Manfred Stadler; Alexandra Zaby (2014): Compulsory Disclosure of Private Information Theoretical and Experimental Results for the "Acquiring-a-Company" Game. Jena: Jena Economic Research Papers No. 2014-003.
| download | - Hildenbrand, Andreas; Mihael Duran (2013): The Role of Managerial Work in Market Performance: A Monopoly Model with Team Production. University of Tübingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. No. 66.
| download | - Muschallik, Julia (2013): Mentoring in the Creation of Human and Social Capital - Effects on Time to Tenure. Koblenz: German Economic Association of Business Administration - GEABA: Discussion Paper No. 13-25.
| download | - Bäker, Agnes; Mario Mechtel (2013): The Role of Task Meaning on Output in Groups: Experimental Evidence. Koblenz: German Economic Association of Business Administration - GEABA: Discussion Paper No. 13-21.
| download | - Pull, Kerstin; Uschi Backes-Gellner (2013): (Self-)Selection, Incentives and Resources – a Personnel Economics Perspective on Academia and Higher Education. Zurich: UZH Business Working Paper Series No. 338.
| download | - Güth, Werner; Kerstin Pull; Manfred Stadler; Alexandra Zaby (2013): Endogenous Price Leadership - A Theoretical and Experimental Analysis. Jena: Jena Economic Research Papers No. 2013-039.
| download | - Duran, Mihael (2013): Board director’s perferences: What are good aggregation rules? University of Tübingen Working Papers in Economics and Finance. No. 57.
| download | - Bäker, Agnes; Mechtel, Mario: The role of task meaning on output in groups: Experimental evidence. Availiable at SSRN.
| download | - Joecks, Jasmin; Kerstin Pull; Uschi Backes-Gellner: Childbearing and Research Productivity – A Personnel Economics Perspective on the Leaky Pipeline. Availiable at SSRN
| download | - Berninghaus, Siegfried K.; Werner Güth; Charotte Klempt; Kerstin Pull (2013): Assessing Mental Models via Recording the Decision Deliberations of Pairs Jena: Jena Economic Research Papers No. 2013-012.
| download | - Kluike, Marlies (2012): Re-examining the host-country effect to include hybrid market economies: Is it sufficient to consider host- and home-country, and what role do the subsidiary size and incorporation type play? Available at SSRN.
| download | - Pull, Kerstin; Birgit Pferdmenges; Uschi Backes-Gellner (2012): Knowledge Production Process, Diversity Type and Group Interaction as Moderators of the Diversity-Performance Link: An Analysis of University Research Groups. Zürich: Institute for Strategy and Business Economics, Working Paper No. 158.
| download | - Muschallik, Julia; Kerstin Pull (2012): Mentoring in higher education: Does it enhance mentees' research productivity?
- Kluike, Marlies (2012): What follows employment relations comparative advantage: Within country variation of subsidiaries’ host-country fit and staff adjustment practices. Available at SSRN.
| download | - Bäker, Agnes; Werner Güth; Kerstin Pull; Manfred Stadler (2012): On the Context-Dependency of Inequality Aversion – Experimental Evidence and a Stylized Model –. Jena: Jena Economic Research Papers No. 2012-023.
| download | - Kluike, Marlies; Kerstin Pull (2012): Similar but still different: How US-MNCs in Germany and Switzerland use local training & skill practices. Available at SSRN.
| download | - Joecks, Jasmin; Kerstin Pull; Karin Vetter (2012): Gender Diversity in the Boardroom and Firm Performance: What Exactly Constitutes a 'Critical Mass'? Available at SSRN.
| download | - Bäker, Agnes; Werner Güth; Kerstin Pull; Manfred Stadler (2011): Creativity, Analytical Skills, Personality Traits, and Innovation Game Behavior in the Lab: An Experiment. Jena: Jena Economic Research Papers No. 2011-056.
| download | - Güth, Werner; Kerstin Pull; Manfred Stadler (2011): Intrafirm Conflicts and Interfirm Price Competition. Jena: Jena Economic Research Papers No. 2011-042.
| download | - Breuninger, Susanne; Birgit Pferdmenges, Kerstin Pull (2011): Like father(s), like son(s): Does the relation between advisor and student productivity persist on group level? Available at SSRN.
| download | - Duran, Mihael (2011): Nachträgliche Reduktion von Vorstandsbezügen. Tübinger Diskussionsbeitrag Nr. 332, September 2011.
| download | - Backes-Gellner, Uschi; Jens Mohrenweiser; Kerstin Pull (2011): When Does Regulation Bite? Co-Determination and the Nature of Employment Relations. Zürich: Institute for Strategy and Business Economics, Working Paper No. 147, July 2011.
| download | - Bäker, Agnes; Werner Güth; Kerstin Pull; Manfred Stadler (2010): Does Entitlement Crowd Out Efficiency or Equality Seeking? – Selling the Roles in Generosity Game Experiments. Jena: Jena Economic Research Papers No. 2010-091.
| download | - Bäker, Agnes; Mario Mechtel; Karin Vetter (2010). Beating Thy Neighbor: Derby Effects in German Professional Soccer. Available at SSRN.
| download | - Stribeck, Agnes (2010): The Downside of Looking for Team Players - An Empirical Analysis of the Effects of Requiring Teamwork Skills in Job Advertisements on the Applicant Pool. Available at SSRN:
| download | - Unger, Birgit; Kerstin Pull; Uschi Backes-Gellner (2010): Composition and Performance of Research Training Groups. Zürich: Institute for Strategy and Business Economics, Working Paper No. 130, July 2010.
| download | - Güth, Werner; René Levínský; Kerstin Pull; Ori Weisel (2010): Tournaments and Piece Rates Revisited: A Theoretical and Experimental Study of Premium Incentives. Jena: Jena Economic Research Papers No. 2010-039.
| download | - Stribeck, Agnes; Kerstin Pull (2010): Self-Selection into Teamwork: A Theoretical and Experimental Analysis. Available at SSRN:
| download | - Mechtel, Mario; Tobias Brändle; Agnes Stribeck; Karin Vetter (2010). Red Cards: Not Such Bad News For Penalized Guest Teams. Available at SSRN:
| download | - Güth, Werner; Kerstin Pull; Manfred Stadler; Agnes Stribeck (2010): Equity versus Efficiency? Evidence from Three-Person Generosity Games. Jena: Jena Economic Research Papers No. 2010-018.
| download | - Klempt, Charlotte; Kerstin Pull (2010): Committing to Incentives: Should the Decision to Sanction be Revealed or Hidden? Jena: Jena Economic Research Papers No. 2010 - 013.
| download | - Klempt, Charlotte; Kerstin Pull (2009): Generosity, Greed and Gambling: What difference does asymmetric information in bargaining make? Jena: Jena Economic Research Papers No. 2009 - 021.
| download | - Unger, Birgit; Kerstin Pull; Uschi Backes-Gellner (2009): The Performance of German Research Training Groups in Different Disciplinary Fields: An Empirical Assessment. Zurich: Institute for Strategy and Business Economics, Working Paper No. 99, February 2009.
| download | - Güth,Werner; Kerstin Pull; Manfred Stadler (2009): Intra-firm Conflicts and Interfirm Competition. Jena: Jena Economic Research Papers No. 2009 - 007.
| download | - Chlosta, Kristin; Kerstin Pull (2008): The Incentive Effects of Appointment Tournaments in German Higher Education. Available at SSRN.
| download | - Backes-Gellner, Uschi; Kerstin Pull (2008): Ökonomische Analyse von Incentive-Reisen. Zürich: Institute for Strategy and Business Economics, Working Paper No. 81, March 2008.
| download | - Fischer, Michaela (2008): Können Studiengebühren eine Signalling und Screeningfunktion ausüben? Tübinger Diskussionsbeitrag Nr. 316, März 2008
| download | - Backes-Gellner, Uschi; Donata Bessey; Kerstin Pull; Simone Tuor (2008): What Behavioural Economics Teaches Personnel Economics. Zurich: Institute for Strategy and Business Economics, Working Paper No. 77, February 2008.
| download | - Backes-Gellner, Uschi; Kerstin Pull (2008): Tournament Incentives and Contestant Heterogeneity: Empirical Evidence from the Organizational Practice. Zürich: Institute for Strategy and Business Economics, Working Paper No. 75, January 2008.
| download | - Fischer, Sven; Werner Güth; Kerstin Pull (2004): Is there As-if Bargaining? Koblenz: German Economic Association of Business Administration - GEABA: Discussion Paper No. 04-34.
| download | - Fischer, Sven; Werner Güth; Kerstin Pull (2003): Evolution in Imperfect Commitment Bargaining: Strategic vs. Ignorant Types. Jena: Max Planck Institute for Research into Economic Systems: Papers on Strategic Interaction 20-2003.
| download | - Pull, Kerstin (2003): Der Einfluss personalpolitischer Flexibilität auf die Standortwahl Multinationaler Unternehmen: Eine empirische Analyse. IAAEG Discussion Paper 2003/01.
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