Dr. Tobias R. Rebholz
Tel.: +49 7071 29-78346
E-Mail: tobias.rebholzspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de
E-Mail: tr.rebholzspam prevention@gmail.com
University of Tübingen
Schleichstr. 4, Room 4.507
72076 Tübingen, Germany
Consultation hours: By appointment
Research Interests
- Quantitative Methods for Behavioral Research (e.g., Statistics, Machine/Deep Learning, Bayesian Inference, Data Science)
- Social Cognition/Rationality in Judgment and Decision-Making (e.g., Judgment Aggregation, Wisdom of Crowds, Joint Decision-Making)
- Information Sampling and Utilization (e.g., Advice Taking, Multidimensional Belief Updating, Anchoring Effect, Hindsight Bias, Science Acceptance)
- Human-Computer Interaction (e.g., Algorithm Aversion/Appreciation, Augmented Judgment and Decision-Making, Artificial Intelligence, Large Language Models)
- Buttliere, B., Arvanitis, A., Białek, M., Choshen-Hillel, S., Davidai, S., Gilovich, T., … Rebholz, T. R., … Weick, M. (2024). Kahneman in quotes and reflections. Psychological Inquiry, 35(1), 3–10. https://doi.org/10.1080/1047840X.2024.2366813
- Rebholz, T. R., Biella, M., & Hütter, M. (2024). Mixed-effects regression weights for advice taking and related phenomena of information sampling and utilization. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 37(2), e2369. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/bdm.2369
- Rebholz, T. R., Koop, A., & Hütter, M. (2024). Conversational user interfaces: Explanations and interactivity positively influence advice taking from generative artificial intelligence. Technology, Mind, and Behavior, 5(4). https://doi.org/10.1037/tmb0000136
- Röseler, L., Kaiser, L., Doetsch, C. A., Klett, N., Seida, C., Schütz, A., … Rebholz, T. R., … Zhang, Y. (2024). The replication database: Documenting the replicability of psychological science. Journal of Open Psychology Data, 12(8), 1–23. https://doi.org/10.5334/jopd.101
- Schreiner, M. R., Quevedo Pütter, J., & Rebholz, T. R. (2024). Time for an update: Belief updating based on ambiguous scientific evidence. Zeitschrift für Psychologie/Journal of Psychology. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1027/2151-2604/a000571
- Biella, M., Rebholz, T. R., Holthausen M., & Hütter, M. (2023). The interaction game: A reciprocity-based minimal paradigm for the induction of social distance. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1111/jasp.12969
- Rebholz, T. R., & Hütter, M. (2022). The advice less taken: The consequences of recieving unexpected advice. Judgment and Decision Making, 17(4), 816-848. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1930297500008950
- Röseler, L., Weber, L., Helgerth, K., Stich, E., Günther, M., Tegethoff, P., Wagner, F., Antunovic, M., Barrera-Lemarchand, F., Halali, E., Ioannidis, K., Genschow, O., Milstein, N., Molden, D. C., Papenmeier, F., Pavlovic, Z., Rinn, R., Schreiter, M. L., … Rebholz, T. R., … Schütz, A. (2022). The open anchoring quest dataset: Anchored estimates from 96 studies on anchoring effects. Journal of Open Psychology Data, 10(1), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.5334/jopd.67
- Mayer, M., & Rebholz, T. R. (2024). Navigating anchor relevance skillfully: Expertise reduces susceptibility to anchoring effects. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/69jwr
- Rebholz, T. R. (2024). Theory of Machine 2.0: Artificial versus artificial intelligence. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/ekz9a
- Scholten, F., Rebholz, T. R., & Hütter, M. (2024). Metacognitive myopia in large language models. arXiv. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2408.05568
- Rebholz, T. R., Hütter, M., & Voss, A. (2023). Bayesian advice taking: Adaptive strategy selection in sequential advice seeking. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/y8x92
- Röseler, L., Incerti, L., Rebholz, T. R., Seida, C., & Papenmeier, F. (2023). Falsifying the insufficient adjustment model: No evidence for unidirectional adjustment from anchors. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/jztk2
- Schreiner, M. R., Rebholz, T. R., Quevedo Pütter, J., & Landrum, A. R. (2023). Investigating factors influencing audiences’ integration of scientific evidence. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/hkct6
Selected Conference Contributions
- Rebholz, T. R. (2024, March). The Key Role of Interaction with Algorithms in Augmented Judgment and Decision-Making [Talk]. 66th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP; Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen). Regensburg, Germany.
- Rebholz, T. R., Biella, M., & Hütter, M. (2023, November). Novel insights into the wisdom of crowds by process-consistent modeling [Poster]. Annual Meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making (SJDM). San Francisco, CA, USA. https://sjdm.org/presentations/2023-Poster-Rebholz-Tobias_R.-Consistent-Modeling-WisdomOfCrowds.pdf
- Rebholz, T. R., Biella, M., & Hütter, M. (2023, August). Process-consistent modeling of information sampling and utilization [Talk]. 29th Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision Making (SPUDM) Conference. Vienna, Austria.
- Rebholz, T. R., Hütter, M., & Voss, A. (2023, June). Bayesian advice taking: Adaptive strategy selection in sequential advice seeking [Talk]. Virtual Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Psychology (Virtual MathPsych). Amsterdam, the Netherlands (Online). https://youtu.be/TUzStxOX3j4
- Rebholz, T. R., Biella, M., & Hütter, M. (2023, March). Reassessing selected wisdom of crowds findings by process-consistent statistical modeling. In M. Mayer (Chair), Advice taking and beyond: Judgment formation via advice taking, sequential collaboration, and belief updating [Symposium]. 65th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP, Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen). Trier, Germany.
- Rebholz, T. R., Hütter, M., & Voss, A. (2022, November). Strategy selection in sequential advice taking [Poster]. Annual Meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making (SJDM). San Diego, CA, USA. https://sjdm.org/presentations/2022-Poster-Rebholz-Tobias_R.-sequential-advice-taking~.pdf
- Rebholz, T. R., Biella, M., & Hütter, M. (2022, September). Mixed-effects regression weights of advice: Modeling individual differences in judgment formation and sampling. In T. R. Rebholz (Chair), Statistical Modeling in Psychology [Symposium]. 52nd Congress of the German Psychological Society (DGPs). Hildesheim, Germany.
- Rebholz, T. R., Biella, M., & Hütter, M. (2022, March). Mixed-effects regression weights of advice: Individual differences in judgment formation and sampling [Talk]. 6th Conference of the Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Statistik (DAGStat). Hamburg, Germany.
- Rebholz, T. R., & Hütter, M. (2022, February). The advice less taken: On the consequences of receiving unexpected advice [Talk]. Annual Meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making (SJDM). San Diego, CA, USA (Online). https://sjdm.org/presentations/2021-Talk-Rebholz-Tobias_R.-unexpected-advice-receipt.pdf
- Rebholz, T. R., & Hütter, M. (2021, September). On the consequences of expecting advice: Investigating an integral element of traditional advice taking research [Talk]. 22nd Transfer of Knowledge Conference of the European Social Cognition Network (ESCON). Salzburg, Austria (Online).
- Rebholz, T. R., & Hütter, M. (2021, August). On the consequences of expecting advice: Investigating an integral element of traditional advice taking research [Poster]. 28th Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision Making (SPUDM) Conference. Warwick, UK (Online).
- Rebholz, T. R., & Pohlmeier, W. (2019, September). Machine Learning Approaches to Predict Individual Unemployment by Noncognitive Skill Factors [Talk]. Moscow-Konstanz International Summer School on Econometrics and Machine Learning, Anapa, Russia.
- Winter 24/25:
- Heuristics and Biases (Research seminar, B.Sc. Psychology, University of Tübingen)
- Introduction to Machine Learning (Method workshop, Ph.D. Statistical Modeling in Psychology, Universities of Freiburg, Heidelberg, Landau, Mannheim, and Tübingen)
- R-Programming (Method seminar, B.Sc. Psychology, University of Tübingen)
- Summer 24: Machine Learning for Data-Driven Decision-Making (Combined research and project seminar, M.Sc. Psychology, University of Tübingen)
- Winter 23/24:
- Advice Taking (Project seminar, B.Sc. Psychology, University of Tübingen, together with Johanna Höhs)
- Judgement and Decision-Making in Social Contexts (Research seminar, B.Sc. Psychology, University of Tübingen)
- Summer 23: Advice Taking (Research seminar, B.Sc. Psychology, University of Tübingen; together with Johanna Höhs)
- Winter 22/23: R-Programming (Method seminar, B.Sc. Psychology, University of Tübingen)
- Summer 22: Judgement and Decision-Making in Social Contexts (Research seminar, B.Sc. Psychology, University of Tübingen)
- Winter 21/22: Advanced Data Collection and Data Analysis (Method seminar, B.Sc. Psychology, University of Tübingen)
- Winter 20/21: Advanced Data Collection and Data Analysis (Method seminar, B.Sc. Psychology, University of Tübingen)
Academic Career
2025- | Visiting Research Scholar Management and Organizations Area, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, NC, USA |
2023-2025 | Postdoc Social Cognition and Decision Scicences, University of Tübingen, Germany |
2020-2023 | Ph.D., Psychology Social Cognition and Decision Scicences, |
2017-2020 | M.Sc., Economics Major in "Econometrics and Applied Economics" University of Konstanz, Germany |
2016-2020 | Research Assistant and Student Research Assistant Economics and Econometrics, University of Konstanz, Germany |
2018 | Research Assistant Political Economy, University of Konstanz, Germany |
2014-2017 | B.Sc., Business Studies and Economics Major in "Psychoeconomics" University of Konstanz, Germany |