Florian Scholten, M.Sc.
Tel.: +49 7071 29-78332
Email: florian.scholten @uni-tuebingen.de
University of Tübingen
Schleichstr. 4
72076 Tübingen, Germany
Consultation hours: By appointment
Research Interests
- Information Sampling in Social Contexts, Advice Giving
- Social Influences on Learning Dynamics in Brunswikian Environments
- Metacognitive Myopia and Pitfalls of Rationality in Judgment and Decision-making
- Scholten, F., Rebholz, T. R., & Hütter, M. (2024). Metacognitive myopia in large language models. arXiv. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2408.05568
- Fiedler, K., & Scholten, F., (2023). To exploit behavioral science in the public interest, it is essential to get rid of distinct myths. In R. J. Sternberg, & W. Niu (Ed.), Critical Thinking Across Disciplines. London, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan.
Conference Contributions
- Scholten, F. & Bröder, A. (2024, March). The True Nature of the Congruence-Incongruence Effect and Varying Learning Trajectories in Multiple-Cue Probability Learning [Talk]. 66th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP; Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologinnen). Regensburg, Germany.
- Scholten, F. & Bröder, A. (2023, December). How Different Cue-Saliencies Shape the Dynamics of Multiple-Cue Probability Learning [Talk]. 29th International Meeting of the Brunswik Society. London, UK (Online).
Academic Career
2023- | Ph.D. Candidate, Statistical Modeling in Psychology Social Cognition and Decision Sciences, University of Tübingen, Germany |
2023 | Research Assistant CRISP-lab, University of Heidelberg, Germany |
2021-2022 | Research Intern Social Cognition and Decision Sciences, University of Tübingen, Germany |
2021 | Research Intern Experimental Psychology II, University of Cologne, Germany |
2020-2023 | M.Sc., Cognitive and Clinical Psychology |
2018-2019 | Student Research Assistant CRISP-lab, University of Heidelberg, Germany |
2017-2020 | B.Sc., Psychology |