Baden-Württemberg Center for Brazil and Latin America

Opening Speakers

Prof. Dr. Peter Grathwohl (University of Tübingen)

Professor Dr. Peter Grathwohl is full professor for hydrogeochemistry (since 1996) at the Department of Geosciences, Tübingen University. Since 2014 he is Vice President (Vice Rector) for Research and Innovation at the University of Tübingen. He was the Dean of the Geoscience Faculty (2006-2010) and Vice Dean of the Faculty of Science (2010-2014). He is a member of the Commission for Soil Protection (KBU) at the Federal EPA (UBA), in the editorial board of a number of scientific journals (incl. editor-in-chief of Journal of Contaminant Hydrology for 8 years) and served in various commissions, grant committees and the senate of the DFG (German Research Foundation). He coordinated several large joint research projects funded by the EU (e.g., FP6 Integrated project "AquaTerra", FP5 SOWA and GRACOS) and DFG. Until 2021 he was spokesperson of the Collaborative Research Center 1253 CAMPOS (Catchments as Reactors: Metabolism of Pollutants at Landscape Scale). His research interests focus on fate and transport of persistent organic pollutants in water, air, soils and sediments and he published more than 220 papers in this area. Besides Europe international cooperations include USA, Canada, China, Iran, and Brazil.

Prof. Dr. Marco Antônio Zago (São Paulo Research Foundation)

He graduated from the University of São Paulo (USP) Medical School, where he obtained his doctoral degree, followed by postdoctoral training at Oxford University, UK. He was the President of USP, President of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), and the Health Secretary of the State of Sao Paulo (2018). He is a member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Sciences of the State of S. Paulo and the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS). He was awarded the Grand-Cross Medal of the National Order of Scientific Merit by the President of Brazil, the São Paulo Medal of Scientific Merit, the Order of Naval Merit, and the Medal of the National Order of Military Merit from the Brazilian Defense Ministry. In 2015, he received the Octavio Frias de Oliveira Award from the Cancer Institute of the State of São Paulo, for his contribution to Oncology. He was the coordinator of a Cell Therapy Center,  the Clinical Director of the Ribeirão Preto University Hospital and a member of the National Biosafety Commission (CTNBio).  His main research interests are the hereditary anemias, human population genetics, the molecular bases of malignancies and adult stem cells, especially hematopoietic and mesenchymal stem cells.

Prof. Dr. Rui Opppermann (CAPES)

Rui Opperman graduated in 1974 at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil, and did his PhD in Odontology at the University of Oslo, Norway, in 1980. He is currently the Director of Foreign Affairs of CAPES and Titular Professor of the UFRGS Faculty of Odontology since 1983. He is a researcher for the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), a member of the Directorate and Coordinator of the National Relations Committee at ANDIFES, member of the Latin American and Caribbean Higher Education Area (ENLACES) and Coordinator for the action UFRGS-Higher Education Regional Conference (CRES) 2018.

Round Table

Prof. em. Dr. Georg Cadisch (University of Hohenheim)

Prof. Dr. Georg Cadisch, Professor at the department of Plant Production in the Tropics & Subtropics at the Institute of Agricultural Sciences in the Tropics (Hans-Ruthenberg-Institute), University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany. His main research interests are sustainability and resilience of tropical farming systems under changing climate and land use conditions.

A special focus has been on improving natural nutrient cycling processes (N2 fixation, biological nitrification inhibition, soil carbon sequestration, soil fertility) and designing integrated agricultural production systems (intercropping, agroforestry, crop-livestock). He further developed soil quality monitoring tools (infrared spectroscopy, stables isotopes) and integrated spatially explicit dynamic land use change impact modelling approaches coupled with animal and socio-economic (multi-agent) models. He has experiences in Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Colombia, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, Philippines, Senegal, Southern China, Thailand, Uganda, Vietnam, Zimbabwe.

Prof. Dr. Dolores Galindo (Federal University of Campina Grande)

Dr. Dolores Galindo, a distinguished scholar and researcher at the Federal University of Campina Grande, possesses a wealth of knowledge and experience in the fields of Psychology, Education, and Contemporary Culture. Her work centers on an expansive perspective of Sustainable Development, encompassing both social and political dimensions, as well as the processes of subjectivization. With a keen focus on everyday life and the utilization of traditional knowledge, she explores strategies that empower individuals to define themselves and fortify communities. Since 2023, Dr. Dolores Galindo has taken the helm as the coordinator of the North-Northeast and Legal Amazon Anti-Racist Feminist Incubator within the National Institute of Science and Technology Caleidoscópio. In this capacity, she has spearheaded initiatives aimed at investigating and bolstering the trajectories of marginalized communities, including black quilombola, indigenous, and peasant women. Her work emphasizes the development of strategies to combat ethnic-racial and gender inequalities.


Moderator: Evelyn Araripe (UFSCar/Leuphana)

Evelyn Araripe is an interdisciplinary scholar working in the fields of science education and sustainability science. Currently a Ph.D. candidate at both the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar, Brazil) and Leuphana University of Lüneburg (Germany), Evelyn enriches her academic pursuits by teaching in the courses of Sustainable Chemistry at Leuphana. With a BA in Social Communication - Journalism (Unimep, Brazil, 2008), a specialisation in Environmental Education (Senac, Brazil, 2011) and an MSc in Education from UFSCar (2020), her expertise lies in creating case studies that weave sustainability and climate change issues into chemistry education. Outside of academia, Evelyn lends her skills as a consultant to European and Latin American projects focusing on sustainability education and climate change education initiatives.


Keynote A: Dr. Georgia Jordão (University of Brasília)

Georgia Jordão holds a Ph.D. in Sustainability Policy and Management from the University of Brasilia, as well as master's and bachelor's degrees in Geography from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. With over 11 years of experience, she has worked as a researcher and technical coordinator in environmental, socio-economic and cultural studies, collaborating with private sector companies, non-profit organizations, international cooperation agencies, and governments. Her expertise includes evaluating public policies, coordinating environmental licensing, conducting socio-environmental impact assessments, facilitating public consultations and the curation of knowledge. She is also an affiliated researcher at the University of Brasilia, where she is involved in projects related to Agroecology-Water-Energy-Food Nexus. Additionally, Georgia works in The Amazon Concertation, an initiative by the Arapyaú Institute.

Keynote B: Prof. Dr. Klaus Kümmerer (Leuphana University Lüneburg)

Klaus Kü mmerer is Director of the Institute of Sustainable Chemistry and holds the chair of Sustainable Chemistry and Material Resources at the public Leuphana University Lü neburg. He is also Director of the Research and Education Hub of the International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre (ISC3, in Bonn. His research and teaching are focused on Green Chemistry, Sustainable Chemistry, Green Pharmacy, Sustainable Pharmacy, Material Resources, Aquatic Environmental Chemistry with a focus on micro pollutants, and Time in Environmental and Sustainability Research. He developed and leads the worldwide unique extra-occupational online study programs “Sustainable Chemistry (Master of Science)” and “Managing Sustainable Chemistry” (Master of Business Administration) at Leuphana University) as well as the Master of Science Sustainability Science: Resources, Materials, and Chemistry. Complete version!

Keynote C: Prof. Dr. Ricardo Abramovay (University of São Paulo)

Ricardo Abramovay is a full professor at the Josué de Castro Chair at the School of Public Health and a senior professor at the Institute of Energy and Environment at the University of São Paulo. He began his academic career in the Economics Department at FEA/USP, where he became a full professor in 2001. He is the author of Infraestrutura para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Amazônia (Ed. Elefante, 2022) and Amazônia. Para uma Economia do Conhecimento da Natureza (Ed. Elefante, 2020). Paradigms Paradigmas do Capitalismo Agrário em Questão (Edusp), Beyond the Green Economy (Routledge) and Lixo Zero: Gestão de Resíduos Sólidos para uma Sociedade mais Próspera (Ethos). He is co-author and leader of the bioeconomy chapter of the Scientific Panel on the Amazon.

Keynote D: Prof. Dr. Angela Oels (University of Augsburg)

Text coming soon.

Moderators Sessions

Moderators Session A

Prof. Dr. Nátali Maidl de Souza (Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa - UEPG)

Nátali Maidl de Souza is Agronomist and Ph.D. in Agronomy. She is professor of Rural Extension and Agroecology at the State University of Ponta Grossa (UEPG, Brazil), based at the Laboratory of Agricultural Mechanization (Lama), and is the UEPG representative on the State Council for Peasant Farming and Organic Production. She was a rural extension officer, where she approved more than 200 rural credit projects for peasant farmers, led soil and water conservation projects financed by the World Bank and operated public policies for productive inclusion and guaranteeing food security. Her research and rural extension interests are related to the sustainable and climate-resilient development of Brazilian peasant agriculture.

Dr. agr. Marcus Giese (University of Hohenheim)

Marcus Giese is working as a scientist at the Institute of Agricultural Sciences in the Tropics (Hans-Ruthenberg-Institute) at the University of Hohenheim, Germany. He is currently coordinating the PhD Research Training Group “Water-People-Agriculture” and as Hub-Manager for Hohenheim Tropics supporting activities for research and education in the Tropics and Subtropics. He studied Geography (Geo-ecology) and Biology at the RWTH-Aachen University and holds a PhD in Agricultural Sciences from Kiel University where in cooperation with the Chinese Agriculture University and the Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, he was analysing matter fluxes in grassland as influences by grazing in a DFG research group. His research and educational projects took him to different agro-ecosystems in Central Asia, Africa and South-America with a focus on grasslands and Savannah ecosystems. He is teaching at Hohenheim University in several modules with a focus on plant environment interactions, agro-ecology and ecozones of the World.


Moderators Session A1

Dr. Thomas Hilger (University of Hohenheim)

Dr. Thomas Hilger was trained in soil science and agricultural sciences at the Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany where he specialized in tropical agriculture. He heads the Acocomia Hub at the Hans-Ruthenberg-Institute of Agricultural Sciences in the Tropics, University of Hohenheim Stuttgart, Germany. His area of expertise is in tropical crop science. His particular research interest is in crop management, improvement and diversification of cropping systems, and conservation agriculture. He has extensive research experience in Southeast Asia and South America. Since the mid-1990s, his research has focussed on neglected crops with a strong emphasis on bio-economy. These include promising plants such as Acrocomia ssp., Musa textilis, and Ananas lucidus. He has been involved in the Education and Training for Sustainable Agriculture and Nutrition in East Africa (EaTSANE) project international research project which brings together multidisciplinary stakeholders to make agriculture more sustainable and improve household nutrition in Kenya and Uganda by diversifying the food system with a participatory action learning approach. Dr. Hilger is currently coordinating the AcroAlliance project, a Brazilian-German vision to promote the sustainable use of local biodiversity in the bioeconomy.

Dr. Evellyn Couto (Federal University of Viçosa)

Evellyn Couto has a degree in Biology from the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA, Lavras - MG / Brazil), a Master’s degree in Vegetal Biotechnology from the same university, a PhD in Genetics and Plant Breeding from the University of São Paulo (Esalq/USP, Piracicaba - SP / Brazil), and worked as a Research Scientist at the University of Hohenheim in 2018 (Stuttgart, Germany). She held a post-doctoral program at São Paulo Agribusiness Technology Agency/APTA (Piracicaba - SP / Brazil) and currently has a postdoctoral position at Federal University of Viçosa (Viçosa - MG / Brazil).


Throughout her career, Evellyn has developed scientific studies about doubled haploids in maize as haploid selection and characterization, chromosome duplication, genetic variability, DH lines obtantion. Nowadays, she is researching the neotropical macaúba palm with a focus on genetic improvement of this species combined with sustainable development. Her interests include areas such as communication, genomics, plant breeding, GWAS, genomic selection, quantitative genetics and R programming.


Moderators Session A2

Dr. Birgit Hoinle (University of Hohenheim)

Birgit Hoinle is Postdoc-Researcher at the chair of ‘Societal Transition & Agriculture’ at the University of Hohenheim. She studied Political Sciences and Geography at the University of Tübingen and Universidade Federal Fluminense in Niterói. She holds a PhD in Geography by the University of Hamburg with a research stay at the Universidad Externado de Colombia. For her PhD project on urban agriculture and empowerment processes in Colombia she conducted 18 months of field research and developed a participatory mapping platform with agroecological networks in Bogotá. Her current research is on sustainable public catering, food justice and the role of food policy councils. Birgit Hoinle is part of the network of Critical Geography GeoRaizAL (Red de Geografías Críticas de Raíz Latinoamericana).

Dr. Georgia Jordão (University of Brasilia)

Georgia Jordão holds a Ph.D. in Sustainability Policy and Management from the University of Brasilia, as well as master's and bachelor's degrees in Geography from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. With over 11 years of experience, she has worked as a researcher and technical coordinator in environmental, socio-economic and cultural studies, collaborating with private sector companies, non-profit organizations, international cooperation agencies, and governments. Her expertise includes evaluating public policies, coordinating environmental licensing, conducting socio-environmental impact assessments, facilitating public consultations and the curation of knowledge. She is also an affiliated researcher at the University of Brasilia, where she is involved in projects related to Agroecology-Water-Energy-Food Nexus. Additionally, Georgia works in The Amazon Concertation, an initiative by the Arapyaú Institute.

Moderators Session B

Prof. Dr Stefan Laufer (University of Tübingen)

Stefan Laufer is Professor and Chairman for Pharmaceutical/Medicinal Chemistry at Tuebingen University. He received his degrees from Regensburg University. After 10 years in Pharmaceutical Industry he joined in 1999 Tuebingen University as Chairman Pharm./Med. Chemistry. His research interests are anti-inflammatory and cancer drug discovery with various eicosanoid (COX-1,2,3, LOXs, mPGES1, cPLA2) and protein kinase targets (e.g. p38, JAKs, JNKs, CK1d, mtEGRFs, BTK, ATM, AurKa) . Prof. Laufer chairs the ICEPHA (Interfaculty Center for Pharmacogenomics and Drug Research) and TüCADD, Tuebingen Center for Academic Drug Discovery and is co-founder of two start-up companies. As part of this work, a proprietary kinase inhibitor collection is established (TüKIC, 12.000 cpds, >1 Mio data points). He is associate editor of the ACS Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, authored more than 633 publications, 16 books/book chapters and is inventor in 48 patent families with 377 national applications. 5 compounds from his lab made it to first into man studies.

Prof. Dr. Niels Olsen (University of São Paulo)

Graduated in Medicine from the Federal University of Ceará (1991), Master of Sciences in Medicine (Nephrology) from the Federal University of São Paulo (1997), specialization in Transplantation Immunology at the University of Tours (Diplome des Etudes Appronfodies, France, 1997-1999), PhD in Medicine (Nephrology) by the Federal University of São Paulo (2000), postdoc at Imperial College London (2000-2003) and habilitation at the Federal University of São Paulo (Medicine) in 2006. He is currently a professor at the Department of Immunology at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences at the University of São Paulo (since 2011). Visiting Professor at the University of Tours, France in 2006. The laboratory has experience in the nephrology area and in cellular and applied immunology, acting on the following topics: kidney transplantation, experimental models of acute and chronic kidney diseases, ischemia and reperfusion injury, regulatory cells, and stem cells in kidney diseases. More recently, the laboratory has been studying the microbiota interface, cellular metabolism, and inflammation in models of autoimmunity and allo. Full member of São Paulo Research Academy. Member of Brazilian Academy of Sciences. CNPq 1A grantee award. Deputy Provost at the USP Graduate Office (2022-2023).

Moderators Session B1

Prof. Dr. Christa Müller (University of Bonn)

Christa E. Müller studied pharmacy at the University of Tübingen, Germany, and received her Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Chemistry in 1988. After postdoctoral stays at the National Institutes of Health (USA, 1989-1990 and 1992), she became Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at Würzburg University, Germany. Since 1998 she is Full Professor at Bonn University. Her scientific interests are focused on the medicinal chemistry, structural biology, and molecular pharmacology of purine-binding membrane proteins, orphan G protein-coupled receptors and G proteins, and recently also on coronavirus therapeutics. Disease indications include neurodegenerative and inflammatory diseases, cancer, and infections. She has published more than 500 scientific papers. Among a number of awards, she received the Nauta Pharmacochemistry Award for Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology by the European Federation of Medicinal Chemistry (EFMC) in 2018, the Tony Holý Lecture Award by the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, in 2019, and she was the first recipient of the Dieter Binder Lectureship in Medicinal Chemistry by the Society of Austrian Chemists (awarded in 2022). Since 2021, she acts as Editor-in-Chief of ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science. Since 2023, she is an elected member of the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina.


Prof. Dr. Flávio Emery (University of São Paulo)

I completed my degree in Pharmacy from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in 1998 and then went on to earn a Ph.D. in Natural Products Chemistry in 2005 from the same university, at the Natural Products Research Center, which is now known as IPPN. Presently, I work as an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ribeirão Preto (FCFRP), University of São Paulo (USP), where I carry out projects related to medicinal chemistry and synthesis of heterocycles. Additionally, I am a co-founder and director of the Medicinal Chemistry Division of the Center for Research and Advancement in Fragments and Molecular Targets (CRAFT), a drug discovery center at FCFRP/USP. In the past, I have served as the President of the Brazilian Association of Pharmaceutical Sciences (ABCF, 2019-2020). Lastly, I hold the position of Adjunct Coordinator (academic) of the Pharmacy area at CAPES.


Moderators Session B2

Prof. Dr. Matthias Schwab (Institute of Clinical Pharmacology)

Matthias Schwab is professor and chair of Clinical Pharmacology, and heads the department of Clinical Pharmacology, University of Tuebingen and the Dr Margarete Fischer-Bosch-Institute of Clinical Pharmacology, Stuttgart, Germany. He studied medicine, holds board certifications in Pediatrics and in Clinical Pharmacology. He was visiting professor at St Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, US. Schwab’s scientific interests focus on personalized medicine and pharmacogenomics (PGx) and the contribution of ADME genes particularly related to cancer therapy. Special interests lies in the application of innovative Omics-technologies (e.g. metabonomics). He is involved in the implementation of PGx findings into clinics and is principle investigator of several academically initiated drug trials. Schwab received numerous awards, and is member of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, the Academy of Sciences and Literature, Mainz, Germany and the Academia Europea. His scientific accomplishments result in > 500 peer reviewed articles, he is Thomson Reuters/Clarivate Highly Cited Researchers, rubric Pharmacology and Toxicology” or rubric “Cross Field” (2015/’16/’18/2020-23). He serves as (Section-) Editor-in-Chief (Pharmacogenetics and Genomics, Drug Research, Genome Medicine.

Prof. Dr. Fernanda Bueno (PUCRS)

Prof. Fernanda B. Morrone is a full professor in Pharmacology at the School of Health and Life Sciences, PUCRS, and a researcher at the Brain Institute of Rio Grande do Sul (INSCER-PUCRS). Currently, she is a Permanent Professor at the Graduate Program in Cellular and Molecular Biology and at the Graduate Program in Medicine and Health Sciences, PUCRS. She has more than 100 published articles and various book chapters, along with 2 patents deposited. Prof. Morrone is the leader of the Research Group: Pharmacology of cancer and inflammation, focusing on the biochemical and molecular aspects of new therapeutic targets. She coordinates projects related to pharmacology and the relationship between cancer and purinergic signaling in various types of tumors. Her current research focuses on the interaction of the purinergic system and kinases in the response to radiotherapy in glioma models. Her work has received several awards, and she currently holds a CNPq Productivity Scholarship.

Moderators Session C

Dr. Sergiy Smetana (Deutsches Institut für Lebensmitteltechnik)

Prof. Dr. Sergiy M. Smetana works as a Head of Food Data Group at the German Institute of Food Technologies (DIL e.V.) since 2017 and as Professor of Food System Analysis at TiHo (University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover) since 2023. During his carrier he worked in University of Vechta (Germany), Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, USA) and Institute of Nature Management Problems (Ukraine). The focus of his research is sustainability assessment of innovative food processing technologies, alternative protein sources and data analysis of complex food systems.

Head of Food Data Group, German Institute of Food Technologies (DIL e.V.), Quakenbrück, Germanz.

Professor, Institute of Food Quality and Food Safety, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation, Bischofsholer Damm 15, D-30173, Hannover, Germany.

Prof. Dr. Ricardo Abramovay (University of São Paulo)

Ricardo Abramovay is a full professor at the Josué de Castro Chair at the School of Public Health and a senior professor at the Institute of Energy and Environment at the University of São Paulo. He began his academic career in the Economics Department at FEA/USP, where he became a full professor in 2001. He is the author of Infraestrutura para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Amazônia (Ed. Elefante, 2022) and Amazônia. Para uma Economia do Conhecimento da Natureza (Ed. Elefante, 2020). Paradigms Paradigmas do Capitalismo Agrário em Questão (Edusp), Beyond the Green Economy (Routledge) and Lixo Zero: Gestão de Resíduos Sólidos para uma Sociedade mais Próspera (Ethos). He is co-author and leader of the bioeconomy chapter of the Scientific Panel on the Amazon.

Moderators Session C1

Henriette Azeredo (Embrapa)

Henriette is a food engineer, PhD in Food Engineering, who has been a scientist at the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA) since 2001. She was a visiting scientist at the ARS/USDA (2008), and later at the Quadram Institute (former Institute of Food Research, IFR), in Norwich, UK (2013-2015), representing the Embrapa Labex Programme. She leads research projects on the development of biodegradable and edible films and coatings based on food industry byproducts, nanocomposites in food packaging, and food and packaging applications of bacterial cellulose."

Moderators Session C2

Dr. Aymara Llanque Zonta (Leuphana University Lüneburg)

Social researcher, social psychologist, PhD in philosophy from the Indigenous University Siglo XX of Llallagua - Bolivia, postdoc in food sustainability in Latin America and Africa with the University of Bern, Switzerland, Compas Bolivia, and AGRUCO UMSS where she developed a transdisciplinary research in food sustainability and local transformations. Researcher in food sustainability at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH - UFZ  and lecturer at the Faculty of Sustainability, Leuphana University in Germany, on topics related to sustainable consumption, social movements towards sustainability, indigenous knowledge, and community responses to extractivism. She is a decolonial feminist activist, part of GLEFAS (Latin American Group for Feminist Studies, Training, and Action in Latin America), working on critical perspectives of sustainability and green alternatives, with a special focus on processes of neo-extractivism, as well as coloniality.

Dr. Antônio Augusto Fidalgo Neto (Embrapii)

Chief Researcher of SENAI Innovation Institute for Green Chemistry and SESI Innovation Center for Occupational Health. Ph.D. in Science from Oswaldo Cruz Foundation and a Master's Degree in Toxicology and Pharmacology at the same institution. Scientist with 24 years of experience working in basic science and applied research. Manage high Complexity R&D projects focusing on sustainability, green chemistry, chemical technologies, and new materials. He has extensive experience in leadership high-performance teams focused on applied industrial research, as well as national and international scientific partnerships. Author and co-author of several scientific publications and patents in the area. It's also a reviewer of Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry and Food and Chemistry.

Moderators Session C3

Prof. Dr. Vânia Zuin Zeidler (Leuphana University Lüneburg)

Dr. Vania Zuin Zeidler is a Full Professor at the Institute of Sustainable Chemistry at Leuphana University (Germany), and currently the Pro-Dean of Gender and Diversity and well as the Chair of the PhD Committee Dr. rer. nat. at the Faculty/School of Sustainability. Her background is Green and Sustainable Analytical Chemistry and Green and Sustainable Chemistry Education, with major interests in developing analytical methods that are incipient to determine renewable and bioactive high-value organic substances extracted from agro-industrial residues (separation science for sustainable food systems). She has established a well-structured network between industries, governmental and non-governmental sectors to improve research and application of Green and Sustainable Chemistry knowledge all over the world.

She is author of several publications of high impact in the areas of her expertise (as Science, Nature, Cell) and has been invited to give several lectures in the academic and industrial sectors. Her distinctions include the 52o and 57o National Literary Jabuti Awards (Brazil), the title of Honorary Visiting Fellow at the University of York (UK), the IUPAC CHEMRAWN VII Prize for Atmospheric and Green Chemistry, the title of Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) in 2015, the ACS-CEI Award for Incorporating Sustainability into Chemistry Education, sponsored by the ACS in 2017 (USA) and Fellow of the Robert Bosch Foundation and Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at Leuphana (Germany, 2020 and 2021) and Visiting Professor at the Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence, University of York (UK) from 2013 to 2023.

Moderators Session D

Dr. Bernardo Jurema (Research Institute for Sustainability)

Dr. Bernardo Jurema is a political scientist from Recife, Brazil. He joined the RIFS-Potsdam in 2021 as Research Associate for the Democratic Governance for Ecopolitical Transformations (Ecopol) project, which analyzes the dynamics of sustainability governance. His research interests include US foreign policy, critical security studies, transdisciplinary research, environmental justice, and the intersection of geopolitics and ecopolitics, with the Amazon Basin as case study. He has worked at international organizations and think tanks in Europe and Latin America. He graduated in Social Sciences at the Federal University of Pernambuco, holds an MSc in comparative politics from the London School of Economics and Political Science, and a PhD degree in political science from the Freie Universität Berlin.

Moderators Session D1

Dr. Flavia Guerra (University of Tübingen)

Flavia Guerra Cavalcanti holds a PhD in International Relations from the Institute of International Relations (IRI) of PUC-Rio in Brazil. Her Ph.D. thesis dealt with the strategic relationship between the European Union and Latin America from a poststructuralist and postcolonialist perspective, specifically focusing on how European identity was - and continues to be -  constructed through discourses about the Latin American Other. Since 2010, she has been a full-time professor in the International Relations course at the Institute of International Relations and Defense (IRID) of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. Her research interest profoundly connects to the disciplines she teaches, such as International Political Sociology, Postcolonialism Studies, Critical Border Studies, and Critical Security Studies. As a postdoctoral Global Encounters fellow at the Institute of Political Science at the University of Tübingen, she is working on the project "Oceanic Thinking in Migrant Resistance: How the Concept of Wet Ontology Can Destabilize the Fixed Conceptions of Territory and Belonging." At the first moment, the research aims to investigate how Oceanic Thinking or Ocean Studies, particularly the concept of "wet ontology," coined by Philip Steinberg (2010), can destabilize conceptions about territory, sovereignty, citizenship, and belonging that emerge from a supposed binarism between Land and Sea embedded in the discipline of IR. As Rob Walker puts it (1993), the individual depends on his attachment to an inside (a territorial space) to be eligible for citizenship and human rights, whereas others are not. Our modern idea of the Subject, the Sovereign and the Citizen, comes from a territorial and exclusionary logic based on the binarism between land and Sea, where the former is the space of security and History, whereas the latter represents insecurity and emptiness. In contrast, "wet ontology" breaks with the idea that the Sea is a space devoid of History/story and distinct from Terrestrial Space regarding the production of political imaginaries. The supposed emptiness of the maritime space has as many lines, traces, and narratives as the terrestrial space; in this sense, they also shape our notions of citizenship and belongingness. The project's objective is to explore the representation of the Ocean as a place of variety and production of new imaginaries about citizenship, space, territory, and belonging.

Prof. Dr. Armin Mathis (Federal University of Pará)

Armin Mathis is a professor at the Center for Advanced Amazonian Studies of the Federal University of Pará (Belém - Brazil). He studied economy and politic science at Philipps-University Marburg and at Free University Berlin. He concluded his doctorate in Political Science at the Free University of Berlin (1995) with a dissertation about small-scale gold mining in the Amazon and its importance for the regional development.
Since 1995, Armin Mathis took part in and coordinated various research projects on national and international level about the extraction of natural resources with the sponsorship of national and international agencies (Ford Foundation, WWF, UNIDO, UNESCO, European Commission, Dutsch Government, Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology, Brazilian Ministry of Education, Brazilian Ministry of Mining and Energy). He also works in university extension programs in the preparation of development plans, socio-economic and environmental impact studies.
He was a member of the Consultative Group for Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining (CASM/BIRD) and is currently part of the Geo-Network of Latin American Alumni-Goal, a network that unites Latin American geoscientists and geoengineers.

Moderators Session D2

Prof. Dr. Riccarda Flemmer (University of Tübingen)

Riccarda Flemmer is Junior-Professor for Political Struggles in the Global South of at the Institute of Political Science, University of Tübingen. She holds a PhD from the University of Hamburg and has worked in several projects on indigenous peoples and consultation rights, e.g. at the German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) and the trAndeS program of the Freie Univerisität Berlin and Ponitfícia Universidad Católica del Peru. As an academic co-presenter and translator, she accompanies events of the Kulturbüro Grupo Sal with Kichwa activist Patricia Gualinga from the indigenous Amazonian community of Sarayaku in Ecuador. Her research interests include Indigenous peoples’ rights, environmental justice, and interpretive methodology. She currently works on indigenous ontologies and Rights of Nature (RoN) in Latin America.

Prof. Dr. Ana Paula Fracalanza (University of São Paulo)

Professor at the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities at the University of São Paulo (USP). Former Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Environmental Science in 2018/2019. Professor of the Graduate Program in Social Change and Political Participation at USP. She participates in the Environment and Society Research Group of the Institute for Advanced Studies. She researches the themes of water governance, environmental public policies and sanitation.

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