Selina Bernarding
Seminar for General Rhetoric
Neuphilologicum, Room 552
+49 7071 2974257
Consultation hours
by arrangement
Selina Bernarding studied rhetoric and political science at the University of Tübingen with a stay abroad in Portland (Oregon, USA). During her studies, she worked as a student assistant at the chairs of Prof Dr Joachim Knape and Prof Dr Olaf Kramer. After graduating, she supervised the intensive module Rhetoric and Communication (Career Service/Seminar for General Rhetoric) as a research assistant. From 2019 to 2023, she was a fellow at the interdisciplinary DFG Research Training Group 1808 "Ambiguity: Production and Reception". Since March 2023, she has been a doctoral researcher at the Seminar for General Rhetoric. Her dissertation project deals with the topic of Diplomacy and Rhetoric.
„Diplomatische Rhetorikstrategien“, Institutskolloquium Seminar für Allgemeine Rhetorik, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, 27. Juli 2021. |
„Metaphor as problem causer and problem solver: A rhetorical functional perspective in diplomatic interactions“ Workshop „Metaphor and Ambiguity Analysis (MAmbA)“, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, 26. und 27. März 2021. |
Bernarding, Selina (2019): Eine neue Marianne für Frankreich? – Rechtsnationale Ikonisierung der Marine Le Pen. Populisten – rhetorische Profile. Hrsg. v. Joachim Knape, Olaf Kramer und Dietmar Till. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto. S. 48-53. |
Bernarding, Selina; J. Rink (2015): The 17th Century. A new beginning following the Thirty Years’ War. 500 Years. Continuing Rhetoric in Tuebingen. Hrsg. v. Joachim Knape und Dietmar Till. Tübingen: Seminar für Allgemeine Rhetorik. S. 10-13. |
SoSe 2023: Tutorenausbildung für das Praxisseminar „Sprechübung“ (Praxisseminar) |
SoSe 2022: Theorie und Praxis der Rhetorik in der Diplomatie (Proseminar) |
WiSe 2019/2020: zs. mit Prof. Dr. Joachim Knape: Kooperationsverweigerung als rhetorischer Widerstandsfaktor (Haupt-/Oberseminar) |
SoSe 2019: Rhetorik im Gespräch (Career Service, Schlüsselqualifikationsseminar) |
Research interests
Political Rhetoric |
Rhetoric of Dialogue |
Communication methods of refusal to co-operate |
Strategic use of Ambiguity |