Baden-Württemberg Center for Brazil and Latin America

Veranstaltungskalender und Aktivitäten des Zentrums und seiner Partner

Calendar of events and activities of the Center and its partners


 Democracy Disfigured or Reconfigured? Political Imaginaries, Popular Participation, and Social Change in the Americas
20-21 February 2025 
Großer Senat, Neue Aula 



25 and 26 March 2025
Freie Universität Berlin (Berlin)

The FAPESP WEEK Germany is the 24th edition of the FAESP WEEK symposium series



Pesquisar em Tübingen, uma oportunidade de excelência – Edição USP
25 de março de 2025, às 13h00 (BRT) 
“German Corner”, na AUCANI
Centro Intercultural Internacional (CII) da USP
Av. Prof. Lúcio Martins Rodrigues, 310, Bloco B, 1º andar 



Abgelaufen/ Expired

Abgelaufen/ Expired

Ab (Since) Juli(July)

19.11.2024 (online registration) BraLat
Tübingen Science Bridge – Latin America (TSB)
Lecture: "The concept of democracy during the period of Independence in Spanish America" 
Time: 16:00 MEZ (Brazil 12:00 BRT) 
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Francisco Ortega, Universidad Nacional de Colombia 

Register link:


03.12.2024 (online registration) BraLat
Tübingen Science Bridge – Latin America (TSB)
More Infos coming soon

17.12.2024 (online registration) BraLat
Tübingen Science Bridge – Latin America (TSB)
fällt aus
05.11.2024 (online registration) BraLat
Tübingen Science Bridge – Latin America (TSB)
Lecture: “Paleoclimate reconstruction and cave monitoring from Brazil and Germany”
Time: 15:00 MEZ (Brazil 11:00 BRT) 
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Valdir Felipe Novello - University of Brasília (UnB) / University of Tübingen
Register link:


Sprachkurse in Wintersemester 2024/2025
Vorbesprechung am Montag, den 14. Oktober um 18 Uhr in Raum 1.05 in der Nauklerstraße 35, Teilnahme unbedingt notwendig, um einen Platz im Portugiesischkurs zu bekommen.
Mehr Infos!


15.10.2024 (online registration) BraLat
Tübingen Science Bridge – Latin America (TSB)
Lecture:“Global Sixties: Colombian intellectuals between revolution and democracy”
Time: 16:00, UCT+2 (Brazil 11:00, UCT-3) 
Speaker: Dr. Sandra Jaramillo Restrepo (Cedinci, UNSAM, UBA)

01.10.2024 (online registration) BraLat
Tübingen Science Bridge – Latin America (TSB)
Lecture: Drug Candidate Identification Against SARS-CoV-2
Time: 15:00, UCT+2 (Brazil 10:00, UCT-3)
Speaker: Dr. Edmarcia Elisa de Souza, University of São Paulo (USP)


25.07.24 (online registration) BraLat 
18:00 (UCT+2)

Academic opportunities in Tübingen: Tradition and innovation
The path for students and researchers to a top university

More information and registration!

29.07.2024 (online registration) BraLat
Tübingen Science Bridge – Latin America (TSB)
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Fabrício Figueiró - UFRGS
Lecture: “Immunophenotyping Profiles and Prognosis in Acute Leukemias: A Repositioning Analysis”
Time: 15:00 (UCT+2)
More infos und registration


16.07.2024 (online registration) BraLat
Tübingen Science Bridge – Latin America (TSB)

Speaker: Dr. Flavia Guerra (UFRJ)
Lecture: The resistance of migrants and its contribution to democracy: an approach from the "wet ontology"

Time: 16:00 (UCT+2)
More infos und registration!


7. bis 13. Juli 2024
76. Jahrestagung der Brasilianischen Gesellschaft für den Fortschritt der Wissenschaft (SBPC)
Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA) - Campus Guamá, Belém (PA)
Mehr Informationen hier!


09.07.2024 - SBPC
Roundtable: Die Attraktivität einer wissenschaftlichen Karriere in Brasilien für ausländische Forschende
Das Brasilien- und Lateinamerika-Zentrum wird bei dem DWIH-Stand auf der Expo T&C vertreten sein, durch seine Koordinatorin und Leitering, Dr. Martina Schulze.
Erfahren Sie mehr!


08.07.2024  BraLat
15:00 (UCT+2)
Sprachprüfungen in brasilianischem Portugiesisch