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9. SCHWAB, N., JANECKA, K., KACZKA, R.J., BÖHNER, J., CHAUDHARY, R.P., SCHOLTEN, T. & SCHICKHOFF, U. (2020): Ecological relationships at a near-natural treeline, Rolwaling valley, Nepal Himalaya: implications for the sensitivity to climate change. Erdkunde 74: 15-44. https://doi.org/10.3112/erdkunde.2020.01.02
10. SCHWAB, N., KACZKA, R.J., JANECKA, K., BÖHNER, J., CHAUDHARY, R.P., SCHOLTEN, T. & SCHICKHOFF, U. (2018): Climate change-induced shift of tree growth sensitivity at a central Himalayan treeline ecotone. Forests 2018, 9(5), 267. https://doi.org/10.3390/f9050267