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Afscharian, D., Bruzelius, C. and Seeleib-Kaiser, M. (2023) ‘Agency, Institutions, and Welfare Chauvinism: Tracing the Exclusion of EU Migrant Citizens from Social Assistance in Germany’, Journal of European Social Policy,
Bruzelius, C. and Seeleib-Kaiser, M. (2023) ‘Enforcing outsiders’ rights: migrant seasonal workers and institutionalised exploitation in the EU’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 49(16): pp. 4188-4205,
Bruzelius, C., Ratzmann N. and Reiss, L. (2023). ‘Delegating Migration Control to Local Welfare Actors: Reporting Obligations in Practice’, Journal of European Social Policy,
Bruzelius, C., Ratzmann N. and Reiß, L. (2022) ‘Überbrückungsleistungen für EU-Bürger/-innen in Deutschland: Instrument sozialer Absicherung oder Migrationskontrolle?‘, [‘Bridging Benefits for EU-citizens in Germany: Social Assistance or Migration Control?] Zeitschrift für Sozialreform, 68 (3-4), pp. 237-266,
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Bruzelius, C. (2021) ‘Taking emigration seriously: a new agenda for research on free movement and welfare’, Journal of European Public Policy, 28(6), pp. 930–942,
Bruzelius, C. and Seeleib-Kaiser, M. (2021) 'Social citizenship in federations: free movement and social assistance rights in the EU and beyond', West European Politics,
Bruzelius, C. (2020) ‘How EU Juridification shapes Constitutional Social Rights’, Journal of Common Market Studies,
Bruzelius, C. (2020) ‘Local government responses to EU citizens’ integration needs’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies,
Bruzelius, C. (2019) 'Non-for-profits and EU citizens’ cross-border social rights in different welfare states’, Journal of Social Policy,
Bruzelius, C. (2019) 'Freedom of movement, social rights and residence-based conditionality in the European Union', Journal of European Social Policy, 29(1), pp. 70-83
Bruzelius, C., Reinprecht, C. and Seeleib-Kaiser, M. (2017) ‘Stratified Social Rights Limiting EU Citizenship’, Journal of Common Market Studies, 55(6), pp. 1239–1253
Bruzelius, C., Chase, E. and Seeleib-Kaiser, M. (2016) ‘Social Rights of EU Migrant Citizens: Britain and Germany Compared’, Social Policy and Society, 15(3), pp. 403-416.