| August 2018: ► Talk, session chairing and five posters at the conference NFO in Troyes, France ► Article "Graphene-based transparent microelectrodes for electro- and opto-physiology applications" by P. Kshirsagar et al. accepted by Advanced Materials Technologies ► Viktor Schiff starts his Bachelor thesis - Welcome! ► Jasmin Moser successfully completes her Bachelor thesis - Congratulations! ► Invited review article "Active optical antennas driven by inelastic electron tunneling" by K. Braun et al. accepted by Nanophotonics |
 | July 2018: ► Fabian Strauß successfully completes his Bachelor thesis - Congratulations! ► Andreas Horrer successfully defends his PhD - Congratulations! ► Jonas Haas is awarded the Dr. Friedrich-Förster-Prize 2018 - Congratulations! ► Article "Continuous reversible tuning of the gap size and plasmonic coupling of bow tie nanoantennas on flexible substrates" by F. Laible et al. accepted by Nanoscale |

| June 2018: ► Article "Self-assembled quasi-hexagonal arrays of gold nanoparticles with small gaps for surface-enhanced Raman spectrosocpy" by E. Gürdal et al. accepted by Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology (Thematic Issue Optically and Electrically Driven Nanoantennas) ► Christian Simo starts his Focus Module - Welcome! ► Fabian Schmid starts his Bachelor thesis - Welcome! |
 | May 2018: ► Article "Nonlinear plasmonic behavior of nanohole arrays in thin gold films for imaging lipids" by N. Subramaniyam et al. accepted by Applied Physics Letters ► Article "Plasmonic trapping potentials for cold atoms" by M. Mildner et al. accepted by Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics ► Invited talk at the Ringberg Symposium 2018 "Detection and Actuation at the Nano- and Microscales in Fluids" of the Max-Planck-Society ► Visit by P.M. Adam and A.L. Baudrion from the UTT Troyes, France, in the frame of the PPP Programme by German Academic Exchange Service DAAD ► Visit by a Delegation from University of Leeds to LISA+ ► Benjamin Trzeciak successfully completes his Bachelor thesis - Congratulations! ► Elena Bez successfully completes her Bachelor thesis - Congratulations! |
| April 2018: ► Article "Single particle dark-field spectroscopy of spherical dimers with down to sub-10 nm gaps fabricated by the annealing of nano-pillars" by S. Dickreuter et al. accepted by Nanophotonics ► The work on Collective SHG Effects in Oligomers is featured in the Opli: Photonics and Lasers magazine Newsletter ► Article "Mapping the electric field distribution of tightly focused cylindrical vector beams with gold nanorings" by J. Fulmes et al. accepted by Optics Express ► Hand-over at the NMI Reutlingen on April 13: Prof. Dr. Katja Schenke-Layland takes over as head of the Natural and Medical Sciences Institute ► Nadim Shaqqura starts his Bachelor thesis - Welcome! ► Lisa Seitl starts her Master thesis - Welcome! ► Jasmin Moser starts her Bachelor thesis - Welcome! |

| March 2018: ► Article "Collective effects in second-harmonic generation from plasmonic oligomers" by G. Bautista, C. Dreser et al. accepted by Nano Letters ► Article "Carrier recombination and plasmonic emission channels in metallic photoluminescence" by J. Wang et al. accepted by Nanoscale ► Article "Semitransparent carbon microelectrodes for opto- and electrophysiology" by P. Kshirsagar et al. accepted by Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering ► Fabian Strauß starts his Bachelor thesis - Welcome! ► Invited participation in the COST Connect Event "Quantum - where will the next jump go?" in Warsaw |
 | February 2018: ► Article "Novel advanced scoping meta-review methodology for defining a graduate level textbook in an emerging subject area" by S. Perry et al. accepted by LIBER Quarterly ► Boris Stamm (NMI) successfully defends his PhD - Congratulations! ► Invited talk at the Nanoscale Quantum Optics Conference in Prague ► Kick-off Workshop for the BWS plus project "Light-Matter Interaction in the Context of Core Facilities" with the Meixner/Zhang and Brecht groups at the UTT Troyes, France |

| January 2018: ► Julian Wanner successfully completes his Bachelor thesis - Congratulations! ► Andreas Dörr successfully completes his Master thesis - Congratulations! ► Jonas Haas successfully completes his Master thesis - Congratulations! Happy New Year 2018! |
 | December 2017: Lars Lüder successfully completes his Master thesis - Congratulations! Habilitation Committee for Dr. Thomas Maurer, University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne |
 | November 2017: Brian Paquelet-Wütz successfully completes his Master thesis - Congratulations! Florian Laible speaks at the NET-Symposium of the Network Electron Microscopy Tübingen The group takes part in the Taiwan-Germany Workshop on Ultrafast Laser Spectroscopy in Tübingen External PhD defense by Matthias Schwille at the TU Dresden Annual science taster studies for pupils on November 2 Harsh Thakkar starts a lab internship in the group - Welcome! |
| October 2017: Valentin Henken-Mellies successfuly completes his Master thesis - Congratulations! Elena Bez and Benjamin Trzeciak start their Bachelor theses - Welcome! Lars Lüder visits the Rapaport group at Hebrew University of Jerusalem in a Short-Term Scientific Mission of the COST Action Nanospectroscopy Group Seminar at the Kniebis  Management Committee and Working Groups Meeting of COST Action MP1302 Nanospectroscopy in Braga Talk and Poster at the Topical Workshop on Single Quantum Emitters in Braga, Portugal Paper "Compact plasmonic optical biosensors based on nanostructured gradient index lenses integrated in microfluidic cells" by Andreas Horrer et al. accepted by Nanoscale |
 | September 2017: Talk, Poster & Session Chair at the MNE Conference in Braga, Portugal Paper "Enhancing light absorption in organic semiconductor thin films by 1D gold nanowire gratings" by Dominik Gollmer et al. accepted by Phys. Rev. Mater. Brian Paquelet-Wütz spends a research visit at the University of Technology Troyes in France Delegation Member of the Tübingen Research World Tour to South Korea PhD Committee and Symposium Talk at Chalmers University, Sweden Talk by Fang Dai at the ICES Conference in Munich Julian Wanner starts his Bachelor thesis - Welcome! |
 | August 2017: Manuel Martina successfully defends his PhD - Congratulations! Thomas Günkel successfully completes his Bachelor thesis - Congratulations! |
 | July 2017: Invited talk at the 8th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics META in Incheon-Seoul, South Korea Andreas Dörr starts his Master thesis - Welcome! Research visit by Artur Movsesyan, University of Troyes, France, in the frame of the COST Action MP1403 Nanoscale Quantum Optics - Welcome! |
 | June 2017: Symposium of the Network Electronmicroscopy Tübingen NET with participation of LISA+ on 28/6 in the New Eye Clinic in Tübingen, for program see Flyer Collaboration visit by Prof. Vial and Prof. Adam from University of Technology Troyes, France Fang Dai gives a talk at Or-Nano Nancy 2017 Lars Lüder and Jonas Haas start their Master theses - Welcome! |
 | May 2017: Patricia Blach successfully completes her Master thesis - Congratulations! Brian Paquelet Wütz starts his Master thesis - Welcome! COST Action workshop and Talk at the IMDEA Madrid May 11, 2:00-5:30 PM: Women in Physics - What's the matter? See Flyer Punitkumar Makani starts his practical work experience - Welcome! |
 | April 2017: Seminar talks at Georgia State University and the Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA Invited talk at the IEEE-NEMS (Int. Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems), UCLA, USA Thomas Günkel starts his Bachelor thesis - Welcome! Lukas Jakob starts his project work - Welcome! |
 | March 2017: Article by M. Martina et al. makes the title page of Microelectronic Engineering, vol. 171 Group-Travel to the COST Action Nanospectroscopy conference Optical Nanospectroscopy IV in Lisbon with invited talk, talk and posters |
 | February 2017: Workshop on the textbook "Optical Nanspectroscopy" by the COST Action Nanospectroscopy Project sketch by Dominik Gollmer is supported by a donation - congratulations! Christoph Dreser wins a PhD grant for the promotion of graduates (LGF) - congratulations! Inauguration Symposium for the new helium neon ion microscope of the Core Facility LISA+ on February 10, 2017 |
 | January 2017: Paper on template-stripped TERS probes by M. Martina accepted in Microelectronic Engineering Oleksandra Shevtsova starts her Practical Work Experience - Welcome! Colloquium talk by Prof. Michael Giersig, Freie Universität and Helmholtz-Center Berlin Happy New Year 2017! |
 | December 2016: Repeat research visit by Dr. Nagarajan Subramaniyam, Aalto University, Finland |
 | November 2016: Marvin Bende successfully completes his Bachelor Thesis - Congratulations! Patricia Blach starts her Master Thesis - Welcome! Peter Deibert starts his Practical Work Experience - Welcome! The Natural Science Taster Studies for school pupils again take place these autumn holidays. |
 | October 2016: Simon Prautzsch successfully completes his Bachelor thesis - Congratulations! Fatima Noureddine, Viktoria Wedler and Sarah El-Asfar start their Practical Work in the Group - Welcome! Invited presentation at the PIER Graduate School in Hamburg Joint Training School on Raman and Correlative Surface Analytics on Carbon Nanomaterials with the Natural and Medical Sciences Institute NMI in Reutlingen, supported by the COST Action MP1302 Nanospectroscopy and the Core Facility LISA+ |
| September 2016: Plenary Speaker at the 13th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, Belgrade, Serbia Session Chair and Poster Presentations at the MNE 2016 in Vienna, Austria COST Action MP1302 Nanospectroscopy Management and Working Group Meetings & invited talk at the Topical Meeting on Nanoparticles in Warsaw, Poland The Core Facility LISA+ features in the new Tübingen Research Campus video Group Retreat at the Kniebis in the Black Forest  Markus Schreiyäck successfully completes his Bachelor thesis - Congratulations! Simon Schlipf successfully completes his Master thesis - Congratulations! Valentin Henken-Mellies is starting his Maser Thesis - Welcome! Gwanhoo Yoon is finishing his DAAD-NSF research visit in the group. |
 | August 2016: The new helium neon ion microscope for the Core Facility LISA+ has arrived! Aylin Kayacik and Pascal Bieschke successfully complete their Bachelor theses and continue their work as a student assistants - Congratulations! |
 | July 2016: Invited talk at the META 2016, Malaga, Spain Research visit by Gwanho Yoon, PhD Student of Pohang University of Science and Technology POSTECH, Korea, in the group - Welcome! Dominik Gollmer successfully defends his PhD thesis - congratulations! |
 | June 2016: Visit & seminar talk by Dr. Johannes Kern, University of Münster Dr. Christian Schäfer wins the Dr. Friedrich-Förster-Prize 2016 in physics by University of Tübingen - Congratulations! Invited talk at the Symposium Nanospectroscopy of the Conference Nanometrology France 2016 in Paris |
 | May 2016: Invited talk at the Int. Conference Thermec in Graz, Austria Talk by C. Dreser at the EIPBN Conference in Pittsburgh, USA Invited talk at the WE-Heraeus-Workshop Ultrafast phenomena at nanostructures in Les Houches, France |
 Nonlinear Plasmonics, Rome | April 2016: Aylin Kayacik, Simon Prautzsch, Pascal Bieschke and Markus Schreiyäck start their Bachelor theses, and Eelco Empting starts as a student assistant - welcome! Invited talk and session chair at the Sino-German Symposium on Nano-Photonics and Nano-Optoelectronics in Herrenberg |
 | March 2016: The group participates in the COST Action MP1302 Nanospectroscopy Conference Optical Nanospectroscopy III in Rome Pranoti Kshirsagar starts her PhD work at the NMI Reutlingen - welcome! |
 | February 2016: Philip Schilling successfully completes his Bachelor thesis - congratulations! Excursion with the lecture Semiconductor Technology to the Fraunhofer-Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE in Freiburg |
 | January 2016: The University of Tübingen Magazine ATTEMPTO! publishes a portrait of the Core Facility LISA+ Lauro Conti successfully completes his Diplom thesis - congratulations! The article Capturing molecules with plasmonic nanotips in microfluidic channels by dielectrophoresis, Lab Chip 15, 1066 (2015), is one of the top 30 most downloaded articles published in Lab on a Chip in 2015, and has been included in the 2015 Most Downloaded Articles collection |
 | Happy New Year 2016! December 2015: Research visit by Dr. Marta Michalska-Domanska, Military University of Technology Warsaw, Poland Invited talk at the 12th Sensor-Symposium Dresden COST Action MP1302 Nanospectroscopy Editor Meeting in Berlin |
 | November 2015: Jan Grauel successfully completes his Bachelor thesis - congratulations! Talk "antennas for light" in the annual science taster course for pupils Project meeting at University of Technology Troyes, France |
 | October 2015: Research visit by Dr. Nagarajan Subramaniyam, Aalto University, Finland Fang Dai is starting a year of her co-supervised thesis with UTT Troyes at Tübingen - welcome! Seminar talk and external referee at Signe Damm's viva at University College Dublin, Ireland |
| September 2015: Short cameo in the Landesschau aktuell Baden-Württemberg (28.9.2015, 19:30, minute 21:14) Session Chairing at the MNE Conference in The Hague (left: nano-topographical image, prepared with the NanoFrazor by SwissLitho AG (now Heidelberg Instruments)) WG & MC Meeting of the COST Action Nanospectroscopy in London Topical Meeting Nanospectroscopy for Medical Applications in London Christoph Dreser starts his PhD work in the group - welcome! Philipp Schilling and Simon Schlipf start their external theses - welcome! |
 | August 2015: Invited article for the special issue Nanospectroscopy in Anal. Bioanal. Chem. accepted Invited talk at the SPIE Optics + Photonics in San Diego, USA Timo Schössler, Lars Lüder and Jonas Haas successfully complete their Bachelor theses - congratulations! |
| July 2015: Double feature: Articles accepted in Nanoscale and in Faraday Discussions Christian Schäfer successfully defends his PhD thesis - congratulations! July 28/29: Workshop Correlative AFM & Raman Imaging at the NMI Reutlingen July 22: Participating in the Baden-Württemberg Foundation's Research Day in Stuttgart Christoph Dreser successfully finishes his Master thesis - congratulations! Emre Gürdal wins a PhD grant for the promotion of graduates (LGF) - congratulations! Organization of a Special Session (with Hyuck Choo, Caltech) and invited talk at the PIERS Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic |
 | June 2015: Invited talk at the 11th International Conference on Optics of Surfaces and Interfaces OSI, Austin, USA Invited talk at the Surface Plasmons and Plasmonics Workshop in Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy (image by Marco Smerieri) Chairing the special COST Action MP1302 session "Nanospectroscopy" at the SPP7 conference in Jerusalem |
| May 2015: Izabela Kaminska from University of Torun, Poland, is staying for a research visit in the group. Christoph Dreser is visiting the nano-optics group of Martti Kauranen at University of Tampere, Finland. |
 | April 2015: Research stay of Fang Dai from Université de Technologie Troyes in Collaboration with University of Tübingen Timo Schössler, Lars Lüder, Jonas Haas und Jan Grauel start their Bachelor work in the group. Welcome! Evening lecture "Properties and effects of light" in the Tübingen General Studies lecture series Invited talk at the Discussions on Nano & Mesoscopic Optics (DINAMO), El Chalten, Argentinia |
 | March 2015: Invited talk at the 13th International Conference on Frontiers of Polymers and Advanced Materials (ICFPAM), Marrakech, Morocco Participating in the COST Action Nanospectroscopy Conference "Optical Nanospectroscopy II" in Dublin with 9 posters and 1 talk Simon Schlipf successfully finishes his Bachelor thesis. Congratulations! |
 | January 2015: All the best for the International Year of Light 2015! Emre Gürdal starts his PhD in the group. Welcome! Florian Laible starts a scholarship in the group. Welcome! Joseph Marae Djouda from University of Technology Troyes visits the group. Welcome! |
 | December 2014: The article "Capturing molecules with plasmonic nanotips in microfluidic channels by dielectrophoresis" appears in Lab on a Chip. On December 10th a colloqium is held in honour of Dieter Kern with the guest speaker Enzo di Fabrizio (KAUST Saudi Arabia). Lauro Conti starts his Diplom thesis. Welcome! Fang Dai starts her PhD shared between University of Technology Troyes and the Tübingen group. Welcome! |
 | November 2014: Annika Bräuer spends a research visit at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, in the context of the COST Action Nanospectroscopy. |
| October 2014: Simon Schlipf starts his Bachelor Thesis - Welcome! Guan-Fu Lin starts a Lab internship - Welcome! Advances in Engineering highlights the article "Parallel fabrication of plasmonic nanocone sensing arrays" in the section "Nanotechnology". Women in Nanoscience publishes a blog entry on Monika Fleischer. Visit by the collaborators Pierre-Michel Adam and Anne-Laure Baudrion from Université de Technologie Troyes, France. October 6/7: Working Groups Meeting of the COST Action MP1302 Nanospectroscopy in Troyes. Andreas Horrer spends a research visit at the Université de Technologie Troyes in the framework of the programme Procope. |
 | September 2014: Monika Fleischer and Guillermo Villanueva (EPFL Lausanne) win the MEE Young Investigator Award and Lectureship 2014! The awards are presented at the plenary session of the Micro and Nano Engineering Conference in Lausanne on September 24. (Picture: Alain Herzog, EPFL Lausanne) |

| Dieter Kern is awarded the MNE 2014 Fellowship Award - many congratulations! Y. Ipek and E. Gürdal successfully finish their Diplom theses - Congratulations! M. Fleischer lectures together with N. van Hulst, R. Gordon and E. die Fabrizio at the NFO-13 School in Snowbird, Utah, organized by A. Weber-Bargioni. |
 | August 2014: M. Fleischer and H. Choo (Caltech) organize the Special Session "Advanced Micro-/Nanofabrication for Optical Sensing and Imaging Applications" at the PIERS in Guangzhou, China. Brian Paquelet-Wütz and Richard-Santiago Schäufele successfully complete their Bachelor degrees and continue as research assistants - Congratulations! |
 | June/July 2014: Gordon Research Conference "Plasmonics" in Newry, Maine, USA. Including lobster. Brian Paquelet-Wütz and Richard-Santiago Schäufele enter their Bachelor, Christoph Dreser starts his Masters. Welcome! |

| March 30th to April 4th, 2014: The group takes part in the DPG Spring Meeting in Dresden with two talks, six posters and a minibus. |

| March 23th-28th, 2014: The 1st annual COST Action MP1302 Nanospectroscopy conference Optical Nanospectroscopy I takes place in Tübingen organized by M. Fleischer and D. Zhang. |

| March 2014: Annika Bräuer starts her PhD thesis work in the group. Welcome! Christoph Dreser and Tobias Menold successfully complete their Bachelor theses. Congratulations! |

| December 2013: The back cover of the journal Small illustrating the article Parallel fabrication of plasmonic nanocone sensing arrays has appeared. |

| December 13th, 2013: The group participates in the LISA+ Symposium at University of Tuebingen. |
 | November 15th, 2013: With a Kick-Off Meeting in Brussels, the European COST Action MP1302 Nanospectrosopy has officially started. M. Fleischer is elected Action Chair by the assembled Management Committee. |

| November 8th, 2013: The Association of Female Scientists in Baden-Württemberg (VBWW) presents the Maria Gräfin von Linden-Award 2013 to Prof. Monika Fleischer for her presentation "Gold-Nanocones as optical antennas". "With this award the scientific results and didactic abilities of early stage scientists are distinguished. On the occasion of the VBWW Symposium on November 8th, 2013 in Heidelberg, Ms. Fleischer presented her project in a convincing and outstanding manner. " (Picture: E. Zuber-Knost, VBWW) |

| November 2013: Simon Dickreuter, Tobias Menold and Christoph Dreser join the group. Welcome! October 2013: First snow of the winter at the group workshop at Kniebis in the Black Forest. Yagmur Ipek and Emre Gürdal join the group. Welcome! |