Interfaculty Institute of Biochemistry (IFIB)


Dr. Birgit Singer-Krüger

email: birgit.singer-kruegerspam

tel: +49-7071-29-73336

fax: +49-7071-29-35070

room: 4A37

Dr. Singer-Krüger studied Biology at Universität Heidelberg and obtained her PhD 1992 in Biochemistry from Universität Basel. She did postdoctoral research at EMBL Heidelberg and at Yale University, New Haven, USA before becoming Junior Group Leader at Universität Stuttgart. Before joining the Jansen group at IFIB in 2013, she worked as Research Scientist and Assistant to the Managing Director of the Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology Tübingen, Department Biochemistry.

Dr. Singer Krüger holds a Senior Scientist position since 2016. She has a long-standing interest in characterizing protein networks localized within distinct subcellular compartments that are evolutionary conserved form yeast to man.