Faculty of Catholic Theology



The Dean's Office is responsible for all matters relating to the Faculty, unless otherwise regulated by law. Within this framework, it supervises research and teaching at the Faculty. The Dean's Office performs its duties on a collegial basis. The Equal Opportunities Officer of the Faculty is an advisory member of the Dean's Office.

Dean: Prof. Dr. Saskia Wendel
Vice-Dean: Prof. Dr. Bernhard S. Anuth
Dean of Studies: Prof. Dr. Reinhold Boschki
Chair of Equal Opportunities committee: Simone Hiller

Dean´s secretary: Frau Karin Zaiser
Homepage Dekanat
Homepage Studiendekanat
Homepage Fakultätsverwaltung


The Faculty Council advises with § 25 LHG Abs. 1  on all matters of fundamental importance to the Faculty. Among other things, the Faculty Council must expressly approve the Faculty's structural and development plans, the Faculty's study and examination regulations and appointment proposals.


In accordance with § 26 LHG Abs. 3, the Study Commission prepares decisions for the Faculty Council on how the degree programs should be further developed and how the funds for studying and teaching should be used. It is also involved in the evaluation of teaching and includes student criticism of courses.

Vorsitzender: Prof. Dr. Reinhold Boschki


The Faculty Council has set up an Equal Opportunities Commission, which advises the Dean's Office and the Faculty Council on all issues relating to equal opportunities.

Vorsitzende: Simone Hiller



The Structural Commission advises the Faculty Council on important structural and personnel matters of the Faculty.

Vorsitzende: Prof. Dr. Saskia Wendel


In accordance with the study and examination regulations, the examination boards decide on the proper conduct of studies and examinations in the degree programs as well as on appeals and hardship applications.

Vorsitzender Prüfungsausschuss (Mag.Theol und Bachelor of Arts): Prof. Dr. Reinhold Boschki

Vorsitzdender Prüfungsausschuss (alle andere Studiengänge): Prof. Dr. Reinhold Boschki

Konvent der Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden

The Convention represents the interests of all doctoral students at the Faculty of Catholic Theology in accordance with § 38 LHG Abs. 7.

Kontakt: Doktorandenkonvent

Gremien an der Fakultät


Die Studierenden einer Fakultät bilden laut § 65 a LHG Abs. 4 eine Fachschaft, die eigene Organe wählen kann. Die Fachschaft an der Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät organisiert sich ohne ein gewähltes Gremium.



Die an der Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät beschäftigten wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter bilden das Assistentium und wählen sich eine Sprecherin oder einen Sprecher.

Sprecher: Stefan Metz


Die Professorinnen und Professoren an der Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät bilden das Professorium. Sie wählen sich eine Sprecherin oder einen Sprecher.

Sprecher: Prof. Dr. Reinhold Boschki

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