Institute of Political Science

Equal opportunities officer at the institute

Grace Atuhaire

Charlotte Kehne 


Hendrik Quest 

The goal is the equality of every gender and sexual orientation in study, research and teaching at the Instutute of Political Science.

Tasks of the officers of equality:

  • Consulting on how to combine studying with family life (Consulting for Students with children, day care and more)
  • Consulting and support for victims of sexual harassement and/or sexual discrimination
  • Gender sensitive student advising: Note for funding opportunities, special motivation for women for further scientific qualification
  • Advising faculty on opportunities for advancement of women in academic positions
  • Hold women's and men's meetings as needed

Furthermore, the equal opportunity officers advocate for:

  • An increase in the proportion of women among scientific personnel
  • the anchoring of gender studies in teaching and research
  • eine Gleichstellungsrichtlinie des Institut für Politikwissenschaft, die sich in den Förderplan der Universität einreiht
  • lectures on gender studies, sexual harassment at universities/public spaces, discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and on the situation of women at universities are also organized at irregular intervals

The AK-Gleichstellung supports the equal opportunity officers and is intended as an open forum for all who are interested in the topic. Further information at: gleichstellungspam

Additional information on the topic of equality at the University of Tübingen can be obtained from:

Information on grants from the Equal Opportunity Commission of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences can be found here. The program includes funding for individuals with gender equality or diversity references as well as research-related activities that address these issues.

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