Anne Cress, M.A., is a doctoral student and junior lecturer at the department of Comparative Politics and European Integration at the Institute of Political Science. She has degrees in political science and social work. She completed the Master's program ›Democracy and Governance in Europe‹ at the Institute of Political Science (University of Tübingen) with a thesis on political representation beyond governmental institutions. With reference to theorists such as Hanna Pitkin, Iris Marion Young, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak and Hannah Arendt, she dealt with the question of the legitimacy of speaking for marginalised groups.
Her PhD thesis focuses on political participation and civil society representation in Europe from a (postcolonial-) feminist perspective. In her research, she investigates the prostitution policy field and analyses the relationship between civil society representation and of political participation. Thus, she focuses on the often neglected representative practice of civil society actors and its political effects.
Since 2015 she is lecturer at the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University Stuttgart (DHBW, Faculty of Social Work).