Institute of Political Science


You can read about publications by our staff either in the "Vitrine" (monographs) or on the respective pages of our professors and their teams (articles, monographs, etc.).

The "Journal für Generationengerechtigkeit" (JfGG) is published by the junior professorship "fair intergenerational politics". The JfGG publishes articles from the arena of politics, philosophy and international law that reflect the context of intergenerational politics.

Professor Abels published a series of working papers "Tübinger Arbeitspapiere zur Integrationsforschung". From 1998-2010 the "WiP-Papers : Wirtschaft und Politik" were published by the team "political economy and policy analysis". Between 1985 and 2008 the "Tübinger Arbeitspapiere zur Internationalen Politik und Friedensforschung" were published by our "international relations / peace and conflict research" team.

The bibliography on the works of Theodor Eschenburg contain all the work by the founder of the institute for political science together with a large collection of bibliographical references with monographs, articles, newspaper articles and books about Theodor Eschenburg.

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