Institute for the Study of Religions


Video: Study of Religions. An Introduction [in German]

In the Study of Religions, we analyze religions in their historical and contemporary forms from a neutral and non-denominational perspective. We are interested in religious perceptions and interpretations of the world. We study forms of communicating, meaning making, and acting both in their everyday-life and extra-ordinary contexts such as rituals. We also analyze discourses about what religion is in relation to other concepts such as spirituality, secularity, ideology, or science.

Methodologically, scholars of religions adopt an outsider’s perspective: We are not interested in assessing the truth of religious statements; we are neither principally critical nor affirmative of religion(s). The object of inquiry is not “the Divine,” “the sacred,” or “the supernatural.” Instead, we analyze human statements, actions, and modes of perceptions by using empirical and historical-philological methods from the humanities and cultural studies.

MHB Hauptfach

MHB Nebenfach

Flyer Study Program Study of Religions

Center for Religion, Culture and Society (CRCS)

The CRCS is a transfaculty platform at the University of Tübingen that connects scholars from different disciplines to explore religious, cultural, secular and societal interrelations, facilitating interdisciplinary exchange. 

Guest lectures and monthly colloquia are held at the CRCS. An international network with cooperation partners is in the making.  

What is the Study of Religions?

A video by the Swiss Society for the Study of Religions

This video was produced by the Swiss Society for the Study of Religions, and it illustrates various aspects of the discipline. Please note that a degree in the Study of Religions is not accepted for taking on a teaching position in Baden-Württemberg schools.