Urgeschichte und Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie

Hohle Fels

Hohle Fels is a cave site that was formed in the White Jurassic Period and is located in the Ach valley near Schelklingen.  The cave is about 7 m above today's flood plain of the Ach. It is of special importance for prehistoric research due to its Middle Palaeolithic and Upper Palaeolithic layers. 

The first investigations of the cave took place in the 19th century. Since 1977, scientists from the Institute for Prehistory, Early History and Medieval Archaeology of the Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen have been conducting excavations at Hohle Fels.


Additionally to questions regarding subsistence and settlement behaviors during the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic as well as environmental reconstruction, research focuses on the transitional period from Neanderthals to anatomically modern men. 

Currently, the excavations are also the focus of the GACT Projekts.

Middle Palaeolithic

Stone Tools from the Middle Palaeolithic

The excavation of this site distinguished  8 Middle Paleolithic layers. Most of the lithic assemblages are dominated by locally available raw materials (mostly Jurassic chert). The assemblages often contain highly reduced Levallois cores and diverse debitage products. Tools of these assemblages are characterized by various scraper forms, whereas bifacial implements are rare or absent. The tools generally reflect a low degree of standardization.
In 2020 in GH 13/ AH X, one leaf point known in German as Blattspitze was found made from local Jurassic chert. Detailed techno-functional assessment of the Blattspitze concludes that it served as a projectile point, most likely hafted on a thrusting spear. This is the first find of a leaf point in the Swabian Jura after 84 years. The last two were found by G. Riek in 1936 in Haldenstein Cave. There is no direct dating of the layer with leaf point, however, the available dating of the layer above GH 12/ AH IX suggests that the Blattspitzen horizon at Hohle Fels Cave predates 62.5 ka BP. This is the only well-dated occurrence of a Blattspitzen horizon in southwestern Germany, and its age calls the transitional character of the Blattspitzengruppe into question.
Some cave bear and ibex bones recovered exhibit cutting marks. Horse, red deer, and reindeer were also hunted. Evidence of cave bears is found less frequently compared to the Upper Palaeolithic layers. Remarkably, this Neanderthal culture appears not to produce any art such as figurines jewelry, or musical instruments. The absence of tools crafted from organic materials should also be noted. This is known from other comparable sites. The ongoing excavations at Hohle Fels Cave present a unique opportunity to revise the Middle Paleolithic cultural stratigraphic and chronostratigraphic sequence of the Swabian Jura.


Artifacts from the Aurignacien

As opposed to the earlier Neanderthal methods, stone tool production methods in the Aurignacien aim to produce blades and  bladelets. 

Tools such as pointed blades, end scrapers and burins are commonly found. Although the most frequently used raw material is still local jura horn stone, more and more non-local materials are used. As opposed to the Middle Palaeolithic, we can observe the use of organic materials for tool production - from bone, antler and ivory. Typical tools and artifacts are projectile points, regular and split base, awls, smoothing tools as well as their production wastes. Mammoth, horse, reindeer and ibex were prefered for hunting, but bones of a cave bear, lions and wolves also exhibit cutting marks. The most remarkable difference in culture when comparing to the Middle Palaeolithic is the appearance of art and symbolism in the form of figurines, flutes and ornamental objects in the find spectrum. 

The oldest known evidence for art and music stem from the archaeological layer Vb of Hohle Fels. In 2008, six ivory fragments of a figurine depicting a headless woman were found. This figurine, known as the "Venus of Hohle Fels" measures 5,97 cm. Only 70 cm from where the Venus was found, 12 fragments of a flute were uncovered, which was crafted from the radius of a griffon. With its intact mouth piece, five fingerholes and a total length of 21,8 cm, this flute is the best preserved Aurignacien instrument so far. Three other ivory figurines were found in the Aurignacien horizons of Hohle Fels - a horses' head, a "Lion Man" and a water bird. 


Gravettien finds

Aside from human settlements, the cave was also occupied by cave bears for hibernation. Proving that cave bears were succesfully hunted by people in the Gravettien, a vertebra of a cave bear with a stone projectile was found. This is, aside from cutting marks, the only known proof for cave bear hunting. The point of a silex artifact, presumably from a spear, is stuck in the processus transversus of the bear's vertebra - on the processus spinosus, cutting marks verify that the hunt for this bear was successfull. 

In the Gravettien, green and red radiolarite was used for stone tool production, but the majority of tools was still manufactured from local jura horn stone. The most frequent tools found are end scrapers and burins. From the massive, split ribs of Mammoths, spear points, awls and smoothing tools were crafted; batons were made from reindeer antler. As for ornamental objects, the most common are drop shaped ivory pendants. Some animal teeth with holes and fossilised molluscs were also found. 


Magdalénien finds

The composition of raw materials used for stone tool production rapidly changes in the Magdalénien. Aside from the local jura horn stone and green, tufaceous limestone from the Randecker Maar, shell lime horn stone, and slab horn stone from the Franconian Jura were used. Few artifacts were crafted from red jasper from the Upper Rhine region. The tool inventor is quite varied, with backed bladelets and backed points, end scrapers, burins and many drills. Among the artifacts from organic materials were points like harpoons, and sewing pins and awls made from bone. Ornamental objects were made using jet, molluscs and reindeer incisives. Further, several painted stones could be recovered. On four of them, two parallel row dot patterns were painted. 


Ongoing work

At Hohle Fels, excavations are currently taking place in the entrance/tunnel area. An international excavation team has been working here for decades. The excavations, involving approximately 20 people each year, take place during the summer months and are organized and coordinated by the Department of Early Prehistory and Quaternary Ecology at the University of Tübingen. Since 1997, Nicholas Conard has been leading the excavations. Since 2023, there has been a leadership team consisting of Nicholas Conard, Christopher Miller, Cosimo Posth, and Sibylle Wolf. Every year, from June to August, six to eight-week-long excavations are conducted at Hohle Fels, in which international specialist students participate. If you are interested in participating, please contact Alexander Janas M.A.

Literature (selection)

Conard N.J, Janas A, Marcazzan D., Miller C. E., Richard M., Schürch B., Tribolo C. (2021). The cultural and chronostratigraphic context of a new leaf point from Hohle Fels Cave. MGfU 30, 41–66.

Conard N. J., Janas A. 2018 Fortsetzung der Ausgrabungen am Hohle Fels und die Entdeckung einer markierten Mammutrippe aus dem Gravettien. Archäologische Ausgrabungen BadenWürttemberg 2017, 52-55.

Conard N. J., Janas A. 2021 Ausgrabungen im Hohle Fels: Fundschichten aus dem Mittelpaläolithikum und Neues zur Jagdtechnik der Neandertaler. Archäologische Ausgrabungen in Baden-Württemberg 2020, 60–65.

Conard, N. J., Janas A., Rudolf S. 2017 Weitere Grabungsergebnisse zu den Aurignacienzeitlichen Schichten vom Hohle Fels bei Schelklingen. Archäologische Ausgrabungen Baden-Württemberg 2016, 54-58.

Conard N. J., Malina M. 2006 Neue Ergebnisse zum Mittelpaläolithikum, zum Aurignacienund zu den letzten Neandertalern am Hohle Fels bei Schelklingen, Alb-Donau-Kreis. Archäologische Ausgrabungen Baden-Württemberg 2005, 17-20.

Conard N. J., Malina M. 2010 Neue Belege für Malerei aus dem Magdaénien vom Hohle Fels. Archäologische Ausgrabungen Baden-Württemberg 2009, 52-56.

Conard N. J., Malina M. 2013 Grabungen in Schichten des Mousterien und Gravettien im Hohle Fels bei Schelklingen. Archäologische Ausgrabungen Baden-Württemberg 2012, 78-83.

Conard, N. J., Langguth K., Uerpmann H. P. 2003 Einmalige Funde aus dem Aurignacien und erste Belege für ein Mittelpaläolithikum im Hohle Fels bei Schelklingen, Alb-Donau-Kreis. Archäologische Ausgrabungen in BadenWürttemberg 2002, 21-27.

Luzi, E., Blanco-Lapaz, À., Rhodes, S.E., Conard, N.J. (2022) Paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental reconstructions based on the small vertebrates from the MiddlePaleolithic of Hohle Fels Cave, SW Germany. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences,14:107. doi:10.1007/s12520-022-01568-5.

Rots V., Coppe J., Conard N. J. 2021 A Leaf Point Documents Hunting with Spears in the Middle Paleolithic at Hohle Fels, Germany. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Urgeschichte, 30, 1–28.

Barth, M. 2007. Familienbande? Die gravettienzeitlichen Knochen- und Geweihgeräte des Achtals (Schwäbische Alb). Rahden: Verlag Marie Leidorf.

Bataille, G., Conard, N.J. 2018. Blade and bladelet production at Hohle Fels Cave, AH IV in the Swabian Jura and its importance for characterizing the technological variability of the Aurignacian in Central Europe. PLoS ONE 13, e0194097.

Conard, N. J. 2003. Palaeolithic ivory sculptures from southwestern Germany and the origins of figurative art. Nature 426, 830-832.

Conard, N.J. 2009. A female figurine from the basal Aurignacian of Hohle Fels Cave in southwestern Germany. Nature 459, 248-252.

Conard N.J., Bolus M. 2008. Radiocarbon dating the late Middle Paleolithic and the Aurignacian of the Swabian Jura. Journal of Human Evolution 55, 886–897. academia & researchgate

 Conard, N.J., Malina, M. 2008. Die Ausgrabung 2007 im Hohle Fels bei Schelklingen, Alb-Donau-Kreis, und neue Einblicke in die Anfänge des Jungpaläolithikums. Archäologische Ausgrabungen Baden-Württemberg 2007, 17-20.

Conard, N.J., Malina, M. 2009. Spektakuläre Funde aus dem unteren Aurignacien vom Hohle Fels bei Schelklingen, Alb-Donau-Kreis. Archäologische Ausgrabungen Baden-Württemberg 2008, 19-22.

Conard, N.J., Malina, M. 2010. Neue Belege für Malerei aus dem Magdalénien vom Hohle Fels. Archäologische Ausgrabungen Baden-Württemberg 2009. Theiss Verlag, Stuttgart, 19-22.

Conard N.J., Malina, M. 2020. Fortsetzung der Ausgrabungen am Hohle Fels und neue aurignacienzeitliche Werkzeuge aus Mammutelfenbein. Archäologische Ausgrabungen in Baden-Württemberg 2019, 47-51.

Conard, N.J., Wolf, S. 2020. Der Hohle Fels in Schelklingen. Anfänge von Kunst und Musik. Tübingen: Kerns Verlag, 2. Auflage.

Conard, N.J., Malina, M., Münzel, S.C. 2009. New flutes document the earliest musical tradition in southwestern Germany. Nature 460, 737-740. nature.com, academia & researchgate

Dutkiewicz, E. 2021. Zeichen. Markierungen, Muster und Symbole im Schwäbischen Aurignacien. Tübingen: Kerns Verlag.

Kitagawa, K., Conard, N.J. 2020. Split-based points from the Swabian Jura highlight Aurignacian regional signatures. PLoS ONE 15, e0239865.

Miller, C. E. 2015. A tale of two Swabian Caves. Tübingen: Kerns Verlag.

Münzel, S.C., Conard, N.J. 2004a. Change and Continuity in Subsistence during the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic in the Ach Valley of Swabia (South-west Germany). Int. J. Osteoarchaeol. 14, 225–243. academia & researchgate

Münzel, S.C., Conard, N.J. 2004b. Cave bear hunting in Hohle Fels Cave in the Ach Valley of the Swabian Jura. Revue de Paléobiologie, Genève (décembre 2004) 23 (2), 877-885. academia & researchgate

Münzel, S.C., Wolf, S., Drucker, D., Conard, N.J. 2016. The Exploitation of Mammoth in the Swabian Jura (SW-Germany) during the Aurignacian and Gravettian Period. Quaternary International 445, 184-199.

Schiegl, S., Goldberg, P., Pfretzschner, H.-U., Conard N.J. 2003. Paleolithic Burnt Bone Horizons from the Swabian Jura: Distinguishing between In Situ Fireplaces and Dumping Areas. Geoarchaeology: An International Journal 18(5), 541-565. academia & researchgate

Taller, A. 2014. Das Magdalénien des Hohle Fels. Chronologische Stellung, Lithische Technologie und Funktion der Rückenmesser. Tübingen: Kerns Verlag.

Taller, A., Conard, N.J. 2016. Das Gravettien der Hohle Fels-Höhle und seine Bedeutung für die kulturelle Evolution des europäischen Jungpaläolithikums. Quartär 63, 89-123.

Velliky, E. C., Porr, M., Conard, N. J. 2018. Ochre and pigment use at Hohle Fels cave: Results of the first systematic review of ochre and ochre-related artefacts from the Upper Palaeolithic in Germany. PlosOne 13(12), e0209874. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0209874

Velliky, E.C., Schmidt, P., Bellot-Gurlet, L., Wolf, S., Conard, N.J., 2021. Early anthropogenic use of hematite on Aurignacian ivory personal ornaments from Hohle Fels and Vogelherd caves, Germany. Journal of Human Evolution 150, 102900.

Wolf, Sibylle 2015. Schmuckstücke - Die Elfenbeinbearbeitung im Schwäbischen Aurignacien. Tübingen: Kerns Verlag.

Wolf, S., Münzel, S.C., Dotzel, K., Barth, M., Conard N. J. 2016. Osseous Projectiles from the Aurignacian and the Gravettian of the Swabian Jura (Southwest Germany) reflect changing patterns of raw material, technology and typology. In: M. Langley (ed.), Osseous Projectile Weaponry: Towards an Understanding of Pleistocene Cultural Variability. VERT Series. Springer Verlag, 71-87.