Urgeschichte und Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie

Further experience and scientific projects


Mentee within the Leibniz-Mentoring

2021/2022 Wehrberger, K., Reiche, I., Müller, K., Wolf, S.: IPHERION HS:  Investigations of the Lion Man of Hohlenstein-Stadel Cave. Paris, AGLAE facility (Louvre)
September 2021 Direction of the excavation in the Barnberghöhle bei Neuffen, together with Dr. Gregor Bader and Dr. Manuel Will
2020 Certificate „Leadership“ (Modul II) of the Eberhard Karls University Tübingen
2018 Co-editor of a special volume „Objets d’ivoire – arch ives de vie“of the Journal Anthropologie 122 (2018), 3, Paris, Institut de Paléontologie Humaine

March 2016 – October 2016

Scientific adviser and author of the publication for the special exhibition “EisZeiten – Die Kunst der Mammutjäger” im Archäologischen Museum Hamburg, Stadtgeschichte Harburg/Helms Museum

November 2014 – June 2015

Conception and realization of the special exhibition „Weltkultursprung“, a common project of the Alb-Donau-Kreises, the Landkreis Heidenheim and the city of Ulm

October 2013 – May 2014

Contribution of the reorganization of the permanent exhibition of the Urgeschichtliches Museum Blaubeuren

November 2013

Conception and calculation of costs for a touring exhibition „Die Schwäbische Alb – Weltkultursprung“ for the Alb-Donau-Kreis

August 2013

Conception of an exhibition „Eiszeit im Norden“ for the Archäologisches Museum Hamburg, Stadtmuseum/Harburg Helms Museum

June - July 2013 Organisation of the UNESCO/Erasmus Intensive Program in Tautavel, Pyrénées-Orientales „Prehistory at the Crossroads of Science and Conservation“, Lecture: “An ongoing mystery – the restauration of the lion-man (Hohlenstein-Stadel, Swabian Jura, Germany)”

2011 – May 2012

Contribution of the reorganization of the permanent exhibition of the Department of Prehistory and Quaternary Ecology in the Museum Schloss Hohentübingen

June 2012 Dordogne „Prehistory at the Crossroads of Science and Conservation“, Lecture: “Ivory working and personal ornaments during the Aurignacian of the Swabian Jura”
March 2012 Research in Sankt Petersburg in the Kunstkamera and the Russian Academy of Sciences

November 2011

Organisation of the temporary exhibition „Bemalte Steine – Das Ende der Eiszeitkunst auf der Schwäbischen Alb“ in the Museum Schloss Hohentübingen

June 2011 Participation at the UNESCO/Erasmus Intensive Program in Quinson, Alpes de Haute Provence „Prehistory at the Crossroads of Science and Conservation“, Lecture “Ivory Working and Adornment during the Aurignacien of the Swabian Jura”
March 2011 Participation at the Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Defense HMPEE203-HMUEP202 „technologie osseuse“, one week

November/December 2008

Organisation of the temporary exhibition "Das Mammut vom Vogelherd. Tübinger Funde der ältesten erhaltenen Kunstwerke" at the Museum Schloss Hohentübingen, and editor of the correspondent catalogue

Organization and accomplishment of the annual award „Förderpreis für Ältere Urgeschichte und Quartärökologie“ 2009-2014

Organization and accomplishment of the international conference „Thresholds in Prehistory“: 22.07.2011 

Organization of the UNESCO-HEADS-Meeting from the 25.02.-01.03.2013 in Tübingen together with Ewa Dutkiewicz M.A.