Urgeschichte und Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie

Dr. Ewa Dutkiewicz


Staatliche Museen zu Berlin – Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz
Archäologisches Zentrum
Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 6
D-10117 Berlin

Tel.: +49 (0)30 266-42 53 05
Mail:  e.dutkiewiczspam prevention@smb.spk-berlin.de

Office hours:
by appointment


Current Position

  • Curator of the Stone Age Department at the Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin.
  • Researcher in the ERC-Funded Project EVINE (Evolution of Visual Information Encoding, 101117111).

Research interests


2012-2018 PhD at the University of Tübingen, Department of Early Prehistory and Quaternary Ecology. Titel of the thesis: "Sings. Markings, Patterns and Symbols of the Swabian Aurignacian”.
2011 M.A. in Early Prehistory and Quaternary Ecology. Title of the thesis: "The Grotte le La Verpillière I – 150 years of research history. The reassessment and evaluation of the old excavations at the Palaeolithic site Germolles”.
2011 UNESCO / Erasmus intensive program “Prehistory at the Crossroads of Science and Conservation”, June 18th to July 2nd, 2011, Quinson, Alpes de Haute-Provance, France.
2011 “Séminaire de technologie osseuse” at the 3 HPR de L'Université Paris Ouest Nanterre la Defense, UPO & QP 36 Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN) and the Musée d'Archéologie Nationale à Saint-Germain-en-Laye (MAN) , Paris, France.
2006-2011 Studies at the Eberhard Kals University of Tübingen: Early Prehistory and Quaternary Ecology, Near Eastern Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Philology
2005-2006 Studies at the Université Lumière, Lyon II, France.
2001-2005 Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin: Near Eastern Archaeology, Prehistory and Ancient Near Eastern Philology.

Professional career

2024 to present Researcher in the ERC-research project The Evolution of Visual Information Encoding“, EVINE, GAP-101117111
2019 to present Curator of the Stone Age Department at Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin – Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz.


Independent research associate of the Research Centre ROCEEH (The Role of Culture in Early Expansions of Humans) of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences.


Post-Doc Fellow at the DFG Research Centre for Advanced Studies "Words, Bones, Genes, Tools", Eberhard Karls University Tübingen.


Head of Conference Office of the international conference “European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 People and places from prehistory to present – Perspectives on a sustainable management of Palaeolithic World Heritage sites“ in Blaubeuren, October 16 to 20, 2018


Head of Conference Office, 58th meeting of the Hugo Obermaier Society in Heidenheim, Germany, April 7 to 11, 2015


Head of Conference Office, International meeting of the UNESCO World Heritage Thematic Programme HEADS (Human Evolution: Adaptations, Dispersals and Social Developments), Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen, Germany, February 25 to March 1, 2013


Curator of Archeopark Vogelherd, Niederstotzingen.

Academic teaching at Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen

SS 2023 Practical training and Multi-day Excursion to Palaeolithic sites and museums in Thuringia, in collaboration with Dr. Sibylle Wolf.

SS 2017

Multi-day Excursion to Palaeolithic sites in Southwest Germany and Switzerland, in collaboration with Dr. Sibylle Wolf.

WS 2016/17

Multi-day Excursion to the Swabian Jura, in collaboration with Dr. Sibylle Wolf.

SS 2016

Modul 11-1 (MA): Museography / Museology, and

Multi-day Excursion to the Altmühl Valley and Bavaria, in collaboration with Dr. Sibylle Wolf.

WS 2015/16

Modul 14-2c: Organic artefacts in the Palaeolithic, in collaboration with Dr. Sibylle Wolf.

WS 2014/15

Multi-day Excursion to the Rhine Valley and Schloss Monrepos, in collaboration with Dr. Sibylle Wolf.

SS 2014

Modul ZNA-9e: Organic Materials. Lecture and laboratory course, in collaboration with Dr. Sibylle Wolf and Dr. Gerlinde Bigga.
Modul 11-2: Museography, exhibition design and museum didactics - Prehistoric contents in public, and

Modul 12b (BA) - Modul 5-1 (MA): One-day Excursion to the Upper Danube Valley and Veringenstadt, in collaboration with Dr. Sibylle Wolf.

WS 2013/14

Modul 14-2b: Ivory, bone, and antler in Upper Palaeolithic - identification, important sites and experiments, and

Modul 12b (BA) - Modul 5-1 (MA): Multi-day Excursion to the Swabian Jura, in collaboration with Dr. Sibylle Wolf.

WS 2012/2013

Modul 11-2: Museography and exhibition concepts - Prehistoric content in public, in collaboration with Prof. Nicholas Conard.

Academic teaching at Freie Universität Berlin

WS 2022/23 Practical training: Drawing of lithic artifacts.


Memberships and committee activities

Since 2020 Advisory board member of the Hugo Obermaier-Gesellschaft für Erforschung des Eiszeitalters und der Steinzeit e.V.
Since 2020 Managing Director of the Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte.
Since 2020 Member of the UISPP Group “Modified Bone & Shell”, Union Internationale des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques.
Since 2019 External member at the DFG Research Centre for Advanced Studies “Words, Bones, Genes, Tools”, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen.
2016-2019 Member of the “Ice Age Europe - Network of Heritage Sites” network as a representative of the Vogelherd Archaeopark.




Peştera Româneşti (Romania). Head of the joint excavation project of the Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, the National Museum of Banat in Timişoara, the Vasile Pârvan Institute of Archeology in Bucharest and the department of Early Prehistory and Quaternary Ecology, University of Tübingen.


Gürcütepe (Turkey). Joint research excavation of the University of Izmir, Vorderasiatisches Museum and Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, field supervisor.


Sibudu (South Africa). Research excavation by the University of Tübingen, Middle Stone Age.


Excavator at Börslingen (Germany). Research excavation by the University of Tübingen. Middle to Upper Paleolithic open-air site.


Börslingen (Germany). Research excavation by the University of Tübingen, Middle to Upper Palaeolithic open-air site.


Hohlenstein-Stadel (Germany). Research excavation by the State Office for Cultural Heritage, Baden-Württemberg, Middle to Upper Palaeolithic.


Nasskiesabbau Sattenbeuren, Federsee (Germany). Investigation by the State Office for Cultural Heritage, Baden-Württemberg.


Tell Schech Hamad (Syria). Research excavation by the Freie Universiät Berlin, Neo-Assyrian, assistant field supervisor, supervisor of lab work (ceramics) and drawing.

Publications in peer-reviewed journals

Schmidt, P., Iovita, R., Charrié-Duhaut, A., Möller, G., Namen, A., Dutkiewicz, E., 2024. Ochre-based compound adhesives at the Mousterian type-site document complex cognition and high investment. Sci. Adv. 10, eadl0822. https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.adl0822

d’Errico, F., David, S., Coqueugniot, H., Meister, C., Dutkiewicz, E., Pigeaud, R., Sitzia, L., Cailhol, D., Bosq, M., Griggo, C., Affolter, J., Queffelec, A., Doyon, L., 2023. A 36,200-year-old carving from Grotte des Gorges, Amange, Jura, France. Sci. Rep. 13, 12895. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-39897-7

Dutkiewicz, E., Russo, G., Lee, S., Bentz, C., 2020. SignBase, a collection of geometric signs on mobile objects in the Paleolithic. Sci. Data 7, 364. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-020-00704-x

Dutkiewicz, E., Wolf, S., Conard, N.J., 2018a. Early symbolism in the Ach and the Lone valleys of southwestern Germany. Quat. Int. 491, 30–45. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2017.04.029

Dutkiewicz, E., Wolf, S., Floss, H., Conard, N.J., 2018b. Les objets en ivoire du Jura souabe. L’Anthropologie 122, 447–468. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anthro.2018.05.003


Dutkiewicz, E., 2021. Zeichen. Markierungen, Muster und Symbole im Schwäbischen Aurignacien, Tübinger Monographien zur Urgeschichte. Kerns Verlag, Tübingen.

Conard, N.J., Bolus, M., Dutkiewicz, E., Wolf, S., 2015. Eiszeitarchäologie auf der Schwäbischen Alb. Die Fundstellen im Ach- und Lonetal und in ihrer Umgebung, Tübingen Publications in Prehistory. Kerns Verlag, Tübingen.

Book chapters

Dutkiewicz, E., Wolf, S., Velliky, E.C., Conard, N.J., 2024. Constructing Identity: Body Decoration and Modification in the Swabian Aurignacian, in: Collins, B., Nowell, A. (Eds.), Culturing the Body: Prehistoric Perspectives on Identity and Sociality. Berghahn Books, New York & Oxford, p. Chapter 7. https://doi.org/10.3167/9781805394600

Dutkiewicz, E., 2023. Die Kosmologie der Altsteinzeit, in: Schlaudt, O., König, P. (Eds.), Kosmos. Vom Umgang Mit Der Welt Zwischen Ausdruck Und Ordnung. Heidelberg University Publishing, Heidelberg, pp. 29–63. https://doi.org/10.17885/heiup.857.c15251

Dutkiewicz, E., Fütterer, J., Kriesch, S., Möller, G., 2022. Die Steinbeile und -äxte der Prussia-Sammlung im Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte. Acta Praehist. Archaeol. Jahrb. Mus. Für Vor- Frühgesch. 54, 9–99.

Dutkiewicz, E., Wild, M., 2021. Die »Hirschmaske von Berlin-Biesdorf«. Acta Praehist. Archaeol. Jahrb. Mus. Für Vor- Frühgesch. 53, 7–25.

Dutkiewicz, E., 2021a. Animal depictions in the portable art of Central Europe, in: Sigari, D., Gracês, S. (Eds.), Animals in Prehistoric Rock Art. The Euro-Mediterranean Region and Its Surroundings, ArkeoGazte. pp. 75–111. https://arkeogazte.org/animales-arte-prehistorico/

Dutkiewicz, E., 2021b. Portable Art in the European Upper Paleolithic, in: Kim, J., Choi, M. (Eds.), The World Paleolithic Culture and Museum. SeokJangNi Museum, Gongju-si, pp. 164–187.

Dutkiewicz, E., 2020a. From Sautuola to Cartailhac, in: Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 1–10. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-51726-1_2826-1

Dutkiewicz, E., 2020b. Hunting and Evolution - A European Perspective, in: Hunting (R)Evolution. Exhibition at the SeokJangNi Museum, South Korea, 2020.7.2 - 2021.2.28. SeokJangNi Museum, Gongju-si, pp. 52–66.

Dutkiewicz, E., 2019. Die frühesten Biesdorfer, in: Wemhoff, M. (Ed.), Berlins Größte Grabung - Forschungsareal Biesdorf. Eine Ausstellung des Museums Für Vor- Und Frühgeschichte Der Staatlichen Museen Zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Landesdenkmalamt Berlin. Neues Museum, 2. Oktober 2019 Bis 19. April 2020. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin, pp. 52–54.

Dutkiewicz, E., 2017. Die Schwäbische Alb – Geburtsort der Kultur vor 40.000 Jahren, in: Kessler, M. (Ed.), Heilige Kunst 2012/2013/2014, Mitgliedausgabe des Kunstvereins Der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart. Schwabenverlag AG, Ostfildern, pp. 102–113.

Conard, N.J., Dutkiewicz, E., 2017. Vom Ursprung zum Weltkulturerbe: Kunst und Musik auf der Schwäbischen Alb, in: Dürr, F., Seidl, E. (Eds.), Ursprünge/Origins. Schritte Der Menschheit/Steps of Humankind. Schriften des Museums der Universität Tübingen MUT, Tübingen, pp. 78–103.

Dutkiewicz, E., Conard, N.J., 2016. The symbolic language of the Swabian Aurignacian as reflected in the material culture from Vogelherd Cave (South-West Germany), in: Cleyet-Merle, J.-J., Geneste, J.-M., Man-Estier, E. (Eds.), L’art Au Quotidien. Objets Ornées Du Paléolithique Supérieur. Actes Du Colloque International Les Eyzies-de-Tayac, 16-20 Juin 2014, PALEO. Les Eyzies-de-Tayac, pp. 149–164.

Dutkiewicz, E., 2015. The Vogelherd Cave and the discovery of the earliest art - history, critics and new questions. World Herit. Pap. 41, 74–91.

Dutkiewicz, E., Floss, H., 2015. La Grotte de la Verpillière I à Germolles. Site de référence Paléolithique en Bourgogne méridionale - Historique des 150 ans de recherches. La Physiophile 162, 13–32.

Floss, H., Dutkiewicz, E., Frick, J.A., Hoyer, C., 2013. Le Paléolithique supérieur ancien en Bourgogne du sud, in: Bodu, P., Chehmana, L., Klaric, L. (Eds.), Le Paléolithique Supérieur Ancien de l’Europe Du Nord-Ouest: Réflexions et Synthèses à Partir d’un Projet Collectif de Recherche Sur Le Centre et Le Sud Du Bassin Parisien. Actes Du Colloque de Sens (15-18 Avril 2009). Société préhistorique française, Paris, pp. 331–350.

Floss, H., Hoyer, C., Dutkiewicz, E., Frick, J.A., Poenicke, H.-W., 2012. Eine neu entdeckte paläolithische Freilandfundstelle auf der Schwäbischen Alb - Sondagegrabungen in Börslingen. Archäol. Ausgrabungen Baden-Württ. 2011, 71–73.