2019, October 11th, 9am- 3pm IFIB, Hoppe-Seyler-Str. 4
09:00 Welcome Address by Ralf-Peter Jansen - director of the IFIB
09:15 Stephan Plonka, Plonka Personalrecruiting GBR “Industrial careers: diverse, challenging und demanding. Qualifications that are necessary“
10:00 Daniel Mertens, Head of the Cooperation Unit „Mechanisms of Leukemogenesis“, DKFZ & University Ulm, Founder of „Scientists Need More!“ „Do´s and don’ts for a career in Academia“
10:45 Elisabeth and Franz Knoop Foundation Biochemistry Award Ceremony
11:45 Coffee break
12:15 Sabina Lammert, Selbstständige Unternehmensberaterin für agile Transformationen „Career without PhD“
13:00 Katja Steinhardt, HR Manager and Toni Weinschenk, Chief Technology Officer, immatics biotechnologies „Recruitment: Selection criteria and hiring procedures”
Every Monday at 17:00 an invited speaker presents his or her research to the members of the IFIB. Students and guest are very welcome to attend. Please find the details of all talks of the current term in the program.