Praktische Theologie II


The current volumes of our book series are listed in the


Publications from the first study (2007/2008)

Access to SPSS-data from the first study (2007/2008)

The dataset from the second study is not yet publicly available.

Published Articles and Books from the First Project (Selection, not continued after 2010)

Christensen, Leise; Dormor, Duncan, Hoeg, Ida, Ilg, Wolfgang; Niemelä, Kati. 2010 Protestant confirmation in European perspective. in: Collins-Mayo, Sylvia / Dandelion, Pink (eds.) (2010): Religion and Youth. Ashgate, 181-189.

Christensen, Leise. (2009). Hvad mener konfirmanderne om konfirmationsforberedelsen? (What do the confirmands think about their preparationstime?). in: Kritisk Forum for Praktisk Teologi 15 (Critical Forum for Practical Theology), 15-25.

Cramer, Colin; Elsenbast, Volker; Ilg, Wolfgang; Schweitzer, Friedrich (2008): Konfirmandenarbeit erforschen: regional – national – international. Innovative Perspektiven einer empirischen Untersuchung zur kirchlichen Arbeit mit Kindern und Jugendlichen. in: ZPT - Zeitschrift für Pädagogik und Theologie 60, 104-118.
(Researching confirmation work on regional, national and international level)

Høeg, Ida Marie (2009): Konfirmasjonstiden har vært bra - jeg har fått litt mer kunnskap og hatt det fint sammen med de andre konfirmantene. Pp. 221-236 in: Lægdene, Stig (red.): Samfunnet i gudstjenesten. Praktisk-kirkelig årbok 2009. Hasvik: Brøytebil. <span style="color: rgb(224, 137, 52); ">ONLINE VERSION</span>
(Confirmation time was nice - I increased my knowledge somewhat and I had a good time with the other confirmants)

Ilg, Wolfgang; Cramer, Colin (2009): Empirische Untersuchungen zur Konfirmandenarbeit. in: Schlag, Thomas; Neuberth, Rudi; Kunz, Ralph (Ed.): Konfirmandenarbeit in der pluralistischen Gesellschaft, Theologischer Verlag Zürich, 237-251.
(Empirical studies on confirmation work)

Ilg, Wolfgang / Schweitzer, Friedrich (2010): Researching confirmation work in Europe: The need for multi-level analysis for identifying individual and group influences in non-formal education. in: Journal of Empirical Theology 23, 159-178

Krupka, Bernd (2009): Konfirmasjon som innlemming i kirkens tradisjon: Norske konfirmantmedarbeideres perspektiv på konfirmanttiden. Pp 237-254 in: Praktisk kirkelig årbok 2009.
(Becoming a part of the tradition of the church: Norwegian confirmant workers' view on confirmation)

Krupka, Bernd, Reite, Ingrid (eds., 2010): Mellom pietisme og pluralitet. Konfirmasjonsarbeid i fire nordiske land. Oslo: Iko-forlaget (Prismet bok). Between Pietism and Plurality. Confirmation Work in Four Nordic Countries. With contributions by Ida Marie Høeg, Per Pettersson, Kati Niemelä, Tapani Innanen, Jouko Porkka.

Schweitzer, Friedrich; Ilg, Wolfgang; Simojoki, Henrik (2009): Aufgaben, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen international-vergleichender Forschung zur Konfirmandenarbeit. in: Elsenbast, Volker; Schweitzer, Friedrich (Hg.): Konfirmandenarbeit erforschen. Ziele - Erfahrungen - Perspektiven. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 197-211.
(what can be expected from international comparative studies on confirmation work?)

Simojoki, Henrik / Schweitzer, Friedrich / Ilg, Wolfgang (2011): Europäische Impulse für die Konfirmandenarbeit. Empirische Befunde aus einer internationalen Studie. in: Deutsches Pfarrerblatt 111,
(European impulses for confirmation work. Empirical findings from an international study)

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