Urgeschichte und Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie

Annika Rebentisch


Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte und Archäologie des Mittelalters
Abteilung für Ältere Urgeschichte und Quartärökologie
Burgsteige 11, Schloss Hohentübingen
D-72070 Tübingen

E-mail: annika.rebentischspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de


Research project

The dissertation project is part of the SFB 1070 RessourcenKulturen (subproject B01) and focuses on early Upper Palaeolithic cave art in eastern France. Although this region was densely populated in the Upper Palaeolithic, there are comparatively few known sites with cave art (e.g. Arcy-sur-Cure or Grotte des Gorges). In 2017, a new site was discovered, the Grottes d'Agneux near Rully (Saône-et-Loire), which will be investigated together with other potential sites within this research project. In the following step, the established sites of eastern France will also be included in the analysis. Geographically, eastern France is situated between several centers of early art, such as the Swabian Jura, the Ardèche with the Grotte Chauvet as well as the Dordogne. In this respect, characteristics for the art of the early Upper Palaeolithic in eastern France will be elaborated and put into relation with the depictions of other archaeological regions. In this way, a contribution will be made to the explanation of the characteristics and dynamics of early Upper Paleolithic art.

Research interests

  • Early art in Europe
  • Upper Palaeolithic cave art and portable art
  • methods for the documentation of rock art
  • archaeological theory


Since 2021

PhD candidate at SFB 1070 ResourceCultures, University of Tübingen in project B01 (Variability in the use of resources and space by late Neanderthals and early modern humans) lead by Prof. H. Floss and Prof. N. J. Conard.

Supervisors: Prof. H. Floss, Prof. N. J. Conard, Prof. J. F. Ruiz López



MA at University of Tübingen in Pre- and Protohistory.

Thesis: The Grottes d'Agneux at Rully (Saône-et-Loire, France). Reconstruction of the research history and the question of the existence of palaeolithic art.

Supervisors: Prof. H. Floss, Prof. N. J. Conard


BA at University of Tübingen in Pre- and Protohistory and medieval Archaeology, minor palaeoanthropology.

Thesis: Depictions of death and violence in palaeolithic art.

Supervisor: Prof. H. Floss

Professional experience

06/2020 – 04/2021

excavation technician for ArchaeoBW GmbH (Gerlingen, BW)

01/2020 – 05/2020

excavator for ArchaeoBW GmbH (Gerlingen, BW)


student assistant in the library of the department for Early Prehistory and Quaternary Ecology


student assistant for the conference Computer Applications in Archaeology - ‘Human History and Digital Future’ held in Tübingen 19th-23rd march 2018

2016, 2019

head of the find treatment at the excavations led by H. Floss in Burgundy


participation in the preparation of the exhibition „Curse and blessing of ressources. Research, Facts and Stereotypes“ as part of the seminar „exhibition preparation and realization – curse and blessing of ressources“ (D. Ade/A. Willmy)


student assistant at SFB1070 ResourceCultures, Project B01, sorting and measuring of lithic artefacts from Vogelherd Cave for Judy Yun Chang


participant in the Introductory week „Professional field Museum” at State Museum of Baden in Karlsruhe (Badisches Landesmuseum)



H. Floss, A. Rebentisch, K. Herkert, J. F. Ruiz López, L’art pariétal des grottes d’Agneux I et II à Rully (Saône-et-Loire) – confirmation de la datation paléolithique. In: H. Floss (Hrsg.), Hommes, terroir et territoires. Le paléolithique en Bourgogne méridionale. VML Verlag Marie Leidorf, Rahden/Westf.


A. Rebentisch, J. F. Ruiz López, K. Herkert, H. Floss, The newly discovered palaeolithic cave art in the Grottes d’Agneux (Rully, Saône-et-Loire, France) and its archaeological background. In: Garcia Atienzar, G. & Barciela Gonzáles, V. (Hrsg.), Sociedades prehistóricas y manifestaciones artísticas. Imágenes, nuevas propuestas e interpretaciones. Publicaciones INAPH, Colleción Petracos, 43-47


J. F. Ruiz López, C. T. Hoyer, A. Rebentisch, A. M. Roesch, K. Herkert, N. Huber, H. Floss, Tool mark analyses for the identification of palaeolithic art and modern graffiti. The case of Grottes d’Agneux in Rully (Saône-et-Loire, France). Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 14, September 2019, e00107


H. Floss, J. F. Ruiz Lopez, C. T. Hoyer, A. Rebentisch, Les grottes d’Agneux I et II (Rully, Saône-et-Loire). Premières grottes ornées probablement datées du Paléolithique en Bourgogne méridionale. Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française 115, 4, 2018, 793-797


A. Rebentisch: Kein Eis in der Eiszeit? – Altsteinzeitliche Höhlenmalereien als «Belege» für pseudowissenschaftliche Theorien. In: S. Baumann (Hrsg.), Fakten und Fiktionen. Archäologie vs. Pseudowissenschaft. Zaberns Bildbände zur Archäologie, WBG, 60-70


H. Floss, J. F. Ruiz López, C. T. Hoyer, K. Herkert, N. Huber, A. Rebentisch, A. Rösch: Les figurations pariétales paléolithiques de la grotte Agneux I (commune de Rully, Saône-et-Loire, France). Une méthodologie de distinction entre préhistoire et modernité. In: H. Floss/A. Pastoors, Palaeolithic rock and cave art in Central Europe ? Session 31 of the XIX International Rock Art Conference IFRAO 2015 "Symbols in the Landscape: Rock Art and its Context" held in Cáceres (Spain) from the 31st of August until the 4th of September 2015. VML Verlag Marie Leidorf, 9-32


A. Rebentisch, H. Floss: Darstellungen von Tod und Gewalt in der paläolithischen Kunst. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Urgeschichte 24, 2015, 193-212


S. Münzel et al., Chaîne opératoire of Molly, an Indian elephant from the Wilhelma in Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt. Results of a workshop in Blaubeuren on the processing of Proboscidian ribs as raw material for tools. Poster zur 57. Tagung der Hugo Obermaier-Gesellschaft in Heidenheim 2015


08-09/2023 Cave art surveys in southern Burgundy
06/2023 La Grotte des Fées, Châtelperron, Director R. Angevin
08-09/2022 Cave art surveys in southern Burgundy


Hohe Reute, Sachsenheim-Hohenhaslach (Magdalénien), Directors H. Floss, S. Wettengl.


Grottes d’Agneux, Dokumentation Wandkunst. Directors H. Floss, A. Rebentisch


La Grange, Rully (Jungpaläolithikum), Directors H. Floss, K. Herkert


Langmahdhalde, Schwäbische Alb (Magdalénien), Directors N. J. Conard/A. Janas


rescue excavation Oedheim „Kreisverkehr“ (neolithic), ArchaeoBW


rescue excavation Deilingen „An der Steig“ (medieval/early modern period), ArchaeoBW


Grottes d’Agneux, Burgund, Frankreich. Sondagen und photogrammetrische Dokumentation, Directors H. Floss, J. F. Ruiz, K. Herkert

06-08 2020

rescue excavation Riegel am Kaiserstuhl, Wohnbaugebiet Breite III (roman), ArchaeoBW




Rettungsgrabung Riegel am Kaiserstuhl, Wohnbaugebiet Breite III (römisch), ArchaeoBW


rescue excavation Oberesslingen, Keplerstraße 34-36 (medieval), ArchaeoBW


Grotte des Teux Blancs (Magdalénien), Grottes d’Agneux und Saint Martin-sous-Montaigu (Gravettien), Burgund, Frankreich, Director H. Floss


Hollembaek Hill, Alaska, USA (Late Palaeolithic - Late Prehistoric), directors J. D. Reuther, F. Lanoë


Klein Site, Quartz Lake, Alaska, USA (Late Holocene), director Briana N. Doering


Germolles En Roche, Burgundy, France (Middle/Upper Palaeolithic), directors H. Floss, K. Herkert


Grottes d’Agneux, Burgundy, France (rock art documentation), directors H. Floss, A. Rebentisch


Kleine Scheuer (Rosenstein) near Heubach, Baden-Württemberg (Magdalenian), directors H. Floss, S. Wettengl, S. Fröhle.


Survey in Fischbach (Bodenseekreis) (eintägig, versch. Perioden), Director G. Schöbel


Fontaines Les Griffières and Saint-Martin-sous-Montaigu, Burgundy, France (Middle/Upper Palaeolithic; Gravettian), director H. Floss


Grottes d’Agneux, Burgundy, France (photogrammetric rock art documentation), directors H. Floss, J. F. Ruiz


Sibudu, KwaZulu-Natal, Südafrika (MSA), Director N. J. Conard


Grottes de la Verpillière and Saint-Martin-sous-Montaigu, Burgundy, France (Middle/Upper Palaeolithic and Gravettian), director H. Floss


Sibudu, KwaZulu-Natal, Südafrika (MSA), Director N. J. Conard


Grottes de la Verpillière, Germolles, France (Middle/Upper Palaeolithic), director H. Floss


Börslingen, Swabian Jura (Middle/Upper Palaeolithic), director H. Floss


Deserted village Oberwürzbach, Black Forest (medieval), director K. Thode


Grottes de la Verpillière, Germolles, Burgundy, France (Middle/Upper Palaeolithic), director H. Floss


Limburg, Weilheim/Teck; Baden-Württemberg (medieval), director A. Scholz


Rebentisch, Litzenberg (2023) Kunst als Ressource im frühen Jungpaläolithikum. Fallstudien aus Ostfrankreich und dem Aurignacien der Schwäbischen Alb. Gemeinsame Verbandstagung des WSVA (87. Verbandstagung) und des MOVA (26. Verbandstagung) vom 25. – 29. September 2023 in Tübingen.

Bellat, M., Litzenberg, R., Rebentisch, A., Floss, H., Conard, N. J. & Scholten, T. (2023). Understanding the development and expansion of resource uses and access through time with the ResourceCultures concept applied in three study-cases. EAA General Assembly, Belfast, 30. August - 2. September 2023.

Rebentisch, Floss, Herkert, Ruiz López (2022) Palaeolithic cave art in Eastern France: The case of Agneux caves and the search for new rock art sites in Burgundy. VII Congreso Internacional "El arte de las sociedades prehistóricas". Cuenca, 19.-23. octubre 2022.

Herkert, Rebentisch (2022): Les travaux préhistoriques à Rully - Archéologie des Grottes de Rully. Conférence organisée par « Les Amis de Rully » avec la Municipalité de Rully, 16.09.2022 – Rully.

Rebentisch, Ruiz López, Herkert, Floss (2022): A new site with palaeolithic cave art in eastern France. The current state of work at Grottes d’Agneux in Rully (Saône-et-Loire). 63rd Annual Meeting of the Hugo Obermaier Society for Quaternary Research and Archaeology of the Stone Age in Berlin (april 19th-23rd 2022) - State of the Art.

Rebentisch, Ruiz López, Herkert, Floss (2019): The newly discovered palaeolithic cave art in the Grottes d'Agneux (Rully, Saône-et-Loire, France) and its archaeological background. Congreso Internacional “El arte de las sociedades prehistóricas (ASP 2019)”, Universidad de Alicante, Alicante, 6-9 de Noviembre 2019.

Rebentisch (2019) Die Grottes  d’Agneux bei Rully (Saône-et-Loire, Frankreich). Kolloquium der Abteilung für Ältere Urgeschichte und Quartärökologie am Institut für Ur-und Frühgeschichte Tübingen.

Floss, Hoyer, Rebentisch, Herkert, Huber, Rösch, Ruíz (2018): Between Palaeolithic cave art and modern graffiti – the Grottes d’Agneux in Rully (Saône-et-Loire, France). XVIIIe congrès mondial UISPP - Paris, 4 – 9 Juin 2018.