Logik und Sprachtheorie

Curriculum vitae

Born 1953.

University education:

1977 Staatsexamen in Philosophy and Mathematics, University of Bonn

1981 Dr. phil. in Logic and Foundational Research, University of Bonn
Thesis: "Untersuchungen zur regellogischen Deutung von Aussagenverknüpfungen"
["Investigations into the rule-based interpretation of propositional connectives"]
(Supervisors: Profs. G. Hasenjaeger, D. Prawitz)

1988 Habilitation in Philosophy, University of Konstanz
Thesis: "Structural Frameworks with Higher-Level Rules"

Positions held:

1978-1989 Research Assistant, Lecturer, University Docent, Department of Philosophy, University of Konstanz

Since 1989 Professor of Logic and Philosophy of Language, University of Tübingen
(joint appointment in the Faculty of Computer Science and the Philosophical Faculty, since 2010 in the Faculty of Science)  (emeritus since October 2019)

Offers declined:

Professor of Logic and Philosophy of Language (Free University of Berlin, 1990)

Chair of Philosophy and Philosophy of Science (University of Salzburg, Austria, 2000)

Honorary doctoral degree:

Dr. h.c., University of Belgrade, Serbia, 2015 (awarded 2016) Report Serbian TV (RTS)

Member Editorial Board:

Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic (1992-2003),
History and Philosophy of Logic (since 1993),
European Journal for Philosophy of Science (2011-2017),
Studies in Universal Logics (Birkhäuser book series, since 2006),
Trends in Logic (Springer book series, since 2012),
Bulletin of the Section of Logic (since 2018).

Program Chair:

14th Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, July 19-26, 2011     Proceedings

Secretary General and Treasurer:

DLMPS – Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, 2012-2015


DLMPST - Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology, since 2016


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