Neural Information Processing



Just Breathe

Kunstperformance und Q&A | Zentrum für Gender- und Diversitätsforschung und College of Fellows Center for Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Studies

Dienstag, 18. Juni 2024 | 18.15- bis 19.15 Uhr
Brechtbau Theater

Wilhelmstraße 30, 72074 Tübingen

Eintritt frei, Spenden willkommen

Für alle ab 12 Jahren.

The one-woman play by Tamil queer feminist performer, researcher and activist Dr. Ponni Arasu brings the performer's autobiographical expression together with stories of queer folks. The performance deals with processes of conditioning, molding, confinement, and trauma that can be part of this experience. It shows the embodied process of emerging out of this state - sometimes experienced as healing.

The play is experiential with voice and body leading the way, with no speech. Please bring an object that you associate with love and safety to use during the performance. It will be returned to you after. Thank you.

Questions and answers will be in English.
