Neural Information Processing

Modules Bachelor

Course title
Perception: Psychophysics and Modeling

Module number  KOGM3220

Type of Module Elective (Wahlpflicht)

Credits allocated  6   
Workload  180 h

Contact time  60 h / 4 SWS
Self-study   120 h

Module length
1 term

Frequency of module
Annually in the winter term

Language  English

Type of Course  Lecture course

Exam & Grading
Written exam, graded; length: 90 min; module grade corresponds to exam grade

Auditory perception: anatomy and function of the auditory system; auditory thresholds and loudness; spatial hearing and auditory scene analysis; frequency and pitch of complex auditory stimuli (speech, music).
Visual perception: Optics of the eye; spatial vision; texture, materials and colours; object recognition and scene perception; visual attention and saliency.
Psychophysics: How to study perception; levels of explanation; experimental design and signal detection theory.

Learning targets
Participants learn the central behavioural limits, concepts and psychophysical methods in selected topics of visual and auditory perception. In addition, they get to know some details of state-of-the-art computational models in these domains and their theoretical foundations.

Allowable for

  • Kognitionswissenschaft - Bachelor, Studienbereich Kognitionswissenschaft im Modul KOGM3220 Vertiefung Kognitionswissenschaft
  • Informatik - Bachelor
  • Bioinformatik - Bachelor
  • Medieninformatik - Bachelor
  • Medizininformatik - Bachelor

Prerequisites  Basic knowledge in statistics and mathematics

Course Co-ordinator  Prof. Felix Wichmann, DPhil

Suggested reading  Literature will be announced at the beginning of the lecture course.