Prof. Dr. Anna Levina (Martius)


University of Tübingen
Maria von Linden Str. 6,
2nd floor
Email-address:  anna.levinaspam

Main research:

  • Self-organization of neuronal activity
  • Critical dynamics in neuronal networks
  • Excitation/Inhibition balance in cortical circuits
  • Mathematics of criticality
  • Complex networks

Research Projects 

Short CV

since 2018
Assistant Professor for Computational Neuroscience

University of Tübingen

Group leader

University of Tübingen

IST Fellow

Institute of Science and Technology Austria

Associated researcher

Max Plank Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences

Postdoc and PI

Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience


Max Plank Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization Göttingen

Ph.D. in Mathematics

University of Göttingen

Diploma in Mathematics

St. Petersburg State University, Russia

Selected publications:

Journal articles

  • Zierenberg, J., Wilting J., Priesemann V., &  Levina A.  (2020) Tailored ensembles of neural networks optimize sensitivity to stimulus statistics Phys. Rev. Research 2, 013115.
  • Das, A., & Levina, A. (2019). Critical Neuronal Models with Relaxed Timescale Separation. Physical Review X, 9(2), 1–30.
  • Levina, A., & Priesemann, V. (2017). Subsampling scaling. Nature Communications, 8, 15140.
  • Denker, M., & Levina, A. (2016). Avalanche dynamics. Stochastics and Dynamics, 16(02), 1660005.
  • Effenberger, F., Jost, J., & Levina, A. (2015). Self-organization in Balanced State Networks by STDP and Homeostatic Plasticity. PLoS Computational Biology, 11(9), 1–30.
  • Nagler, J., Levina, A., & Timme, M. (2011). Impact of single links in competitive percolation. Nature Physics, 7(3), 265–270.
  • Levina, A., Herrmann, J. M., & Geisel, T. (2009). Phase transitions towards criticality in a neural system with adaptive interactions. Physical Review Letters, 102(11), 118110.
  • Levina, A., Herrmann, J. M., & Geisel, T. (2007). Dynamical synapses causing self-organized criticality in neural networks. Nature Physics, 3(12), 9.

Book chapters

  • Priesemann V., Levina A., Wilting J. (2019) Assessing Criticality in Experiments. In: Tomen N., Herrmann J., Ernst U. (eds) The Functional Role of Critical Dynamics in Neural Systems. Springer Series on Bio- and Neurosystems, vol 11. Springer.
  • Levina A, Herrmann JM, Geisel T. Theoretical neuroscience of self-organized criticality: from formal approaches to realistic models. Criticality in Neural Systems. 2014.

Functions and memberships:

  • Equality officer, Department of Computer Science
  • Board member of the Bernstein Center Tübingen
  • Board member of CIN

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